[Ohio-talk] fyi FW: Emailing: Guide For Local and State Leaders National Federation of the Blind

Richard rchpay7 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 20 18:38:09 UTC 2011

I was looking up information to help a chapter president and found this it
is worth reading. Richard

Guide for Local and State Leaders
National Federation of the Blind

by Ramona Walhof

Marc Maurer, President
1800 Johnson Street  Baltimore, Maryland 21230
Telephone:  (410) 659-9314
Web site address: http://www.nfb.org


Table of Contents


Section 1.    A Brief History
Section 2.    NFB Philosophy
Section 3.    Constitutions
Section 4.    President
Section 5.    Role of National President
Section 6.    Vice Presidents
Section 7.    Secretary
Section 8.    Treasurer  
Section 9.    Board Members
Section 10.  Role of National Board
Section 11.  NFB Headquarters
Section 12.  Campaigning
Section 13.  Dues
Section 14.  Committees
Section 15.  Divisions   
Section 16.  Groups

Section 17.  Local Chapter Meetings
Section 18.  Presidential Releases
Section 19.  State Conventions
Section 20.  National Conventions
Section 21.  Resolutions
Section 22.  Washington Seminar

Section 23.  State and Chapter Publications
Section 24.  Free Reading Matter for the Blind Mailing Privilege
Section 25.  Braille Monitor
Section 26.  Kernel Books
Section 27.  Walking Alone and Marching Together  
Section 28.  Future Reflections
Section 29.  Voice of the Diabetic
Section 30.  Voice of the Nation’s Blind
Section 31.  Annual Report
Section 32.  Presidential Report
Section 33.  Other NFB Literature You Should Read    

Section 34.  Advocacy
Section 35.  National Legislation
Section 36.  State Legislation
Section 37.  Agency Relations
Section 38.  Public Transportation
Section 39.  Reaching out to the Newly Blind
Section 40.  Membership Recruitment
Section 41.  Leadership Development
Section 42.  Project Suggestions

Section 43.  General Information
Section 44.  Chapter and State Fundraising
Section 45.  Fundraising Suggestions     
Section 46.  National Fundraising
Section 47.  PAC
Section 48.  Imagination Fund
Section 49.  SUN
Section 50.  Jernigan Fund
Section 51.  Contracts with Professional Fundraisers     
Section 52.  Special Events
Section 54.  Fundraising Goals

Section 55.  NFB-NEWSLINE®
Section 56.  Independence Market
Section 57.  International Braille and Technology Center for the Blind
Section 58.  Scholarships
Section 59.  NFB Training Centers

Section 60.  Public Service Announcements
Section 61.  Press and News Coverage
Section 62.  Speaking Engagements
Section 63.  Phone Book Listings
Section 64.  Web Sites
Section 65.  E-mail and Listservs

Section 66.  Coalitions
Section 67.  Teamwork
Section 68.  Looking to the Future



You have just been elected to office in a chapter or state affiliate of the
National Federation of the Blind.  You want to do a good job and build a
strong chapter.  You know a few people in your state and perhaps some from
other parts of the country.  They are good resources to use, but you do not
wish to pester them, and sometimes it is hard to know exactly what questions
to ask.  You have participated in other organizations, but you know that
practices and procedures vary from group to group.  What resources are

I have met many people in this position.  Perhaps most of us were in a
similar situation at one time or another.  I have also met many people who
are faced with a new circumstance and wonder whether they have the
experience and knowledge to handle it as well as they would like.
Therefore, I have decided to try to help.  I am not an authority on
everything.  However, I would like to share my experience and observations
if that is useful.

I have been a member of the National Federation of the Blind for forty
years.  I served as a state president and on the National Board for more
than a decade.  I have participated and observed as the organization has
grown and become much more complex.  I have helped to organize new chapters
and state affiliates.  I have participated in at least one activity in all
but one of our fifty-two affiliates.  I have chaired committees at the
national, state, and local levels.  I have worked at the National Center for
the Blind and held office in several different divisions.  In my travels and
activities, I hear questions that can be answered in a straightforward
manner.  Yet, no one can know all the answers.  Picking answers out of the
minds of long-time members is a very inefficient way to obtain information,
although it can be a good one.

In this guide, I am attempting to collect as many answers to as many
questions as I can.  I hope it will prove useful to new leaders.  It may
also be a reference for those who have been active for some time.  As we
take new positions and responsibilities, we may find that a piece of
information was missed along the way.  I am still learning and expect to
continue to do so.  Therefore, I cannot know all the answers.  But I hope I
have learned enough to be helpful.

Although this guide is not intended primarily for reading or study from
beginning to end, some may choose to use it that way.  It is intended as a
reference when action is not quite clear.  Because this is a reference
guide, you will find some repetition when matters are raised in more than
one part.  If ever there is to be a second edition, comments and suggestions
will be welcome.

This guide is not meant to list rules, although when there are requirements,
it should help you find them.  Rather, it is intended to show practices and
precedents that have worked well in the Federation.  Sometimes it is
impossible to divide requirements from practices.  Chapters need not mimic
one another.  They can borrow ideas from each other, and we are always
looking for new ideas and approaches.  This guide is an attempt to provide a
foundation in what we do and why we do it.  New approaches and ideas based
on a firm foundation are more likely to work and increase the effectiveness
of chapters and state affiliates.

Congratulations on your election.  You are welcome in the movement.  I hope
and believe your experience will be as rich as mine has been and continues
to be.                

Ramona Walhof 

 back to contents  <> 



Section 1.  A Brief History

It would be impossible to include a complete history of the National
Federation of the Blind (NFB) in one section of this little book.  The
official history of the Federation’s first fifty years, Walking Alone and
Marching Together, is over eleven hundred pages long!  Nonetheless, it is
useful to understand a little about the organization’s history before we
discuss its structure and leadership.

The National Federation of the Blind was founded in November 1940, by a law
professor named Dr. Jacobus tenBroek and fifteen other individuals
representing seven states.  Prior to the establishment of the NFB, there had
been state organizations of blind people.  Dr. tenBroek and the others who
founded the Federation recognized, however, that such state organizations
would never truly change the plight of blind Americans (which was dire
indeed in 1940) without concerted action at the national level.  The
Federation gradually grew during the 1940s, and more state organizations of
the blind joined as affiliates.  These years saw the Federation push for and
achieve major reform in the Social Security and welfare laws of the United
States, thereby ameliorating the abject poverty of most blind Americans at
that time.  In the early 1950s, Dr. tenBroek met a young man named Kenneth
Jernigan, who became Dr. tenBroek’s protégée.  In 1958, Jernigan applied for
and received the position of director of the Iowa Commission for the Blind,
which was at that time the worst state agency serving the blind in the
nation.  Jernigan set about expanding the commission and instituting a
training program for blind adults that set the standard for vocational
rehabilitation of the blind in this country.  Three training centers
operated by affiliates of the National Federation of the Blind exist today
following the model Dr. Jernigan established in Iowa.  Also during the 1950s
the Federation fought for improvements in the plight of blind people
employed in sheltered workshops, specifically winning the right of such
workers to organize and negotiate for better labor conditions with the
agencies that employed them.  The Federation continued to grow, but some in
the organization were jealous of Dr. tenBroek and wanted leadership
positions for themselves.  Divisions within the organization became so
bitter that in 1961, Dr. tenBroek resigned as president to try to calm
things down.  At that same convention, some of the member affiliates split
from the Federation and formed the American Council of the Blind.  Over the
next few years, however, the Federation regained its momentum, and Dr.
tenBroek was reelected to the presidency in 1966.  When Dr. tenBroek died
tragically of cancer in 1968, Dr. Jernigan was elected president, and he
continued to be reelected to that position until 1986.  In 1978, he resigned
from the Iowa Commission for the Blind and moved to Baltimore, where he
spearheaded the purchase and renovation of the building that still serves as
part of the national headquarters of the NFB.  At the 1985 NFB National
Convention, Dr. Jernigan announced that he would not seek reelection the
following year and would instead support Marc Maurer, an accomplished
attorney who had already held several leadership positions in the
Federation, at the following year’s convention.  Dr. Jernigan was so widely
respected that Dr. Maurer was elected unanimously the following year, and
has been reelected every two years until the time of this writing.  Dr.
Jernigan continued to play an active role in the work of the National
Federation of the Blind until his death from cancer in 1998.  All three of
our most outstanding presidents have carried the title “doctor” because they
have received either full or honorary doctoral degrees due to their personal
academic achievements or their work on behalf of the blind.  In January 2004
the NFB opened the National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute, the
first research and training center in the United States for the blind led by
the blind.

Section 2.  NFB Philosophy

Consider the following statements carefully.  “It is respectable to be
blind.”  “With proper training and opportunity, the average blind person can
do the average job in the average place of business, and do it as well as
sighted colleagues.”  “The biggest problem of blindness is not the lack of
eyesight, but rather the common public attitude that blind people are less
capable than they truly are.”  “Techniques exist that make it possible for
blind people to do the things they want to do at work, at home, and in their
communities.”  “The primary limitations of blindness are the inability to
read print and the inability to drive: nuisances, not disasters.”  If these
statements are true (and we believe they are) then blindness can be reduced
to the level of a physical nuisance.  Federation philosophy is as simple and
as far-reaching as this.  The implications of these few statements are
complex and require education and training for blind people and for
professionals in work for the blind, as well as education of the general

Coming to understand and believe this philosophy cannot happen just because
certain statements make sense.  We must learn to live it.  All of us
(sighted and blind alike) have absorbed attitudes from society that cause us
to sell blind people short from time to time.  Our goal is to do it less
often and to help others to learn to do it less often.  Any of the above
statements can be quoted incorrectly or out of context.  Many statements are
falsely attributed to be NFB philosophy.

There are those who say we do not believe in using partial vision.  Nothing
could be further from the truth, and I know of nothing in our literature
that would indicate such a thing. Nevertheless, we do not believe a person
can necessarily function better because of partial vision than without it.
It may be convenient and should be used.  That is all.  It is also said by
some that the NFB opposes the use of guide dogs.  This is also not true; in
fact, the NFB has a division of guide dog users.  The NFB believes that all
blind people should learn to use a long white cane before making a final
choice about whether they will continue to use a cane or a guide dog, but
this does not mean that we oppose the use of guide dogs.  A third example of
a philosophical statement falsely attributed to the NFB is that blind people
should not accept any assistance from any sighted person under any
circumstances.  Dr. Jernigan addressed this false belief in his important
speech “The Nature of Independence.”

If you ordered this book with a supplemental packet of NFB literature, you
will find many important speeches and articles in the packet that address
and expand upon NFB philosophy.  If you did not order the packet, you will
find a recommended reading list in Section 23 that will help you understand
our philosophy.  Read the literature.  Discuss blindness with your friends
and fellow Federationists.  Sometimes we have debates about whether a
particular policy that we are considering adopting is consistent with NFB
philosophy, and such debates are not a bad thing.  However, as is discussed
elsewhere in this guide, once a resolution of the question is reached, the
organization must stand behind it. 

Section 3.  Constitutions

Being a federation, the National Federation of the Blind consists of many
organizations; it is organized at the local, state, and national levels.
Local chapters are the most basic units of the National Federation of the
Blind.  Your local chapter generally holds a business meeting approximately
once a month.  It is a part of your state affiliate, and has voted that it
wished to be so.  The elected board or membership of the state affiliate
voted that it wanted your local chapter to be a part of it.  Thus, we try to
coordinate the work and activities of chapters within each state affiliate
of the NFB.  A similar relationship exists between the state affiliate and
the national organization.  State affiliates have voted to become part of
the NFB, and the NFB Board or convention has voted to include each state
affiliate.  This decision is unlikely to be changed.  A few state affiliates
have only one local chapter, but that can change whenever a group of people
takes the necessary steps to form a new chapter.

