[Ohio-talk] Happy Birthday Stranger

DAVID COHEN DCOHEN3 at woh.rr.com
Wed Jan 12 01:52:33 UTC 2011

Eric I did not know that today is the day that the one who pointed me in the best of directions over twenty years ago is celebrating a birthday.  Happy birthday my friend!

Many times in the past 10-15 years I have thought of you with gratitude and appreciation for all that you are and all that you did for me in those early days.  The example you set for me and the confidence you instilled in me has lasted for 20 years.  But most importantly Eric, thanks for making a "stranger" laugh at the Holiday Inn when I was enroute for soda all those years ago.  This is a great story I have that keeps me laughing to this day.

My best to you in 2011,

David Cohen

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