[Ohio-talk] FW: A Message from Jerry Munden at Prodigy

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Thu Mar 17 21:33:37 UTC 2011

I want to make sure nobody missed this post full of
resources for blind diabetics.  =)

Strive On!

----- original message ----- 
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 19:34:34 -0500
From: David Andrews <dandrews at visi.com>
Subject: [Diabetes-talk] FW: A Message from Jerry
Munden at Prodigy

I have been asked to circulate the following:

Prodigy provides Accessible Diabetes Products
and instruction material on how to Live Healthy with
Blindness and Diabetes

Prodigy  continues to serve more of our vision 
impaired friends with our NFB and AFB Access 
Award winning Prodigy Voice? meter and test 
strips, as well as the accessible insulin 
delivery device; the Prodigy Count-a-dose?.
In addition to our accessible products, Prodigy 
realizes that Education is Key for healthy 
living, so we have added to our website:
    * The NFB audio book, "Bridging the Gap, 
 Living with Blindness and Diabetes," authored 
 by 19 experts in the blindness and diabetes field.
    * The new training ?Tools and Techniques for 
 Managing Diabetes Non-Visually?.  Produced and 
 directed by renowned Blind Industries and 
 Services of Maryland (BISM). This training 
 demonstrates the skills for living well with 
 diabetes using non-visual techniques. 
 Instruction is presented by Lynn Baillif, MS, 
 RD, LDN, CDE, a blind diabetes educator, and 
 includes a demonstration on how to use the 
 Prodigy Voice? and Prodigy Count-a-dose? products.
    * The article due out in consumer diabetes 
 magazines this spring, ?Adaptive Blood Glucose
Monitoring with Vision Loss,?
authored by Debra Sokol-McKay, MS, CVRT, CLVT, CDE,
    * Prodigy adds diabetes educator Dave Joffe, 
 BSPharm, CDE, CPT, Clinical Associate Professor 
 College of Pharmacy University of Florida, to the
Prodigy Team.
    * Get ready . . . on June 9, 2011 at 12:00 
 pm EST, Hadley School for the Blind will host a 
 ?Living Well with Diabetes? webinar.
Key speakers include:
?        Margaret E. Cleary, Rehabilitation Nurse
?        Naomi Tuttle, Instructor The Hadley School for
the Blind
?        Jerry Munden, Vice President of 
Business Development Prodigy Diabetes Care, LLC

To sign up for a Seminar at Hadley:

1) Go to <http://www.hadley.edu/www.hadley.edu
2) Click on "Seminars at Hadley"
3) Click on "Registration" and enter required
4) You'll receive an email with your "password"
5) On the day of the seminar, Login at ?Registered
Participants Login? with:
-User name: first name & last name
-Your Password
6) You may have to download a plug-in before signing on
7) When you enter, to use your mike, simply hold 
down the control key and speak.

Registration starts on the day the webinar is 
advertised on the Hadley home page, usually 
about 2 weeks before the webinar is presented. 
If you do not wish to ask questions, you can 
listen or text questions via the chat room. If 
you can't attend, all webinars are archived and 
can be found at 
<http://www.hadley.edu/www.hadley.edu under the 
heading: "Past Seminars." Anyone can download or 
stream them. Hope to see you there!

Prodigy makes the helpful training aids 
available to all Prodigy customers, for free, 
in the Low Vision Center. Also, keep up-to-date 
on Prodigy Announcements: 
here and subscribe to our Low Vision and Blind
Organization News Room!

Prodigy continues to work to provide new, 
accessible products to fit the needs of all 
diabetics, especially the blind and low vision. 
Please be advised that the release dates for the 
Prodigy IQ Pump? and the Prodigy IQ Patch? has 
not been set. As soon as the dates are 
announced, your organizations will be the first to

       ** Use Prodigy Products and Help Us to Help You

Please contact me at 704-285-6454 or Bernadette 
Jacobs at 410-455-5311 
(<mailto:bandbjacobs at verizon.netbandbjacobs@verizon.net
with any questions you may have.

Here to Help,

Jerry Munden (Living well with Type I for 30+ years ...
and you can too!)
Vice President of Business Development
Prodigy Diabetes Care, LLC
Phone: 704-285-6454   Fax: 704-285-6495
<mailto:jerrym at prodigymeter.comjerrym@prodigymeter.com
Web: <http://www.prodigymeter.com/www.prodigymeter.com

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