The National Federation of the Blind first adopted its National Constitution
at its founding convention in 1940.  This document has been amended many
times.  It specifies the basic structure and operation of the organization.
The National Constitution is reprinted in Appendix A of this guide, but you
do not necessarily need to read it word for word.  Local chapters, state
affiliates, and divisions all have adopted their own constitutions.  Many of
these constitutions are based on a “Model Constitution” which is printed in
Appendix B of this guide.

State and local constitutions must be in compliance with all the provisions
of the 
Constitution of the National Federation of the Blind.  To be sure of this
compliance, each state constitution and all amendments to state
constitutions must be submitted to the NFB President before they become
binding.  Local chapter constitutions are submitted to state affiliate
presidents for the same purpose.

If your chapter is new, it should have adopted a constitution when it was
organized.  If your chapter is not new, you should have received its
constitution from your predecessor.  If you do not find it, you will need to
request a copy from the state or national president. 
NFB constitutions are not very detailed, but they contain the requirements
by which local chapters and state affiliates are governed.  They spell out
who can be members of the organization and how to join.  They list officers
and board positions and show how to elect people to these positions.  They
specify the amount of dues or how dues should be determined.  They explain
the obligations between chapters and state affiliates and between state
affiliates and the national body.  Constitutions include an article or
amendment that shows the requirement for making changes.  Most NFB
constitutions state that the duties of each officer shall be those
ordinarily associated with that office.  Therefore, we will discuss
officers’ responsibilities in more detail in the following sections.

Section 4.  President

Dr. Kenneth Jernigan was our second outstanding national president,
following founding president Dr. Jacobus tenBroek.  He explained that
leadership does not automatically come to a person just because he or she is
elected to office.  He said that you must take leadership.  By this, he
meant that a leader must take initiative in keeping with the understandings
and goals of the organization.  We expect our presidents to lead in a
variety of ways, such as the following:  make proposals to the organization,
stay well-informed about what the NFB is doing beyond the chapter, serve as
spokesman for the organization in activities outside the chapter, contact
members to see how they are coming with their projects, ask for and give
advice.  If someone is unhappy with what is going on in the chapter, the
president must attempt to answer questions and concerns that person has. The
president must try to avoid problems and solve them when they occur.   
The NFB has a history of strong presidents.  We expect our presidents to
manage the expenditures of the organization, to appoint and coordinate the
work of committees, to plan agendas of meetings, and to preside at meetings.
Presidents grow into the job over a period of months or years. 
Of course, in order for a person to be elected, the membership must believe
that he or she will make good decisions.  In addition, the president must
have enough skill to work with people within and outside of the
organization.  If you have been elected president, you have already
demonstrated some of these skills, but do not assume that the hard part is
over.  On the other hand, do not expect perfection from yourself.  Each
president learns with experience and becomes stronger as his or her term
continues.  If the membership is not happy with the work of the president,
it can vote him/her out of office at the next election.  This provides the
balance to keep strong presidents effective and responsive to the

NFB Constitutions do not provide for term limits.  Many presidents do a
better job during their second or third terms than during the first.  We
have found that there are so few people who are willing and able to take on
the responsibilities of the presidency that we tend to encourage good
presidents to continue in office as long as they wish or until someone else
is found who can do a better job.  Most good presidents are working to find
and groom their successors.  Nevertheless, it is important that presidents
stand for reelection periodically, so that it is clear to all that the
majority of the members are in support of the president.  The membership
must be satisfied with the leadership of the group for the organization to
be healthy.  

There are many other positions of leadership besides president, but the
president should coordinate the work of all leaders.  When an officer
decides not to run again (for whatever reason), the group must find the best
person to replace that officer.  If someone else in the organization
believes he or she can do a better job as president than the existing
leader, the Constitution provides that active members in good standing may
run for office.  Especially when a chapter is new or very small, there are
times when the best leader is reluctant to take on the responsibility.  Do
not sell yourself short.  If you are very sure there is a better person in
your group, do your best to persuade that individual to run for that office.
If you succeed, it is good for you and good for the chapter.  If you do not
succeed, and you want the chapter to thrive and continue to be active, stand
for election.  Take the job and do your best.  If you can get the votes, you
are probably the right one for the job.  The NFB has many excellent leaders
of chapters and state affiliates.  You may be one of them. 

The president and vice president of each affiliate and chapter must be
blind.  We have found that the principal spokesman of an organization of the
blind is most effective when that person is blind.

Section 5.   Role of National President

We expect our national president to carry a very heavy load and to have a
lot of power.   In order to be sure the membership is satisfied with his
leadership, he must stand for reelection every two years.   Since we expect
so much of our president, all the rest of us must help him as much as we
can.   We need continually to provide him with information about our
activities and problems, about our accomplishments, and about relationships
with other programs for the blind.

The most efficient way to provide this information is by letter, unless the
data must reach him immediately.   He can read mail at his convenience,
while phone calls tend to take more time and are not always convenient.
Because of the President’s busy schedule, e-mail is not generally any faster
than regular mail, but he reads e-mail as he can.
What do we expect our president to do?

1.  Manage, hire, and supervise the national staff and the activities of the
national office.
2.  Represent us at meetings around the world in negotiations, informative
presentations, and cooperative efforts with other programs for the blind.
3.  Manage our finances, including investments and fundraising.
4.  Coordinate with fifty-two state affiliates and twenty-seven plus
divisions and attend or send representatives to state conventions and other
NFB activities as appropriate.
5.  Appoint committees and supervise their work.
6.  Write and deliver or delegate another person to write and deliver a
top-quality banquet speech annually. (Since the 1960s, all banquet speeches
have been delivered by the President except in 1990 and 1997 when Dr.
Jernigan was the banquet speaker.)
7.  Deliver to the convention an annual Presidential Report of Federation
8.  Preside at conventions and board meetings.
9.  Write stories for Kernel Books.
10.  Write articles for the Monitor.
11.  Coordinate the writing and administration of grants we request and
receive for various projects.
12.  Supervise legal and legislative projects of the Federation.
13.  Think up new ideas and implement them.
14.  Allocate space in our buildings to the best advantage and supervise
remodeling and construction from time to time.
15.  Prevent problems and solve the ones that cannot be prevented.

It is astonishing that the Federation has found three outstanding men who
have been able to do this job so well that the Federation has become the
leading force in work with the blind in this country and in the world.   Dr.
tenBroek and Dr. Jernigan were outstanding leaders and made very high
commitments to the Federation.  Dr. Maurer has continued and accelerated the
growth and activities in a way that could never have been anticipated by old
timers like me.   It is equally true that our president could not do what he
does without coordinating his efforts with the entire membership.   The NFB
is truly a movement.  It is exciting to be a part of this work, but work it
is! The need continues for more and better leaders to continue to make the
country and the world a better place for the blind.  Without the kind of
president that Dr. Maurer is, we could not be what we are.

Section 6.  Vice Presidents

Each state affiliate generally has a first vice president and a second vice
president.  In a few states there may be one or three vice presidents.
Chapters have one or two.  In the absence of the president, the first vice
president must do everything the president would do.  If the president is
absent for a meeting, the first vice president should preside.  If the
president is on vacation and a member dies or is hospitalized, the first
vice president may authorize the customary expression of sympathy (card,
flowers, et cetera), unless this responsibility has previously been given to
another specific person or committee. If the president has made arrangements
to handle a matter during his/her absence, there is no need for anyone to
interfere with what has been planned unless there are unexpected

For example, the president is called out of town unexpectedly because of a
death in his/her family.  There is a chapter social scheduled during the
time the president is away.  There is a committee to handle arrangements for
the social, but the president was expected to welcome members and guests and
make a few comments about the organization.  Normally, the first vice
president would work with the committee chair and fill in where the
president was expected to speak.  But the committee would still handle the
arrangements for the rest of the activities.  In the absence of both the
president and the first vice president, the second vice president has the
responsibility.  This is rare, but can happen.

Some affiliates and chapters assign specific responsibilities to either or
both vice presidents.  These responsibilities may include fundraising,
membership, public relations, or other responsibilities.  More often, one or
both of these people volunteer for a given job.  This tends to work well,
since we tend to take work more seriously when we volunteer to do it.  Most
presidents turn to vice presidents for advice and information as needed.

If the president is unable to complete the term, the first vice president
succeeds to the presidency, and the second vice president becomes the first
vice president.  If both the president and the first vice president are
unable to complete their terms, the second vice president succeeds to the
presidency.  If the first vice president should decline to serve as
president, the second vice president would be in line to move up to the
presidency.  Some constitutions may provide something different about the
succession, but if nothing is specified, the natural succession is as
described above.

Section 7.  Secretary

Some organizations have two secretaries: a recording secretary and a
correspondence secretary.  This practice is neither necessary nor wrong.
The secretary records the minutes of meetings, handles correspondence for
the president if requested to do so, keeps a record of paid members, and
often keeps records of blind people in the area who have not yet joined the
NFB.  Some presidents prefer to handle their own correspondence; and there
is nothing wrong with this arrangement.  Either the president or the
secretary may store records of the organization.  Whether one or the other
has an extra room or closet in his or her home or office may make the
difference.  Most chapters and state affiliates accumulate quite a bit of
information that should be archived for use as needed.  Secretaries may do
their work in print, on the computer, or in Braille. 

Section 8.  Treasurer

The principal job of the treasurer is to take care of the finances of the
organization under the direction of the president.  Presidents should
authorize treasurers to write checks.  Authorization may be accomplished
merely by signing bills to request that they be paid or by using a form like
the sample printed here.
 Text Box: Authorization Form Date ____________ Treasurer
___________________________________________ Name of Chapter or Affiliate
______________________________________________ Please make a check in the
amount of $___________________ Payable to ________________________ for
__________________________________ President’s Signature

Treasurers should keep detailed records of all expenditures and income of
the organization and sign checks.  Treasurers should make reports at chapter
meetings and board meetings as requested.  Correct treasurers’ reports at
meetings should not be merely a listing of checks.  Treasurers should keep
records of what is spent by category, such as fundraising cost, membership,
supplies, phone, travel (including local), etc.  Categories for income are
also appropriate: donations, dues, candy sale or fundraising, etc.  Even if
the chapter has previously voted to spend money ($100 for a door prize for
national convention, for example), the president should still write an
authorization to permit the treasurer to write the check.  If the president
prefers to have the treasurer bring authorization forms to him or her for
signing after reading of the treasurer’s report, this approach will work.  

There may be repeat expenditures, which can be authorized for a period of
time.  For example, a president may authorize the payment of a local phone
bill for a year by showing that up to $---- should be paid monthly to the
phone company as bills are received.  If phone bills exceed the specified
amount, the president would need to be consulted.  

It is my recommendation that both the president and the treasurer review
bank statements.  Many state constitutions require that the treasurer must
be bonded.  This should not be necessary for chapters unless they have large
amounts of money.  Bonding costs at least $100 per year.

In order to establish a bank account, an organization must have a tax
identification number (TIN) from the IRS.  The IRS can assign this number by
telephone.  Assignment of a TIN does not establish that your group is
nonprofit according to Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code.  All fifty-two
state affiliates of the Federation are now tax-exempt.  Chapters need not
apply for a separate 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.  In some states, all
chapters use the same tax identification number.  If this is the case,
chapter treasurers need to report enough information to the state treasurer
so that the 990 (the required IRS form for nonprofit tax-exempt
organizations) can be filed correctly. 

