[Ohio-talk] Language for contacting house members about the dear colleague letter

Barbara Pierce bbpierce at pobox.com
Tue Mar 31 14:42:42 UTC 2009

I have just sent a message to the aide I know in Marcy Kaptur's office.
Calls and messages today are essential if we are to get Ohio reps on this
letter to help students get their books. This is what I said. If it helps
you write a message or make a call to your member, please use my language.


Dear Kate,

You are probably not the person I should be contacting, but you are the one
aide in Marcy's office with whom I have contact. A delegation from the
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio met with you in early February to
discuss three issues of concern to us. I was part of that group and am a
constituent, which is why I am writing about this new matter.

The aide who deals with higher education issues is the person who should be
reading this request. I have just learned that Congressman Yarmuth of
Kentucky has written a dear colleague letter in support of funding the
commission that will study ways to provide accessible textbooks to blind
students in higher education.  This commission was created in the
reauthorization of the Higher Education Act and passed by Congress last
year. The letter endorses a number of measures that would help postsecondary
students with various disabilities. Members of the NFB are pleased to have
those measures funded, but the one we know and care passionately about is
the commission to try to resolve the problems that prevent students and
blind faculty from having access to textbooks when their peers get them.

We recognize that this is a complex problem, but we must find a fair
solution to it, and Congress decided last year that a commission to find the
answer was the best way. Ensuring an appropriation for this commission is
necessary if our hard work to date is not to have been futile. 

Blind constituents in Toledo and Bowling Green join me in urging Marcy to
add her name to this dear colleague letter. You can do it by contacting
Lillian Pace in Mr. Yarmuth's office before the close of business April 1. 

I am sorry that this request comes at the last minute, but I just learned
about the dear colleague letter. I really hope that Marcy will help us in
this effort.

Thank you,
Barbara Pierce, President Emerita, National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

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