[Ohio-talk] looking for roommates to room with at NFB State Convention in Columbus this weekend.

Lisa Hall lhall007 at cinci.rr.com
Tue Oct 27 06:22:28 UTC 2009

Hi everyone,

I am looking for someone to room with this weekend at our NFB of Ohio
I will not arrive until late Friday night probably around 7:00 P.M. or
thereafter. If you or someone you know have a room that you can share,
please let me know as quickly as possible by email or call my home number
listed below in my signature.
I will be leaving Sunday afternoon after the convention adjourns.

Lisa Hall, Braille Proofreader
Former BANA Representative for Clovernook Center for the Blind and Visually
Cincinnati, Ohio

President since 1996 of
National Association of Blind Office Professionals (NABOP), a Division of
National Federation of the Blind

Web page:

Work phone: (513) 522-3860, extension 2271
Cell phone: (513) 550-5155
Home phone: (513) 931-7070

E-mail: lhall007 at cinci.rr.com
MSN I.D.: lhall10 at satx.rr.com (no email at this address)
Skype: lisa120362
"It's not over until I win!"--Les Brown





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