Nonprofit organizations are required to file 990 tax returns with the IRS
each year on or before May 15 if the group has received $25,000 or more
during the previous fiscal year.  Thus, most state affiliates must file
990s, but most chapters need not.  Nonprofit organizations are not required
to pay taxes, only to file the returns.  We have found it desirable in the
NFB to provide some help to states and chapters that must file.  At the 2007
National Convention, President Marc Maurer directed that Charles Brown
provide this help.  Mr. Brown resides in Virginia and works part-time at the
National Center for the Blind in Baltimore.  He can be reached by e-mail at
cbrown at nfb.org.  Ron Gardner, president of the National Federation of the
Blind of Utah, also works with state affiliates and chapters on finance.

Section 9.  Board Members

Each state affiliate or local chapter constitution specifies the number of
board members 
to be elected and how long they should serve.  Board members should
contribute to the 
organization as they wish and as asked.  Boards may meet by conference
telephone call or in person.  Most state boards meet at least twice a year,
and chapter boards meet as frequently or rarely as they wish.  Although
their specific responsibilities are not defined, board members should be in
touch with other members, help set the tone of the organization, participate
in activities and generally provide leadership.  It may be helpful for the
boards of active chapters to discuss matters and make recommendations to the
membership to save time at meetings.  In small chapters, the officers may
comprise the entire board.  Sometimes board members volunteer to chair
committees.  Presidents are not required to make these appointments, but
often will be pleased to do so.  The best board members are elected because
they are already leaders. 

Section 10.  Role of National Board

The NFB Board of Directors has seventeen members.  It confers with the
president and assists as possible.   The board consists largely of elected
state presidents, so it should be representative of the membership.  Each
board member stands for election or reelection nationally every two years.
The board holds an open meeting the day before the general sessions begin at
each national convention.   It generally holds conference-call meetings at
frequent intervals between conventions, and it meets in person at least once
conventions for a two-day meeting.

There are very few things that board members do that others cannot.   Voting
on board decisions may be the only one.   Many other NFB leaders confer with
the president, provide him with information, assist with a variety of
projects, and represent the organization at meetings when asked.   By
long-standing tradition and (more recently) by constitutional requirement,
the National Nominating Committee consists of one delegate from each
affiliate at the choice of the affiliate.   This committee recommends one
slate for board positions open at any given convention.   The committee
seeks geographic representation and strong leaders: in short, a group who
will work together in the best interest of the organization.   If the
nominating committee does its work well, it is unlikely that people not on
the slate will be elected.   However, nominations can be made from the
floor, and opportunity for this is always afforded.

Board members take their responsibilities seriously.   But they know that it
is necessary to bring new and younger people into positions of leadership,
as they are ready.   Thus, one or more board members may decline to stand
for reelection at any convention.  

Section 11.  NFB Headquarters

The day-to-day operations of the National Federation of the Blind are
handled at the National Center for the Blind, the Federation’s headquarters.
The main entrance of the National Center for the Blind is located at 200
East Wells Street in Baltimore, Maryland.  This entrance leads into the
National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute, the newest component of
the National Center for the Blind.  However, the mailing address is 1800
Johnson Street, Baltimore, MD 21230.  We have used this mailing address for
more than twenty-five years, and it appears on all of our literature
distributed throughout this time.  Wells and Johnson Streets intersect at
the corner of the property, and the new NFB Jernigan Institute faces Wells
Street.  The new entrance is beautiful and presents a magnificent welcome to
all who enter.  These two large, adjoining buildings constitute NFB
headquarters.  The national president’s office is at the National Center for
the Blind, and there is a staff of more than one hundred people.  NFB
headquarters directs many activities and services that affect chapters,
state affiliates, divisions, and committees.  Some of these activities and
services will be discussed elsewhere in this guide. 

In addition to the office of the national president, the National Center for
the Blind is divided into five departments headed by individuals known as
Executive Directors.  The executive director of the NFB Jernigan Institute
is Mark Riccobono, and he oversees programs related to education, mentoring,
technology, and the development of new programs.  The executive director for
strategic initiatives is John G. Paré, Jr.  Mr. Paré oversees the office of
governmental affairs, the NFB Imagination Fund, NFB-NEWSLINE®, and the
public relations office.  The executive director for affiliate action is Dr.
Joanne Wilson, who oversees various programs designed to assist state
affiliates and divisions of the NFB.  The other two departments at the
National Center for the Blind, operations (headed by Mary Ellen Jernigan)
and program facilities (headed by John Cheadle), oversee the day-to-day
maintenance and operation of the national headquarters, with program
facilities focusing on building maintenance and operations focusing on
accounting, maintenance of computer equipment, and other administrative

The phone number of the National Center for the Blind is (410) 659-9314.
Staff members may be reached by e-mail using the person’s first initial and
last name @nfb.org.  We all can take pride in our national staff and
facilities.  Members are welcome to visit when they can.  It is appreciated
if we make arrangements for these visits ahead of time.  The work done at
our national headquarters affects all the blind in the country profoundly.
We all use the resources there in many ways, and we should take advantage of
what we have.  Our national headquarters makes the work of all state
affiliates and local chapters easier and more effective.  Chapter members
and leaders need to interact frequently with the national staff.  The better
we understand the activities at our headquarters, the easier it is for the
work of all parts of the movement to be coordinated.

Section 12.  Campaigning 

NFB Constitutions say nothing about campaigning for office.  Therefore,
nothing is forbidden.  However, experience and common sense have taught us
some things that you may find interesting and helpful.  As we said above,
any member in good standing may run for office.  The only restriction is
that presidents and vice presidents must be blind.  We have found that it is
a good idea to keep campaigns short to avoid unpleasantness.  It is not
unusual to confine campaigning to the time of the convention itself in a
state election.  In the case of a chapter, a week is generally sufficient
time.  Many states and chapters use nominating committees, which submit a
slate including one candidate for each open office.  The committee should
ascertain that each person on its slate is willing to serve in the position
for which his or her name is being presented.  Anyone else who wishes to run
may be nominated from the floor.  It is not good form for a person to
nominate himself or herself.  However, you cannot be elected if others will
not vote for you.  Therefore, arrange for one of your supporters to nominate

Running for office is not a popularity contest.  Persons who have not
thought about a position or do not want the office should decline.  An
election is a decision about who can best hold office.  Some chapters do not
use nominating committees.  In that case, someone should give thought to the
election ahead of time and do some planning to see that good candidates are
available for each position.  Often at the time of the election, there will
be opportunities for the candidates to make short speeches about what they
expect their contributions to be.  If there is campaigning, most votes are
committed by personal contact before the time of the election.  Sometimes it
is necessary to point out weaknesses of candidates, but this need not go on
and on.  Often, the candidate who runs the most negative campaign loses, but
not always.  At the time of the election, the campaign is over.  No
constructive purpose is served by a continuation of the talk about the
strengths and weaknesses of the winners or the losers.  A strong tradition
in the NFB is that we support our leaders and policies, even if we were not
in favor of them before the organization voted.  This practice is entirely
consistent with a democratic organization, since all members can vote on
leaders and policies.  Once a decision is made, however, no constructive
purpose is served by continuing dissent by those whose wishes did not sway
the majority of the people who voted.  Support for our leaders and 
policies, once elected or voted upon, is critical to the Federation’s
success.  It is one of the reasons we have become as effective and
successful as we have in changing what it means to be blind.  For more
information about the election process, see your constitution or the Model
Constitution in Appendix B of this guide.

Section 13.  Dues

Dues should be paid annually.  The amount of dues is up to the chapter or
affiliate.  Most NFB affiliates, chapters, and divisions keep dues low
(anywhere from $1 to $25).  We do not want the amount of dues to prevent
good people from joining.  Most chapters also collect dues for their state
affiliates and send them to the state treasurers.  Thus, a local chapter may
collect $5 dues per year and send $1 or $2 of this amount to the state
treasurer for state dues.  When dues are paid to the chapter treasurer,
names and addresses of the members should be given to the secretary.  If a
member does not pay dues every year, his/her membership is discontinued.  It
is a good idea to announce that dues will be due a month or two before they
must be paid, so members can come to the meeting prepared.

Members-at-large are those who live in an area where there is no local
chapter, and they should pay their dues directly to the state treasurer.
The amount is set by the state board or by the membership.  There are no
national dues.

Section 14.  Committees

The president appoints all committees unless otherwise specified by the
constitution.  The NFB National Constitution provides that the state
delegates shall appoint the nominating committee, but this is generally not
done in the states.  Some chapters require standing committees, such as
membership or fundraising.  This is up to the group.  Some chapters have
fallen into the practice of having their presidents appoint only chairmen of
committees, then expecting the chairmen to recruit the other members.  My
experience shows me that appointments will be taken more seriously if made
by presidents.  Presidents may rely on recommendations from chairmen or
request volunteers, but committee members are often more responsive if they
are asked to serve by presidents.  Appointment of committee chairmen by the
president may also help presidents monitor the work of committees.

Chapter meetings may consider any matter the president or membership wish.
However, committees often bring recommendations to the membership.
Decisions can be made more quickly and will often be better decisions if a
small group has given previous consideration.  For example, it is more
efficient for a committee to check out dates when certain locations will be
available for a Christmas party.  A committee may research items for a
fundraiser and make a recommendation about what to do and how to do it.  A
committee may check out transportation to a state or national convention,
enabling the chapter to make faster and better decisions about support that
could be offered for this purpose.  A committee may work out the details of
a public education event (parade, demonstration, an awards luncheon).  The
chapter may wish to adopt part of the proposal and make some changes, but
the process works better if the entire group does not try to plan the whole
event from scratch.

Many chapter presidents appoint committees to handle certain long-term
projects, such as public speaking, monitoring public transit, fundraising,
etc.  These committees should report regularly to the membership at business
meetings, and they may ask the chapter for decisions on some questions.  The
work of committees saves time at meetings, but it is important for the
entire group to be informed of the committees’ activities.  Frequently, a
smaller group works together more efficiently to get projects accomplished,
and much work can be done by committees between meetings.  Most
constitutions provide that the president is an ex officio member of all
committees, meaning that the president can attend the committee meetings but
is not required to do so.  The precedent in the NFB is that the president
does not attend the meeting of the nominating committee.
Section 15.  Divisions

The NFB has organized many special interest divisions, which are listed
below.  Each division has adopted its own constitution and submitted it to
the NFB President.  The NFB Board of Directors votes to extend division
status to each division after it applies.  Divisions elect their own
officers.  Every division has the authority to address problems in its area
of interest, print its own letterhead and newsletter, plan its own meetings,
form state divisions if there is enough interest, raise funds as long as it
is not competing with other parts of the organization, and generally promote
the interests of the blind as described in its constitution.

Division officers have similar responsibilities to those of state and
chapter officers.  It is extremely important that division leaders
coordinate with the national president and any other groups within the
Federation that may be involved in related projects.  For example, NAPUB
(National Association to Promote the Use of Braille) and NOPBC (National
Organization of Parents of Blind Children) jointly sponsor the annual
Braille Readers Are Leaders contests for blind children.

