[Ohio-talk] Fw: Meeting follow up

Dr. Smith jwsmithnfb at verizon.net
Thu Mar 19 00:09:06 UTC 2009

Another one for the good guys!


Dr. J. Webster Smith
President National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
P.O.BOX 458 Athens, Ohio, 45701-0458
Phone Number - 740-592-6326 
"Changing What it Means to be Blind"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Benish, Melissa" <Melissa.Benish at mail.house.gov>
To: "J. W. Smith" <jsmith1 at ohio.edu>
Cc: <jwsmithnfb at verizon.net>; <mj210407 at ohio.edu>; <beckosborn at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 5:21 PM
Subject: RE: Meeting follow up

Dr. Smith 

I just wanted to let you know that I had an opportunity to speak to the
Congressman last night - he will be signing onto the Pedestrian Safety
Enhancement Act of 2009. I am still working on the other bills -

All the Best

Melissa Benish
Legislative Assistant
Congressman Wilson 

-----Original Message-----
From: J. W. Smith [mailto:jsmith1 at ohio.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 1:44 PM
To: Benish, Melissa
Cc: jwsmithnfb at verizon.net; mj210407 at ohio.edu; beckosborn at gmail.com
Subject: Meeting follow up

Dear Melissa,

Thank you so much for meeting with us on Tuesday February 10th,
2009. You 
were so gracious and attentive and we appreciate your willingness to
our issues to Congressman Wilson. It is our hope that Congressman Wilson

will become a co-sponsor on HR 734 and HR 886 respectively. These two 
issues along with concerns about accessible technology for the Blind are

paramount issues for those of us in Ohio. Please keep me informed as to
questions the Congressman might have concerning our meeting and I will
sure that we will provide you with any necessary information that you
need to help you make the most informed decision possible.


Dr. JW Smith, President NFB of Ohio

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