[Ohio-talk] Fw: EMMA's Olmstead report "Balancing and Beyond" plus questions

Dr. Smith jwsmithnfb at verizon.net
Thu Feb 11 01:38:35 UTC 2010



Dr. J. Webster Smith
President National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
P.O.BOX 458 Athens, Ohio, 45701-0458
Phone Number - 740-592-6326 
"Changing What it Means to be Blind"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Sammons, Elizabeth 
To: 'OlmsteadTaskforce at yahoogroups.com' 
Cc: 'Larke Recchie' ; Izzo, Margo ; 'Lissner.2 at osu.edu' ; Tasse, Marc ; 'Trudy Sharp' ; 'Seifarth, Mark' ; 'Jarvis, Paul' ; Smith, Reginald ; 'tango_lady at sbcglobal.net' ; 'jwsmithnfb at verizon.net' ; 'Edward Corbett' ; 'Cynthia Johnson' 
Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2010 11:26 AM
Subject: EMMA's Olmstead report "Balancing and Beyond" plus questions



I just received this and also converted the PDF to an accessible text version. Please feel free to review both the report and the questions to be discussed )below in the text of this email.) I hope that you will be able to attend the upcoming review(s) either Feb. 26 or March 19.


Though stated below, I'm pasting in here, so that you don't ask me what I cannot provide directly. If you plan to attend one or both of these stakeholder meetings please R.S.V.P. to Tamiyka.Koger at governor.ohio.gov  with the date(s) you plan to attend and the location by February 19, 2010.  

I'm just the messenger.



Elizabeth Sammons





February 10, 2010



Dear Friends,


The EMMA Council and RSC Administrator invite you to review the draft Plan, "Balancing and Beyond:  A Vision for Community Services and Supports for Individuals with Disabilities"- formerly "The Ohio Access Plan".  This Plan responds to the Olmstead decision by demonstrating that Ohio is committed to providing choice in terms of long-term services and supports.  Moreover, the Plan also highlights Ohio's various services and supports across the lifespan, including education, housing and employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.  


The Plan is separated into ten sections.  We invite you to share your views by responding to the following questions during stakeholder meetings on February 26th. Responses to the questions will be reported out from each region on March 19th and next steps will be discussed regarding the plan. 


If you plan to attend one or both of these stakeholder meetings please R.S.V.P. to Tamiyka.Koger at governor.ohio.gov  with the date(s) you plan to attend and the location by February 19, 2010.  If you have any questions, or need special accommodations please contact Ms. Koger at 614-995-4855.


Questions to consider for the February 26th meeting


1.        Do you believe that this draft plan accurately portrays what is currently being done in Ohio as it relates to publicly funded long-term services and supports for people with disabilities? If not, what is missing?

2.        What additional strategies could Ohio implement to improve choice and services for people with disabilities?

3.        Given limited resources, where should dollars be invested and/or reinvested in the next state budget for Ohio's system of long-term services and supports in order to maximize flexibility, accessibility, and affordability?

4.        Long-term (meaning beyond the next state budget), where would you like to see Ohio invest and/or reinvest dollars as it relates to services and supports for individuals with disabilities?





Regional Meetings

                        The stakeholder meetings will be February 26th and March 19th from 1:00 - 4:00 pm at the following locations:


Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission

400 East Campus View Blvd

Columbus, Ohio 43235





Video conference sites:


      RSC North Area Office

      14650 Detroit Avenue

      Suite 400

      Lakewood, OH  44107

      (216) 227-3250
     RSC Youngstown Office

      242 Federal Plaza West

      Suite 403

      Youngstown, OH  44503

      (330) 797-9980
     RSC Athens Office

      86 Columbus Road

      Suite 103

      Athens, OH  

      (740) 592-4411
      RSC Toledo Office

      5241 Southwyck Boulevard

      Suite 200

      Toledo, OH  43614

      (419) 866-5811
     RSC Cincinnati Centennial Office

      Centennial Plaza III

      895 Central Avenue, 7th floor

      Cincinnati, OH  45202

      (513) 852-3260

      All meeting sites are the same on March 19th with the exception of Cincinnati Centennial.  The Cincinnati video conferencing site on March 19th will be at:


      RSC Southwest Area Office

      8050 Beckett Center Dr.

      Suite 216

      West Chester, OH  45069



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