Each national division holds a meeting during the national convention.  Each
national division must provide a list of its elected officers and board
members to the NFB president after each annual meeting.  Many divisions hold
other meetings between conventions.  Some state divisions have chapters that
address issues on a state and local basis and meet during the state

Below is a list of the names of the NFB divisions operating at the time of
this writing.  You will find the names of division presidents on the Web
site at www.nfb.org.  You will find their meeting times in NFB convention
agendas.  Even though we are giving very little space here to the work of
NFB divisions, we do not wish to undervalue their activities.  All members
are encouraged to contact division leaders and participate in one or more
divisions.  Today NFB divisions are an important part of the work of the

NFB Divisions

Agriculture and Equestrian Division
Classics, Antiques, and Rods, Special Interest Vehicles (CARS) Deaf-Blind
Diabetes Action Network for the Blind Human Services Division
Masonic Square Club National Association of the Blind in Communities of
National Association of Blind Entrepreneurs National Association of Blind
National Association of Blind Merchants National Association of Blind
National Association of Blind Office Professionals National Association of
Blind Piano Tuners
National Association of Blind Rehabilitation Professionals National
Association of Blind Students
National Association of Blind Veterans National Association of Guide Dog
Users (NAGDU)
National Association to Promote the Use of Braille (NAPUB) National
Federation of the Blind in Computer Science
National Organization of Blind Educators National Organization of Parents of
Blind Children (NOPBC)
National Organization of the Senior Blind NFB Assistive Technology Trainers
Performing Arts Division
Public Employees Division
Science and Engineering Division
Sports and Recreation Division
Travel and Tourism Division
Writers Division 

Section 16.  Groups

Groups are informal gatherings that occur because someone in the Federation
wishes to meet with others regarding a certain matter.  If a group becomes
effective, it may wish to change itself into a division or ask the president
to appoint a committee.  If the group wishes to become a division, someone
will need to plan with others to adopt a constitution, elect officers, and
apply for division status.

There are many groups in the Federation that have been meeting at
conventions for years, such as ham radio operators and science fiction fans.
There are other groups that meet once or several times, and that is the end
of it.  Divisions and committees deal with matters that affect a certain
group of blind people or an aspect of the Federation.  Groups can deal with
anything that may or may not be significant to blind people.

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Section 17.  Local Chapter Meetings

The monthly business meeting of the chapter is for the purposes of
conducting business, (making decisions about what to do and how to do it),
informing members about state and national NFB activities, hearing committee
reports, taking in new members, helping members to be well informed about
matters pertaining to blindness, and helping members to get to know each
other better.  The president should plan the agenda and preside at meetings.
The secretary should call the role, read the minutes from the last meeting,
and take notes. The treasurer should report on current financial activities.
There may be a speaker, but this is probably best every second or third
month, so that regular NFB business is not neglected or rushed.

It is generally a good idea to have a calling committee contact all members
a few days before each meeting to remind them of the time and place.  E-mail
reminders may be best for some members.  It may also be desirable to have
someone coordinate transportation to the meetings for those who need it.

Local chapter meetings usually last from two to three hours.  Presidents
should find ways to keep the meetings interesting and fast-paced.  It is not
possible to get all the work done and to have sufficient discussion among
members if the meetings are too short.  Many chapters include some sort of
social activity before or after the business meetings.  Between business
meetings, there may be committee meetings, board meetings, work sessions on
certain projects, social activities, visitations to other chapters, work
with agencies serving the blind, meetings with prospective or new members,
and participation in state or national NFB activities or other kinds of
activities.  NFB members should never get bored or run out of work to do.
In large chapters, no one can do everything.

Section 18.  Presidential Releases

The NFB President sends a cassette tape known as a Presidential Release to
each chapter and state president about once a month.  Chapter presidents are
expected to play each of these tapes at the next business meeting after they
are received.  Since chapter meetings in different localities occur at
different times of the month, it is impossible to get each tape to each
chapter just in time for its meeting, so there will be occasions when the
news is much more current than others.  The more these tapes are played, the
better-informed chapter members will become and the more they will want to
hear the tapes.  Playing these tapes assists new and old members to know
what is going on in the Federation throughout the country and at the
national office.  It also helps them learn to recognize names of people in
the movement.  Best of all, it helps members get to know our national
president and what he is doing and thinking.  Each tape is less than
one-half hour in length; so local presidents can plan accordingly.  When a
new chapter or state president is elected, it is important that he/she
informs the NFB President of the outgoing and the incoming president, so
that presidential releases can be sent to the correct person.  You can
provide this information by e-mail, fax, United States mail, or by

Presidential releases are also posted on the NFB Web site.  Some members may
be able to listen to presidential releases this way.  In most chapters,
however, there are still many people who are not able to read the
presidential releases from the Web site.  If a member has the right
equipment, it may be possible to download the presidential releases directly
from the Web site and play them at the chapter meeting instead of waiting
for the cassette tape to arrive, thereby making sure that the most recent
presidential release is always played at each meeting. 

Section 19.  State Conventions  

Each state affiliate should plan a convention once a year.  A few state
conventions last only one day, a Saturday with meetings in the morning and
afternoon and a luncheon in the middle or a banquet in the evening.  A more
common schedule is for members to gather for hospitality and committee and
division meetings Friday afternoon or evening.  Generally, registration also
begins Friday.  The main program takes place Saturday with a banquet in the
evening.  Most affiliates that use this schedule hold business meetings
Sunday morning.  Any of these and other scenarios is reasonable.  The more
active the group, the more activities are planned in conjunction with the
convention.  Saturday lunchtime can also be used for committee or division
meetings.  Most committee meetings are open to anyone who wishes to
participate.  The nominating committee meeting is not.  Some state
conventions have exhibits of technology and other devices Friday afternoon
and Saturday during the lunch break.  Some state affiliates plan seminars
during part or all of the day Friday.

Programs generally include presentations from several service providers.
This means members have an opportunity to hear about new developments, and
service providers have an opportunity to hear questions and comments from
the membership.  Directors of programs for the blind can do a better job if
they communicate with the blind, and appearing at NFB conventions is one
good way of doing so.  Other popular convention agenda items are
presentations from blind people about their reasons for joining the
organization, their employment, or unusual activities in which they have
participated.  It may be possible to have a member of the state legislature
or a member of Congress speak, either during the day or at the banquet.  It
is a good idea to schedule this presentation following a strong NFB speaker.
City transit systems are often interesting items on the agenda.  New kinds
of technology may be described or demonstrated. 

President Maurer will either attend state conventions himself or send a
representative to make a report about national NFB activities and to make a
presentation at the banquet.  If there is an additional speaker at the
banquet, that person should follow the national representative.  National
representatives may be able to assist with the program in other ways, such
as posing questions to other speakers, participating in panel discussions,
helping with seminars, helping to organize a new state division, and so
forth.  It is perfectly proper to ask the national representative to spend
some time talking with new members or answering questions from persons who
have them. 

There should be a procedure to register members and nonmembers who attend
the convention.  Pre-registration will work for those who wish to do it.
Registration should include getting names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and
phone numbers of all who attend.  Registration is a good way to make sure
conventioneers are receiving the state newsletter (if there is one) and the
Braille Monitor.  Registration is also the best time to collect for group
meals during the convention.  Most state affiliates charge between $2 and
$10 for registration, with the cost of the banquet or other convention meals
being separate but collected at the registration table.  Be sure to note in
which media (e.g. print, Braille, cassette tape, e-mail) each person wishes
to receive the Braille Monitor and any mailings that are available in more
than one medium.  Badges may be distributed at registration, and they are
helpful in making sure that only those who have registered for the
convention receive door prizes and other convention benefits, such as
discounted hotel rates.  Agendas may be available in print, Braille, or on
computer disk.  The agenda can also be posted on the state affiliate’s Web
site, if available, or e-mailed to members who request it in that format.

Door prizes are a nice touch to add excitement and break up the program.  It
is traditional in the Federation for a door prize not to be awarded unless
the person whose name is drawn is in the convention meeting room; exceptions
are sometimes made for small children or their parents, or for persons who
are doing specific jobs related to the convention in other locations.
Generally, all names are kept in the drawing throughout the convention to
encourage everyone to stay in the meetings, even though this sometimes
results in a person winning more than one door prize.  Other activities that
are popular at state conventions are dances, bingo, auctions, talent shows,
karaoke, and bake sales. Most state conventions do not include tours, but
there may be a good reason for a tour occasionally.

Often members of the organization wish to visit nearby affiliate
conventions.  This is a good way to get new ideas and make friends.  Members
from nearby states may also visit your convention.  Some of these visitors
may have interesting things to contribute.  State presidents usually wish to
know who is coming, just in case there is a special job or activity for some
of the guests.

The business meeting, usually on Sunday morning, is a good time for the
treasurer’s report and consideration of resolutions.  Often no secretary’s
report is needed because the convention is recorded, and the secretary only
takes minutes at board meetings.  Secretaries should make a record of people
elected and keep copies of the resolutions and agendas in the permanent
records of the organization.  Most state conventions vote on the location of
the next convention, although this may be left to the discretion of the
board or president.  Election of officers, board members, and the delegate
to the national convention should also occur during the business meeting.

Just as the NFB is growing, the state conventions are including more and
more activities.  The president should usually plan the agenda of the main
program and arrange to get it produced.  The president generally presides at
this meeting.  Committee chairmen and division presidents should usually
plan and conduct their own meetings.  There may be a convention chair to
handle hotel matters.  Board members and host chapter members may have
suggestions for program items or convention activities.  Public officials,
friends, and families sometimes attend conventions, and often they are
impressed and learn a lot from their participation.

Some state affiliates hold a second membership meeting during the year.
This usually is less formal but can provide a time for more study and
discussion of NFB practices and beliefs.  Sometimes it is possible to hold a
seminar or second membership meeting in a part of the state where a
convention would not be well attended.  This kind of meeting can also
provide an opportunity for new members to learn about the Federation.

Section 20.  National Conventions 

NFB national conventions constitute the largest annual gathering of blind
people anywhere in the world.  Activities are so varied, and there are so
many at one time during the early days of the convention that no one can
possibly attend everything.  All members should attend as many national
conventions as possible, in order to get the best idea of what the National
Federation of the Blind is all about.  There are three good ways to learn a
little about a national convention before attending your first one. 
1. Read the “Convention Roundup” of the previous convention in the Braille
Monitor.  It generally appears in the August/September issue. 

2. Get a copy of the agenda from the previous convention and read it.  If
there is no hard copy of last year’s agenda available, you should be able to
download it from the Web site, www.nfb.org.  

3. Talk to as many people as you can who have attended conventions.  Anyone
who participates in an NFB national convention will learn a tremendous
amount in one week and will gain a new perspective on the effectiveness of
the NFB and the depth of experience and knowledge possessed collectively by
the membership.

It is desirable to begin planning for your trip to the national convention
immediately after Christmas.  Make your hotel and travel plans as early as
you can.  The December issue of the Braille Monitor often carries
information about the next convention, which occurs the first week in July. 

