[Ohio-talk] Fw: [NFBAffiliatePresidents] PAC Update

Dr. JW Smith jwsmithnfb at frontier.com
Fri Sep 17 00:52:33 UTC 2010

I'm sure that you will be hearing more from Paul Dressell about this but I 
wanted you to know just where we were.


Dr. J. Webster Smith
President National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
P.O.BOX 458 Athens, Ohio, 45701-0458
Phone Number - 740-592-6326
"Changing What it Means to be Blind"
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott C. LaBarre" <slabarre at labarrelaw.com>
To: "NFB Affiliate Presidents List" <nfbaffiliatepresidents at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 4:49 PM
Subject: [NFBAffiliatePresidents] PAC Update

Friends, below is the most recent PAC data.  As you will see, the movement 
upward is great.  This data now fully reflects the changes made at national 
convention.  My hope is that we can take this momentum through the Fall 
convention season and push total PAC over $400,000.00.  Thanks to everyone 
for their hard work!  The only other comment I would make  is that I draw 
your attention to a change in the number two and three positions.    Sorry 

~cNational Federation of the Blind
~cPAC Report - States Ranked by Pledge
~cRun Date: 9/10/2010
rank; state; pledge; members; average; year-to-date
1. Maryland; $4,424.50; 115; $38.47; $34,573.00
2. Colorado; $2,384.00; 54; $44.15; $16,373.00
3. Virginia; $2,209.50; 390; $24.55; $17,341.00
4. Louisiana; $1,726.00; 66; $26.15; $12,318.00
5. Minnesota; $1,685.00; 34; $49.56; $13,618.00
6. California; $1,587.50; 87; $18.25; $11,598.00
7. Missouri; $1,259.50; 37; $34.04; $9,601.00
8. Iowa; $1,072.50; 43; $25.54; $8,078.00
9. South Carolina; $1,055.00; 69; $15.29; $8,463.00
10. New York; $1,027.00; 29; $35.41; $8,136.00
11. Nebraska; $1,013.00; 44; $23.02; $8,224.00
12. Arizona; $919.00; 38; $24.18; $7,622.00
13. Ohio; $915.50; 40; $22.89; $7,226.00
14. Idaho; $902.00; 29; $31.10; $6,642.00
15. Texas; $724.50; 40; $18.11; $5,508.50
16. Utah; $642.00; 32; $20.06; $4,201.00
17. Washington; $553.00; 27; $20.48; $4,203.00
18. Florida; $551.00; 30; $18.37; $4,028.00
19. Alabama; $453.00; 20; $22.65; $3,089.00
20. New Mexico; $447.50; 27; $16.57; $3,345.00
21. Indiana; $447.50; 21; $21.31; $3,306.50
22. Puerto Rico; $445.00; 3; $148.33; $3,420.00
23. Tennessee; $425.00; 16; $26.56; $2,840.00
24. North Carolina; $422.00; 26; $16.23; $3,212.00
25. Michigan; $419.50; 19; $22.08; $3,121.00
26. Georgia; $416.00; 20; $20.80; $3,171.00
27. Illinois; $406.50; 17; $23.91; $2,531.00
28. Kentucky; $362.00; 15; $24.13; $2,847.00
29. New Jersey; $342.00; 27; $12.67; $2,624.00
30. Mississippi; $338.50; 19; $17.82; $2,645.50
31. Kansas; $305.00; 14; $21.79; $2,300.00
32. District of Columbia; $280.00; 5; $56.00; $2,240.00
33. Pennsylvania; $247.00; 15; $16.47; $1,899.00
34. Oregon; $242.00; 19; $12.74; $1,901.00
35. Massachusetts; $235.00; 14; $16.79; $1,810.00
36. Wisconsin; $234.50; 15; $15.63; $1,826.00
37. Connecticut; $217.50; 15; $14.50; $1,730.00
38. Montana; $209.00; 6; $34.83; $1,723.00
39. Hawaii; $162.00; 7; $23.14; $1,261.00
40. West Virginia; $120.00; 10; $12.00; $895.00
41. Delaware; $110.00; 7; $15.71; $810.00
42. Alaska; $100.00; 1; $100.00; $800.00
43. South Dakota; $88.00; 7; $12.57; $641.50
44. Arkansas; $80.00; 7; $11.43; $325.00
45. Rhode Island; $77.00; 5; $15.40; $476.00
46. Oklahoma; $60.00; 6; $10.00; $415.00
47. New Hampshire; $47.00; 3; $15.67; $241.00
48. Nevada; $15.00; 2; $7.50; $120.00
49. Wyoming; $15.00; 2; $7.50; $120.00
50. Vermont; $10.00; 1; $10.00; $45.00
51. North Dakota; $7.50; 1; $7.50; $60.00
Totals: $32,436.50; 1296; $25.05; $245,544.00

Scott C. LaBarre, Esq.

LaBarre Law Offices P.C.
1660 South Albion Street, Ste. 918
Denver, Colorado 80222
303 504-5979 (voice)
303 757-3640 (fax)
slabarre at labarrelaw.com (e-mail)
www.labarrelaw.com (website)

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