[Ohio-talk] Reminders

Dr. Smith jwsmithnfb at verizon.net
Wed Mar 11 00:19:48 UTC 2009

1 Have you made your Convention registration for Detroit yet?

Go to nfb.org and do so and you can save 5 dollars on both your registration and banquet tickets.

2 Remember their will be only one bus this year wich will leave from Cincinnati on July 2nd about 2 and makes stops in Dayton and Toledo before arriving in Detroit at about 8 that evening.
It will return on the morning of the 9th and get back at about 2 in the afternoon.

To reserve your seat you will need to pay a  small deposit of 20 dollars per person wich will be given back to you when you show up to claim your seat or seats.

You should contact Crystal McClain at 937:935:6188 or at mcmcclain at charter.net and make arrangements for payment and to let her know how many seats you will need.


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