A national convention is like a state convention multiplied many times,
depending on the size of the state convention.  Virtually all the divisions
meet at the time of the national convention.  Most committees also meet.
There are all kinds of other group gatherings.  
The speakers are of national prominence, consisting of government agency
leaders, congressmen, private agency leaders, or blind people who have done
innovative or unusual things.  The NFB President gives his annual report of
activities for the year, and it seems to become more impressive and exciting
each year.  The annual banquet address at a national convention (most often
delivered by our president) is generally one of the most outstanding
speeches in the country.  Scholarships are presented to winners from all
parts of the country.  We have presented thirty at recent conventions.
There are a number of other awards given to a variety of people for high

Each state affiliate tries to send as many people as possible.  It is
helpful for each chapter to be represented.  If the organization has enough
money to do so, it can provide some 
financial assistance so that more members can attend the national

Section 21.   Resolutions

A good way to create a written policy statement of the NFB is for the
convention to pass 
a resolution.   In the spring, the NFB President or Resolutions Committee
chairperson usually includes a notice on a presidential release to remind
members that it is time to begin preparing resolutions for the next national
convention.   Others, such as the director of governmental affairs, may
write or encourage the writing of resolutions that would be 
beneficial to clarify our positions on issues.   Resolutions may also be
used to express the approval or thanks of the organization or to call upon
elected officials to work with us on a specific goal or piece of

The rules for submitting resolutions are announced before each national
convention.   Currently, it is asked that resolutions be submitted to the
committee chairperson or to the President at least two weeks prior to the
national convention.   Especially if two people write resolutions on the
same issue, this advanced notice enables the chairperson to give those
people the opportunity to compare notes and resolve any differences if they
The Resolutions Committee consists of members from many kinds of employment
and all parts of the country, so that these people can help find errors of
fact or interpretation in resolutions if any exist.  When the committee
passes a resolution, it is brought to the convention floor for discussion
and a vote.  The committee meeting is open, and all NFB members are
encouraged to attend.   Even though (for reasons of time) comments are not
taken from the floor at the committee meeting, if any NFB member who is not
on the committee has data or opinions affecting a resolution, he or she
should take this information to a committee member.   If members are opposed
to a resolution that was passed by the committee, they have several days to
let their opposition be known to other members and delegates.  Since the
resolutions committee meets two days before the beginning of the general
session of the national convention, and since most resolutions come to the
floor of the convention on the last day, there is plenty of time for
informal discussions of resolutions before the time of the final discussion
and vote.  Therefore, supporters and opponents of resolutions should be able
to present their arguments concisely on the convention floor.  There is
always opportunity for discussion before the vote is taken.

Most state presidents also appoint resolutions committees.  These committees
usually meet at the beginning of state conventions, and resolutions may come
to the floor for discussion and a vote at any time the president sees fit.
Writing resolutions ahead of time often results in better policy statements
for the organization.  State resolutions committee meetings are open, just
as most NFB committee meetings are.  If you wish to serve on the resolutions
committee in your state, contact your president and request to be appointed.
Your request is not a guarantee that you will be appointed, but increases
your chances considerably.  Any member may write a resolution and submit it
to the committee.

Section 22.  Washington Seminar

Each year members from many states travel to Washington, D.C., for the
Washington Seminar in or around the first week in February.  The purpose of
the Washington Seminar is to let members of Congress know about the issues
that are important to blind Americans.  The Washington Seminar officially
begins with a “Great Gathering In” meeting Monday at 5:00 p.m., which should
be attended by everyone who will be making contacts with congressmen and
senators during the next few days.  Many announcements are made, and the
proposed legislation that will be discussed with Congress is reviewed.  The
NFB governmental affairs staff prepares fact sheets.  These should be
distributed to members of the NFB who take them to members of Congress.  The
fact sheets are also posted on the NFB Web site prior to each Washington
Seminar.  NFB members must study the fact sheets, so they can be prepared
for their presentations to members of Congress.  Many congressmen and
senators have come to expect to see their blind constituents during this

Each state affiliate should arrange ahead of time for someone to make
appointments with their congressmen and senators for Tuesday, Wednesday, or
Thursday of that week.  States with only a few representatives in Congress
may be able to see all of them in one or two days.  It is helpful for larger
states to bring more members in order to talk to all of their congressmen
and senators. 

Expenses are high, and most state affiliates need to provide some assistance
to NFB members who participate in the Washington Seminar.  Those who have
never before had an opportunity to tour our national headquarters can
generally take a bus to Baltimore and have a quick tour on Monday morning.
Some NFB committees and divisions may also hold meetings in Washington
during this time.  These may be announced on the presidential release for
November or December beforehand, along with announcements of hotel
arrangements.   The Washington Seminar might be considered a
mini-convention, but its primary focus is advocating for national

NFB members have come to consider it a privilege and a responsibility to
represent blind constituents on Capitol Hill.  New members who are
interested in the legislative process should talk to those who have attended
the Washington Seminar in recent years.  All members should read the fact
sheets used during these seminars.  It may be necessary to write letters,
send e-mail messages, and make telephone calls regarding these or other
issues before Congress at other times during the year.  Most members of
Congress have learned to respect the NFB for our knowledge and effective
presentation of our needs.  We want to keep ourselves well informed about
the progress of each piece of legislation in which we are interested so that
we can communicate effectively with the members of Congress when action is
needed.  See Section 57, Governmental Affairs, for more information about
legislation supported by the NFB.

It has become tradition for the National Association of Blind Students to
hold a seminar for blind college students the Sunday just before the
Washington Seminar.  Most blind students who participate in the Student
Seminar and the work on Capitol Hill find these two events both energizing
and educational.

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Section 23.  State and Chapter Publications

Some local chapters distribute a brief newsletter before meetings.  Most do
not.  Most chapters call and/or e-mail members before meetings and may help
organize transportation and this is often adequate communication among

State affiliates, on the other hand, generally find that a quarterly or
monthly newsletter makes it possible for members to be better informed about
activities.  It also gives members an opportunity to share their thoughts
about matters affecting the blind.  A few states have actually distributed
weekly publications, but quarterly is probably the most common.  There is no
requirement that a state must have a newsletter at all, but the larger
affiliates find it a very good thing.  

The state president must find someone to edit the newsletter or do it
himself.  In addition, somebody must be found to handle the mailing list.
NFB affiliate publications may be in Braille, print, large print, or on
cassette.  They may also be available on the Web site or on the local
channel of NFB-NEWSLINE®.  

The content of the publication is up to the editor, but most state
presidents write something for each issue.  Editors may need to request
articles from various members.  Other members may be happy to submit
material voluntarily.

Large print, Braille, and tape copies may be sent free of charge through the
mail to blind readers, as long as they are marked “free reading matter for
the blind.”  It is necessary to send small print first class or buy a
nonprofit bulk mail permit for reduced postage.  More information about bulk
mail permits may be obtained from your local post office.  Information about
the “free matter for the blind” mailing privilege is printed below.

Section 24.  Free Reading Matter for the Blind Mailing Privilege

It is possible to send material in large print, Braille, and recorded
formats to blind people as “free matter for the blind.”  Libraries for the
blind can send books on loan without a postage charge, and blind people can
return these books to the libraries without paying for postage.  The sender
just writes or stamps “free reading matter for the blind” in the spot where
postage is normally placed.  Congress made this possible because blind
people cannot “run down” to the library or the drug store for something to
read the way sighted people do.

This means that the NFB can send out its publications to blind people using
the “free matter for the blind” privilege, and so can chapters and state
affiliates.  Section 36 C.F.R. 701.10 (b) (1), (2), and (3) of the postal
code shows what is permitted and what is not.  It is a good idea for those
sending out mailings to know where to find this information in case the post
office raises questions.  Generally, there are no problems.  If there are,
they are easily solved by showing the person in charge at the post office a
reference to this section.

Section 25.  Braille Monitor

Our national monthly magazine is the Braille Monitor, which has become by
far the most influential publication in work with the blind.  It is
available in large print, on cassette, by e-mail, and in Braille.  It is
also posted as both text and audio on the NFB Web site at www.nfb.org.  The
audio recordings often include original recordings of speeches by the
individuals who wrote and delivered them.  All members of the NFB should
subscribe to and read the Braille Monitor.  Some chapters ask various
individuals to report on certain articles during regular business meetings,
which may help new members to understand the significance of some of our
activities and projects.

Requests for subscriptions should be sent to the Braille Monitor, 1800
Johnson Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21230.  It is essential that each
subscription request specify the medium (Braille, large print, cassette,
etc.) that is desired.  Address change requests must also include which
medium is wanted and which medium is being dropped for each subscription.
Braille Monitor subscriptions may be sent in by the chapter secretary,
president, or by the member himself.  Individuals may also subscribe to a
text version of the Braille Monitor by e-mail; instructions on how to do so
are available at www.nfb.org.  Click on Publications, then on the Braille
Monitor.  On the Braille Monitor page of the NFB Web site, you may also read
the most recent and many past issues of the magazine.  There is no charge
for the Braille Monitor, but many members and chapters make annual
contributions for it.  

Members are welcome to send information or articles to the Braille Monitor
for consideration by the editor. You will observe that there is a series of
announcements in most issues of the Monitor called “Monitor Miniatures.”  As
you read the information, you will realize that announcements about
occurrences in your chapter can be printed in the Monitor.  In order for
this to happen, you must send the information to the editor.  Other articles
are also welcome.

In the print issue of the Monitor, there are pictures, which are identified
in the other media.  Send in pictures of people in your chapter and pictures
of activities in which you participate.  Pictures are filed at the national
office and may be used in other publications besides the Braille Monitor.
Pictures in the Braille Monitor have become very popular among readers.

Take full advantage of the Braille Monitor.  Read it carefully, and send to
the editor appropriate information.

Section 26.  Kernel Books

These books are small paperbacks in large print that are distributed to the
public to help them learn about blindness.  NFB members also find them
interesting and helpful.  The books are published in Braille and on cassette
for use of the members.  While the supply lasts, they may be obtained from
the NFB Independence Market. They may also be borrowed from your regional
library for the blind.  The National Library Service for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped of the Library of Congress (NLS) has recorded all of
them except the most recent.  They are listed in the NLS publications
Braille Book Review and Talking Book Topics as they are produced in Braille
and recorded, and they can be located through a search of the online NLS
catalog or by contacting your regional library directly.  It is a good idea
to borrow them from your regional library, so that the library does not
discard them.  If you wish to keep Kernel Books, of course, you should
purchase them.

Section 27.   Walking Alone and Marching Together

This book is available in print, Braille, and on cassette.  Written by Dr.
Floyd Matson, it is a comprehensive history of the first fifty years
(1940-1990) of the Federation.  It can be purchased from the NFB
Independence Market or borrowed from your regional library.  Because this is
such a large book, you may not wish to give it to new members immediately;
but before long many will find it informative and interesting.  This book
can also be beneficial when placed in public libraries.  More than one blind
person has learned about the Federation by finding NFB literature in a local
or university library.  Family members also look in libraries for
information about blindness.

Section 28.  Future Reflections 

This quarterly publication is directed primarily to parents and educators of
blind children.  It is available in print or on cassette.  A subscription
fee may be expected.  There is an introductory issue of Future Reflections
available on request from the Independence Market.  This little book can be
distributed to prospective readers to show them the kind of material that is
included in the publication.  There is no charge for the introductory issue.

If you know a family that has a blind or visually impaired youngster, this
magazine may be very helpful to them.  They also need to know about the NFB
Parents of Blind Children Division.  You will learn more about working with
parents of blind children by reading Future Reflections.

Section 29.  Voice of the Diabetic

This is a quarterly newspaper published in print and on cassette for
diabetics and professionals who work with blind diabetics.  You may also
receive it by e-mail if you wish.  No subscription fee is required, but
contributions are appreciated.  Any chapter that wishes may receive multiple
copies of each issue for distribution to pharmacies or clinics where
diabetics will pick them up.  Most chapters have members who are diabetic
since diabetes is one of the leading causes of blindness.  Someone in each
chapter should keep the name and address of the editor of Voice of the
Diabetic handy and send in names and addresses of individuals who are
interested in subscribing.

Section 30.  Voice of the Nation’s Blind

In October 2004, the NFB launched Voice of the Nation’s Blind (VNB), a new
Internet magazine that combined traditional articles with audio and video
content to create a
ultimedia source of news.  The publication covered NFB events and other news
about blindness and blind people in the areas of business, culture, history
of the organized blind movement, technology, and more.

