[Ohio-talk] Dayton banquet

Payne, Richard L (GE Capital) richard.payne at ge.com
Tue Dec 7 18:43:10 UTC 2010

This past Saturday the Dayton chapter had it's third annual  banquet.
There were around 50 people  there.
We titled it around the race for independence. Kelly Prescott was the
key note  speaker he done a very good job.      . The state president
Dr. Smith and the state vice Eric Duffy                        .
Paul and his crew attended also. Cindy and Jim was there to support the
event and Kyle because he played for us.
 We had 3 chapters in attendance. Goodwill and home based arts were also
there. Debbie William Ittis was there as our guest. The greater Dayton
transit was  represented by Frank and they gave a placket in memory of
Ron. The Dayton chapter gave a very nice one to her to. 
Cassandra Jones from Wright state was there.. We gave door prizes and
other awards out. The sponsor made the announcement that he would be a
sponsor again next year. I know it would be hard to tell you all of the
high lights of this event but you should have been there. Richard

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