Now the VNB has become a blog on the NFB Web site. It can be reached by
going to the home page, clicking Publications, and then clicking Voice of
the Nation’s Blind, or by typing the following Web address into your
Internet browser: www.nfb.org/nfb/VNB.asp.

VNB is updated several times a week and includes information about the NFB
and blind people around the country.  It also includes announcements of all
kinds of information and links to more in-depth stories.  The blog also has
an RSS feed so that members can check for updates and always have access to
the latest information about blindness and the National Federation of the

Articles from the VNB Web magazine are being archived and integrated into
the NFB Web site as appropriate.

Section 31.  Annual Report

Each year, the National Federation of the Blind produces an annual report
that describes the activities of the organization over the past year.  The
annual report is a great source of information about the programs,
activities, and services of the Federation.  It is also a good item to
distribute to potential donors or other people who are interested in
blindness.  The annual report is available upon request and is posted on the
NFB Web site.  As a new Federation leader, you should read the most recent
annual report.

Section 32.  Presidential Report

Each year at the national convention the President gives a presidential
report, summarizing the activities of the organization during the past year.
This report appears in the convention issue of the Braille Monitor, and it
is available separately on cassette, in large print and in Braille.  But
listening to it on tape as it was recorded live at the convention is the
most exciting!  As a new leader in the National Federation of the Blind, you
should immediately read the most recent presidential report, and then read
reports from prior years as you can.  This reading will provide you with an
overview of what the Federation is doing and how our activities, programs,
and services have evolved over the years.

Section 33.  Other NFB Literature You Should Read

In its sixty-seven years of existence, the National Federation of the Blind
has produced a vast amount of literature, from reprints of Braille Monitor
articles to each year’s banquet speeches.  No one can read all of this
literature.  Over the years, however, certain speeches and articles have
become fundamental to who we are as a movement and what we do.

In addition to the recommended readings below, you should always read the
most recent presidential report given by Dr. Marc Maurer at each annual
convention of the National Federation of the Blind, and his most recent
banquet address.

If you ordered this book with a supplemental packet, the packet contains ten
essential NFB speeches and articles. If you did not order this packet, you
should read the following:

“The Cross of Blindness” (Dr. Jacobus tenBroek, 1957)
“A Definition of Blindness” (Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, article originally
published in 
  The Blind American, 1962)
“Blindness: Handicap or Characteristic” (Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, 1963)
“A Left-handed Dissertation” (Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, 1973)
“Blindness: Of Visions and Vultures” (Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, 1976)
“Blindness: The Pattern of Freedom” (Dr. Kenneth Jernigan, 1985)
“Back to Notre Dame” (Dr. Marc Maurer, 1987)
“Reflecting the Flame” (Dr. Marc Maurer, 1991)
“The Heritage of Conflict” (Dr. Marc Maurer, 1995)
“The Search for Anonymity” (Dr. Marc Maurer, 1998)

All of the above speeches and articles are available on the NFB Web site
(www.nfb.org) or can be ordered free from the Independence Market of the
Jacobus tenBroek Library.
Besides educating ourselves about blindness and the NFB, our literature
should be used 
to educate the public about blindness and the NFB.  The pamphlet entitled
“What is the National Federation of the Blind” is free and should be
distributed broadly.  Braille alphabet cards are interesting to sighted
people (especially children) and can be passed out at speaking engagements,
health fairs, and in many other activities.  Kernel Books are inexpensive
and very interesting to those who know little about blindness.  The staff in
the Jacobus tenBroek Library has grouped many NFB materials into packets to
be distributed to answer certain questions or to provide information likely
to be needed by groups of individuals.

It is likely that no one can now be familiar with every piece of NFB
literature.  I have been a member of the NFB since 1965, and I have tried to
read new publications when they were first published.  Yet, I cannot
identify everything listed in the Literature Order Form.  You cannot and do
not need to read it all.  But there is a huge wealth of information and
inspiration waiting for you and your members to discover, and more is added
every year!

back to contents  <> 



Section 34.  Advocacy

The National Federation of the Blind, as we have said, is first and foremost
an advocacy organization.  If there is a problem for blind people, we want
to work to improve the situation.  In order to identify problems, the
organization serves as a watchdog.  If a restaurant or theater refuses to
admit a person using a guide dog, we want to find out and challenge this
practice, which is illegal throughout the United States and punishable as a
misdemeanor in some states.  If a hotel requires blind people to stay in
rooms that are equipped for wheelchairs against the will of the blind, we
want to know about it and get the hotel to understand what is reasonable.
If a city is thinking of installing audible traffic signals without
discussion with the blind about where they should be located, the
authorities need to hear from us.

Each state affiliate and local chapter decides which projects are most
important to the members at a particular time.  Some chapters may work to
get restaurants to offer large print and Braille menus.  Some may work to
see that public restrooms are labeled appropriately.  Some may work to
mentor blind children and newly blind seniors.  All of these are good things
to do.  No chapter or state may oppose national policy, but each group
should choose projects within the scope of our goals as it sees fit.

We want all of our efforts to benefit blind people.  We cannot change
everything at once.  Thus, we choose projects that we can accomplish and
that seem important to the group doing the work.  Sometimes it is a matter
of public education.  Sometimes we must confront unfairness.  Sometimes it
is best to help blind people learn to raise their expectations for
themselves in spite of blindness.  This is the National Federation of the
Blind at work in cities and states throughout the country.

Section 35.  National Legislation

The Federation works to improve laws affecting the blind.  Through our
efforts improvements have been made in the Rehabilitation Act, the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Social Security Act, the
Americans with Disabilities Act, the Randolph-Sheppard Act, and many other
pieces of legislation.  In 2006, the Louis Braille Bicentennial-Braille
Literacy Commemorative Coin Act was passed by Congress and signed by
President Bush.  This should generate up to $4 million, which will be used
by the NFB to promote Braille, but we must match this amount.  This
legislation is an example of what can happen when we work well with
Congress.  At the National Center for the Blind, there is an office of
governmental affairs, which works directly with members of Congress.  This
office also tries to keep the membership informed about what has been
accomplished and what needs to be done pertaining to our interests in
Congress.  We have already discussed the Washington Seminar (Section 22), in
which we take several pieces of proposed legislation to Congress.  In
addition we often need to work on legislative matters at other times during
the year.  NFB staff members may send e-mails and faxes to state presidents
or other leaders requesting action of one kind or another.   It is important
to follow up and let our national staff know the results after we contact
our senators and representatives.

Congressmen and senators respond best to their own constituents.  They will
respond even better to constituents with whom they are already acquainted.
You may be able to arrange for a congressman or senator to come to your
state convention as a speaker.  This presentation may occur during the
banquet or earlier in the program.  If you plan to have a public official
speak at your banquet, schedule him or her after the presentation from your
national representative.  Your national representative can plan his or her
speech partly for the education of the next speaker.  If you schedule a
congressman or senator during the day, you may wish to plan for certain
questions to be raised from the floor—questions that are designed to get him
or her to make commitments that will be helpful to the blind.

Of course, it is always desirable to write thank you letters following
meetings of all kinds.  If commitments were made, these should be restated
in the letter of thanks.  If one of your congressmen or senators has been
truly helpful to the blind, you may wish to present an award at the time of
the appearance at your convention.  Seeing a convention (even a small one)
of blind people generally makes an impression on the speaker.
Elected officials generally have good memories for names and faces.  Many
will learn to recognize you very quickly and remember that you represent the
blind.  I well remember the first time I met Helen Chenoweth, newly-elected
congresswoman from Idaho.  She walked into our meeting and said, “Ramona, I
have always wanted to meet you!”  I was astonished, but all I could say in
response was, “That is exactly what I want to say to you.”  To this day, I
can only guess how she knew me and what she knew.  Exchanges such as this
one make NFB work rewarding and fun.  Many of our state presidents and
legislative chairmen are familiar to most members of Congress from their

Section 36.  State Legislation

In addition to national legislation, we often need to present issues to our
state legislatures.  There may be occasions when chapters need to support
changes in city ordinances as well.  Each state affiliate and local chapter
plans its own legislation and determines how to present it to the
legislature or city council.  We only deal with issues pertaining to
blindness.  Certainly, many of our members care about other things and may
get involved publicly in them.  As an organization, however, the NFB only
takes positions on issues that are significant to the blind as a group.  Of
course, the best time to bring our interests to the attention of our elected
officials is when they are in their home districts, both before they are
elected and afterward.

Some state presidents choose to coordinate the work themselves with elected
state officials.  Others appoint a legislative chairman or committee to do
so.  Either practice can work well, but the president needs to keep in touch
with the legislative committee and assist with the work.

Many state affiliates invite their legislators to receptions or dinners in
their capitol cities during the legislative season.  Some states gather
members to spend the day talking with legislators in their offices.  As an
example, in Idaho our legislators have no offices, just desks in the House
and Senate chambers.  Therefore, we hold a dinner or breakfast to which we
invite all of them and their wives or husbands.  Most years we succeed in
getting between one-fourth and one-half of these individuals to come to our
event in spite of conflicts in their schedules.  We plan a program
presenting our needs for the legislative season, and the legislature is very
responsive.  Legislators like to receive brief written descriptions of each
piece of proposed legislation.  These “legislative agendas” can be given to
those who do not come to the event, as well as to those who attend.

When proposing a piece of legislation, it is necessary to have the bill
drafted and find a legislator to sponsor it.  Generally, it will be referred
to a specific committee.  The committee may hold one or more hearings on the
bill and may amend it.  It is important for NFB members to keep themselves
informed about what happens to the bill as it moves through the process.  It
may be necessary to present testimony at certain committee hearings during
the season. Often it is desirable to have one person present a statement
while others are in attendance to show support for the comments of the
presenter.  Legislative work is challenging and rewarding.  The more
experience you get, the better you will be at it. Sometimes, the legislative
strategy of the National Federation of the Blind requires that similar laws
be introduced in multiple state legislatures across the country.  This
strategy may be desirable because the subject matter is not appropriate for
federal legislation, or to put pressure on state and national political
leaders to recognize the importance of an issue to the blind.  The “white
cane” laws that exist in every state were introduced in this way.  In
another important example, beginning in the late 1980s, the Federation began
a major push to have legislation introduced in each state requiring that
blind children have the opportunity to learn Braille.  This was necessary
because Braille instruction had declined significantly, and some schools
were refusing to teach it to blind students.  Twenty-six states adopted our
“Braille literacy” laws, and ultimately the federal government included
Braille literacy requirements in the Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act (IDEA).  When this strategy is used, our governmental affairs staff will
often draft “model” legislation that can be presented to state legislators
for introduction.

Section 37.  Agency Relations

Both governmental and private agencies in work with the blind function best
if they actively seek input from blind consumers.  The simplest way to make
sure that agencies do this is for the NFB affiliate to recommend some good
representatives to serve on the administrative board of the agency.  Board
members become well informed about all aspects of the agency’s service.  A
good relationship between the NFB and agencies for the blind helps blind
people know how best to take advantage of the services available, and helps
agencies provide top-quality services.

For a number of years in the 1960s and 1970s, Dr. Kenneth Jernigan (former
president of the NFB) directed the best state rehabilitation agency for the
blind that has ever existed.  He established a policy that has now been
included in federal law for Randolph-Sheppard vendors.  In the event that
there is a disagreement between a vendor and the agency, it will be decided
by a panel of three.  One representative is chosen by the vendor, one is
chosen by the agency, and a third is chosen by the first two
representatives.  This is clearly fair, and it is an example of what happens
when an agency works cooperatively with the National Federation of the
Blind.  Both the agency and the Federation are stronger.

One function of the state affiliates of the Federation is to monitor the
work of the various agencies serving blind people in the state.  Public
agencies generally include:  a regional library cooperating with the
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, a
rehabilitation agency, a school providing education for blind children, and
other programs for blind children in public schools.  Keeping track of all
of this is a big job, and it is not always possible to cover as much of
these activities as would be desirable.  We do what we can with the number
of people we have in the parts of the state where our members are located.
It is often possible to appoint someone to serve on an advisory board for
the library as well as the rehabilitation agency.

In most states there are also private agencies providing various services.
Independent living centers and sheltered workshops for the blind may be run
by public or private agencies.  In addition to agencies serving the blind,
we also may be able to work cooperatively with peer support groups.  It is
to their advantage to be knowledgeable about the work of the Federation and
to be in touch with other blind people.  Programs serving seniors need to
have information about working with the blind.  Our chapters may need to
help senior programs include blind people in their activities.

It is often possible to work cooperatively on certain projects with some of
these service providers.  For example, an NFB chapter or state affiliate may
hold a joint project with a school for the blind for junior high or high
school students regarding careers and/or college.  An NFB chapter or state
affiliate with a senior organization may sponsor jointly a seminar on
blindness and techniques used by blind seniors.  You may be able to think of
many other projects that would benefit both blind people and the service
providers.  Agencies may be helpful with transportation and mailing lists.
Many members of the NFB are more effective at haring their experiences with
blindness than professionals, even good professionals.  It is important that
all participants understand that the project is co-sponsored by two
different entities, but these co-operative efforts may often be the best way
to provide quality service.

As I have said, NFB chapters and state affiliates can and do conduct
get-togethers of many kinds, including conferences, parties, seminars, and
committee meetings.  In order to express the views of blind consumers, we
are constantly looking for opportunities to let others know about our
experiences with blindness.  Service providers need us.  Sometimes they know
it, and sometimes they don’t.  Both the NFB and service providers are
stronger when we can work together.

Section 38.  Public Transportation

When blind people are asked what kinds of needs they have, transportation is
almost always at the top of the list.  Many chapters send representatives to
board meetings of city transit systems and to city council meetings when
these matters are on the agenda.  Many chapters send speakers to make
presentations to bus drivers when there are problems or just to keep them in
touch with blind riders.  Many cities have special boards or staff to handle

Paratransit exists in most towns and cities and is for seniors and disabled
people who cannot use the fixed route public transit system.  Some cities
require that you must not be able to use the buses if you use paratransit,
but some do not.  Some require that only those who live within a certain
distance of the bus routes may be eligible for paratransit.
If someone in each chapter is knowledgeable about both fixed route and
paratransit services, that person can keep others informed about them.  If a
blind person’s application for paratransit services is denied incorrectly,
the applicant may need help to get this decision reversed.  If cities are
considering a change in service or budget, the NFB chapter may wish to send
a delegation to meetings or write letters or provide oral statements at

E-mail contacts are useful, but live appearances are best.  It may be
possible to have a member appointed to a board or committee where that
person can have even more influence.

If members from several chapters are monitoring public transit in several
different cities, a state may find it helpful to have a transportation
committee to coordinate activities and compare experiences.  This is a good
example of the Federation at work.

Section 39.  Reaching Out to the Newly Blind

Some newly blind people become very depressed and feel that life is hardly
worth living.  They need encouragement from any place it is available.  We
cannot replace the work of the rehabilitation agencies, but contact with
other people who have experienced sight loss can be a very important part of
accepting blindness or poor vision.  This is one of the reasons that
telephone numbers and Web sites in the name of the organization are
important.  When someone is looking for information and contacts, he or she
can find us.  In addition, we will come across people in the community who
are losing sight.  We need to invite them to our meetings and make friends
with them.  Personal contact is the best, but we have plenty of literature
to provide.  Of course, we are always looking for members, but sometimes we
need to make friends before newly blind people are ready to join.  Social
activities often provide a better opportunity to get acquainted than
business meetings, but we should welcome people to both.

We can also help newly blind people learn what services are reasonable to
expect from the library for the blind and the rehabilitation agency.  Even
if these agencies are not all we want them to be, they generally can offer
some things that are helpful.  We might as well take advantage of what is
available.  Some chapters have a mentor system for new members or
prospective members.  This is a good way to be sure that some people are not
forgotten or missed.  Sometimes this happens without a special system.
Perhaps we will never have enough time and energy to do this job as well as
it should be done.  Therefore, we have established NFB-LINK, an online
resource that connects members of the NFB who need guidance and connections
to those who can best help them. 

Programs about diabetes, gatherings for seniors, get-togethers for blind
children and parents, opportunities to learn about technology, and many,
many other topics can be useful both to new and long-time members.  Group
activities are essential, but one-on-one contacts and friendships are the
foundation to build relationships that make people want to join and work
together in chapters.

Section 40.  Membership Recruitment

The best way to recruit a new member is to make friends with him or her.
Invite your friend to meetings and other activities.  Give him or her NFB
literature to read.  Mention how the work we do helps blind people locally
and across the country.  Tell him or her what the Federation means to you.
If we are organizing a chapter in an area where we do not already have
members, this approach must be modified only to the extent that one
individual does not have personal contact as frequently.  E-mail and
telephone contacts can be used.

Members of an existing chapter often travel to another part of the state to
find and contact potential new members for a new chapter.  Often this is
done in conjunction with an organizational meeting.  At the meeting, the
members need to hear about the organization from several people who have
experience.  They need to identify and discuss the needs of blind people
locally and across the state and nation.  Those who wish to join the newly
established chapter can simply pay their dues.  Then they need to hear the
model constitution, and often it can be adopted at the very first meeting.
After the constitution is adopted, officers can be elected.  If the group
does not wish to move quite so fast, temporary officers can be elected, and
the next meeting date must be set.  The organizing team should be in touch
by telephone, e-mail if possible, and in any other way that works.
If members from the new chapter can come to visit a meeting of an existing
chapter, this will help.  If a state convention or other activity is coming
up, participation in it will strengthen the new chapter.  All the members
should receive and continue to receive NFB reading materials, especially
tapes, to continue to learn more about the organization.  The names and
addresses of all new members should be sent to the Braille Monitor, along
with a note about which format they wish to read.

New members need to find areas where they can contribute to the chapter.
Assigning appropriate responsibilities can make the difference in helping
members understand that they have something important to offer the group.

If good leadership was found initially, these leaders need moral support and
they may need guidance.  If more leadership is needed, which is almost
always the case, state leaders and members from the organizing team should
help to groom more people.
It is also possible for members-at-large to join.  If a blind person lives
in a very small town or on a farm, it may not be possible for him or her to
attend chapter meetings regularly.  A new member-at-large still needs
support from strong members by phone, by e-mail, by visits, and by receiving
NFB literature.  Recruiting new members takes work, but it is worth all the

Section 41.  Leadership Development

Cultivating new leaders follows immediately after recruiting new members.
Reading more tapes, contacting other Federationists, and attending state and
national activities (especially conventions) are good ways to grow in the
movement.  As a person’s commitment and enthusiasm increases, so does skill
and knowledge.  When he or she is ready and willing to take on new
responsibilities, the local or state president should look for the best job
available for that particular person.  Sometimes new members have new ideas
that should be taken seriously and explored.  Not everyone wants to or can
be president.  One person might prefer to be social chairman, legislative
chair, transportation chair, fundraising leader, and on and on. 

Chapters and states can sponsor leadership development seminars.  This is a
time for discussion, reporting on activities and events that are unfamiliar
to the group, planning for future activities, and setting more general
goals.  Sometimes there are members within the state who can conduct these
events, and sometimes it is desirable to ask for help from elsewhere.  The
TOPS program, Training and Organizing People to Serve, may provide ideas and
approaches for leadership development.  It is a good idea to confer with the
NFB President or executive director of affiliate action about bringing
someone in from another state, even if no financial assistance is needed.
This is so because the NFB President has so many jobs to assign that he
needs to be aware of where leaders are and how big of a load they carry.

The NFB President invites members to participate in leadership seminars once
or twice a year.  Anyone who has already attended one can recommend others
to go; and recommendations will be considered, but not always taken.  There
is always a waiting list.  The President will do his best to include people
as he can.  He wants members who are becoming leaders and will participate
effectively in the group.  National leadership seminars can be a valuable
experience for many people, but it is only one way to learn and grow in the

Section 42.  Project Suggestions

Projects may serve many different purposes.  They may be for public
education or building confidence of members.  They may seek to recruit new
members or strengthen long-time members.  They may serve to build better
relationships with public officials or eliminate discrimination against the
blind.  Fundraisers are an important part of chapter activities and usually
they accomplish more than raising money.  In short, chapter and state
projects may accomplish anything the Federation wishes to do or they may
fulfill several goals simultaneously.

Many chapter and state projects have been mentioned in conjunction with
other discussions throughout this guide.  Below is a list of projects for
your convenience.  Chapters are constantly finding new ideas and new
approaches to old ideas.  Not every possible project would work in every
chapter.  This list should generate all kinds of possibilities, but there is
no end to what we can do.  Chapter activities should never become boring.

1.  Inform groups and individuals about NFB-NEWSLINE® and sign up readers.
2.  Hold progressive dinners; picnics; Christmas, Halloween, and Valentine’s
Day parties.
3.  Arrange game and card nights; dance lessons.
4.  Write letters or e-mails about legislation.
5.  Write letters or e-mails for a fundraiser: Imagination Fund; sponsors
for a walk-a-thon, etc.
6.  Present Braille fair; teach public officials about blindness; teach
other groups about the blind.
7.  Volunteer for speaking engagements.
8.  Plan programs for blind seniors, blind students, and/or other groups of
blind people.
9.  Raise funds. (See Part V)
10.  Give lessons for members and/or nonmembers to learn computers and
speech or Braille output.
11.  Write brochure for chapter or state affiliate.
12.  Set up booth at health fair, technology exhibit, senior fair, etc.
13.  Teach Braille to blind or sighted children or adults.
14.  Offer cane travel lessons to those whose skill needs improvement.
15.  Appear on talk show or other radio or television program.
16.  Have contest for those reading NFB literature.
17.  Organize transportation to state or national conventions.
18.  Collect door prizes for conventions.
19.  Organize swimming or waterskiing during summer; ice-skating or sledding
during winter.
20.  Plan wedding shower or baby shower for member for whom it would be
21.  Send birthday cards and other well wishes to members when appropriate.
22.  Tour city library to see services it offers for the blind.  Tour the
library for the blind.
23.  Tour company to look for employment opportunities for the blind.
24.  Build partnership with another service club.
25.  Take blind children on visit to the zoo or other activity.
26.  Assign members as mentors to blind children or blind adults.
27.  Organize trip to NFB state convention in nearby state.
28.  Organize trip to amusement park or casino.
29.  Read Braille stories at a story hour at a public library.
30.  Advise a university about appropriate services to blind college
31.  Monitor accuracy of information about blindness on TV, radio, and in
newspapers and magazines.
32.  Have discussion groups about blindness or materials written about
blindness and blind people.

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Section 43.  General Information

Our dollars affect the most blind people when spent nationally.  Still, we
must have money in our local chapters, in the state affiliate treasuries, in
the division treasuries, and in the national treasury.  We just need to keep
in mind that funding the national needs will help all chapters and states.

It is appropriate to offer some members some assistance to attend state and
national conventions or to attend the Washington Seminar.  The appropriate
amount depends on the size of the membership and the size of the state.  It
also depends on how much money the chapter or state is able to raise.  State
affiliates may find it desirable to subsidize the cost of the hotel or
banquet at their conventions.  They may wish to plan a special day or
evening to host legislators to provide to them information regarding
legislation affecting the blind.  

Chapters and states need money to do all the things discussed in Part IV and
to support all the NFB services described in Part VI of this guide.
Chapters may wish to join the local chamber of commerce as a means of
participating in community activities and to educate the public about
blindness and the NFB.  It is not appropriate to distribute Federation money
to members personally unless it is to reimburse them for organizational
activities and expenses.

Section 44.  Chapter and State Fundraising

This author’s definition of a good fundraising activity for a chapter or
state affiliate is: “Something that the members get excited about and that
members want to work on.”  Some individuals have personally arranged
projects that are appropriate and successful.
One high school girl got her school to do a project for the NFB.  One member
collected pennies from others at meetings.  One member held a Tupperware
party for the chapter.  One member rode the back of a tandem bike in a major
cycling event and took pledges on his ride.  All of these are excellent
ideas.  However, most fundraisers involve many members.  Many chapter
fundraisers are relatively simple and straightforward.  These include candy
sales, raffles or drawings, walk-a-thons, dinners or dances, etc.  Below is
a list of good fundraising projects.  If you have questions about any of
them, contact a state president or a national board member.  Fundraising can
be a lot of fun and is almost always combined with education of the public
about blindness.  This stimulates blind people to try new activities.
Special events will be discussed in a later section.

Section 45.  Fundraising Suggestions

Local chapters and state affiliates of the National Federation of the Blind
may choose any of dozens of fundraising projects.  They should not contract
with professionals without conferring with the NFB President.  However,
almost anything else imaginable may work.  With time and experience, strong
chapters can raise tens of thousands of dollars each year.  This gives them
the opportunity to have all the money they need and assist the state and
national organizations.

Recently, several states sent representatives who enjoy fundraising to a
meeting.  One project was to compile a list of some of the things that one
or more chapters do as successful fundraisers.  With imagination and energy
any chapter can do several of these projects a year.

• Handmade quilt, afghan, sweater, scarf
• Appliances, donated merchandise from stores 
• Money (50/50 for winner & organization or specific amount)
• Baskets (food baskets, collections of cosmetics, many items for an
evening’s entertainment, or any collection of items)

• Sale of specially designed items such as T-shirts, canvas bags, hats, et
• Bake sale, garage sale, candy sale, craft sale
• Sell NFB jewelry, NFB art calendars, coupon books, and used books
• Donated products sold from businesses or percentage of sale donations
(i.e. coffee sales in restaurant on White Cane Safety Day)
• Book sales in bookstores on Louis Braille’s birthday
• Evergreen wreathes available from Frank Likar before Christmas, stuffed
Christmas stockings, ice cream at an ice cream social

Dances, barbecues, luncheons, banquets, dinners (spaghetti, chili, Italian,
etc.) concerts, gospel extravaganzas, talent/variety shows, etc.




• Entry fees, business sponsors, pledges
• Walk-a-thon, bowl-a-thon, dance-a-thon, bike-a-thon

• Fairs, festivals, conventions, shopping malls, etc.
• Sell items such as food, beverages, helium balloons, Kernel Books
• Collect donations
• Distribute information
• Write names in Braille
Note: Booths may have both free items and items at a charge.

Traditional auctions, silent auctions, Chinese auctions, art auctions,
auctions combined with a meal or concert

For state convention agendas or for other special events

Apply for general grants or grants for specific purposes, such as
scholarships, NFB-NEWSLINE®, equipment, helping new people go to
conventions, providing “Braille Is Beautiful” kits to schools, etc.

Cook books, coloring books, etc.

Barnes & Noble, Wal-Mart, or Outback Steak House (contact store managers for
more information)

At state convention to state treasury or PAC

Candy wreathes, Hershey’s Kisses roses, wooden crafts, greeting cards, etc.
Use your imagination!

If you wish to exchange ideas about how to do any of these fundraisers, you
can join the listserv, nfb-fundraising at nfbnet.org.  If you ask for advice,
you will get it.  Each chapter will have to make its own decisions.  If
there is one person who is enthusiastic about fundraising in your chapter,
the enthusiasm will be contagious.

As a chapter or a committee within a chapter gains experience with the kinds
of fundraisers mentioned in this list, the group may wish to take on even
bigger projects.  Not every chapter wants or needs to do big events.
Fundraising, from the little projects to the huge ones, can be challenging,
stimulating, strengthening to individuals and chapters, and very rewarding.
Of course we need the money, but the benefits of fundraising beyond the
income are every bit as important and exciting as the money itself!

Section 46.  National Fundraising  

The National Federation of the Blind is a large and complex organization and
must depend upon a complex system to raise funds for its work.  This
involves every member and every chapter in one way or another.  There are
projects that are managed through the national office, but there must be
more than that.

The need for funds is unquestioned by anyone, but how much is needed is
harder to calculate.  We must fund the operation of our national staff and
programs.  We must fund legal assistance for blind persons whose cases will
make a difference for many.  We must pay for assistance for affiliates that
are having problems or need to expand their work.  We must assist divisions
from time to time.  We need to continue to write and publish materials, such
as the Braille Monitor and Kernel Books to help with the education of both
blind and sighted people in our society.  We must participate in
international organizations of the blind.  We must continue to monitor
governmental and private programs that serve the blind.  We must continue to
build momentum and fund the research and training projects of the NFB
Jernigan Institute.  We should not forget about state and national
legislation.  The list of Federation activities is as long as the list of
needs of the blind.  No one wants to reduce this work, but none of it can
occur without financial resources.  The work of the Federation affects every
blind person in the country, whether he or she is even aware of what is

Some kinds of fundraising projects are conducted by the membership for the
national treasury.  All chapter presidents should be aware of these and
encourage members to participate.  

Section 47.  PAC

The Pre-Authorized Check (PAC) plan is a system whereby members can support
our national activities by having a specified donation withdrawn from their
checking accounts on a monthly basis.  It is necessary to fill out a PAC
form to instruct the NFB accounting staff and your bank regarding your

There are two parts to the form—one to be kept at NFB headquarters, and one
to be sent to your bank.  You must sign both parts of the form.  When
beginning a new PAC Plan, be sure to include a voided check on your account
when you send in your PAC form, or include the route transit number of your
bank, which can be located on the bottom of your checks or requested by
calling the bank.  If you wish to increase the amount to be withdrawn each
month, no check is necessary.  The minimum monthly amount that can be
contributed through PAC is $5.

This system was designed for individual members, and many are proud to
participate.  Some chapters and state affiliates also contribute through
PAC, and this is appreciated.  However, it should not be considered a
replacement for individual PAC donations.  The amount of individual PAC
contributions is kept confidential.  If members do not have checking
accounts, it is not possible for them to donate through PAC.  Other
donations are certainly appreciated, however.

We rank state affiliates as to how much each donates through PAC.  Many
members watch this ranking carefully and find it stimulating to notice the
states that are just ahead or just behind our own.  This is especially true
when it is possible to move up in the rankings.  

Non-PAC donations from states are counted separately.  Whether they are
received as 
one-time gifts or in some other manner, they are still very helpful.

Section 48.  Imagination Fund

Many of us have friends, family members, and business associates who are
aware that we are active in a national organization of the blind that makes
a lot of difference to all of us.  Some of us know community leaders who may
help.  Often they do not wish to become active members but would be happy to
support our work.  These are potential contributors to the Imagination Fund.
This fund was started in order to expand our financial resources to help pay
for the work of the Jernigan Institute, but it does much more than that.
One quarter of the money raised is divided evenly among the fifty-two state
affiliates.  A second quarter of the money raised is available for grants
that can be made to states for special projects.

There should be at least one Imagination Fund Coordinator in each state and
as many others to help as possible.  These people are called “Imaginators.”
Imaginators can raise money in several ways.  They can make donations
themselves.  They can ask their friends and associates for donations.  We
know and meet people who want to support programs that benefit the blind,
and it is up to us to tell them how much the NFB is doing.  Many of our
friends and associates are interested in our work and will support it
financially.  We must find ways to ask appropriately.  At the time of this
writing, we are still learning how to make this kind of fundraising most
lucrative.  We will keep working at it until we get all the details in
place.  You may order Imagination Fund brochures and return envelopes from
the NFB Independence Market.

Anyone who raises $250 or more can march in the March for Independence at
the next national convention.

Section 49. SUN

Since the NFB depends on public donations and we are an advocacy
organization, we are trying to build a reserve fund in case of trouble.
This fund is called Shares Unlimited for NFB (SUN).

Individuals, chapters, state affiliates, and divisions make donations to the
SUN fund as they can.  These funds are invested and kept as a reserve.  Some
members have chosen to make a monthly contribution to SUN by automatic
withdrawal from their checking accounts in a way similar to the PAC Plan.
Yellow forms are available for this purpose.  Most members and many chapters
and state affiliates choose to make donations to the SUN fund quarterly or
annually.  Reminders can be sent from our national office for either of
these schedules.

 Section 50.  Jernigan Fund

Shortly before the death of Dr. Jernigan, some people decided to create a
special fund in honor of our longtime, great leader.  The purpose of the
fund is to provide scholarships of various types to members of the
Federation.  The first scholarships have been awarded to make it possible
for new members to attend our national convention.  As the principal grows,
additional scholarships may also be offered.  Contributions to the Jernigan
Fund should be made out to the NFB with “Jernigan Fund” written in the memo
of the check.  Announcements of scholarships being offered each spring
appear in the Braille Monitor or on presidential release tapes.  

We continue to collect donations for the Jernigan Fund, and members and
chapters continue to make them.  We have not worked a lot to solicit this
money.  Some committee members organize activities to benefit this fund at
our national conventions.  Of course, the benefits of the fund provide
motivation to support it, and many of us wish to honor Dr. Jernigan by
supporting this fund.

Section 51.  Contracts with Professional Fundraisers

Ordinarily, local chapters do not hire or contract professional fundraisers.
Some state affiliates do.  When this is done, it is essential that the
contracts or agreements be written and executed properly.  If errors are
made, the entire organization can be damaged.  Therefore, anytime a part of
the NFB wishes to do business with a professional fundraiser, it is
necessary to have the NFB President or someone he designates review the

Model contracts can often be provided if it is helpful.  If the fundraiser
has a contract for us to sign, this may be acceptable or modifications may
be necessary.  The NFB President will direct state presidents how to
proceed, depending on the scope and nature of the activity and commitment.

At one time the most common type of fundraising contract was made with
telephone fundraisers.  Although many of these companies are doing excellent
work, they are under attack and may not be able to continue to operate as
they now do.  It is possible to contract companies to manage events, and
this can be considered.  Some chapters manage their own events successfully.

It is standard procedure, when fundraising contracts are used, for the state
affiliate to divide the income in half, giving half to the national
treasury.  Many chapters and state affiliates do this with income from all
fundraising projects.  A chapter may wish to keep one-third of the income;
donate one-third to the state affiliate; and one-third to the national
treasury.  Members are often proud to do this when it is discussed.

Section 52.  Special Events

It is possible to raise large amounts of money by planning and holding
special events.  An event may be a dinner, dance, auction, concert,
walk-a-thon, or other kind of get-together.  Sometimes two or more of these
things can be combined in one evening.  Consult state or national leaders
with experience in this type of event to help you plan one.  Most would be
glad to share their experiences with others.

It is essential to work with other organizations and individuals in the
community outside our own chapters in order to build the event into a major
occurrence.  Relationships must be built over months and years to make this
cooperative effort most effective.  We must make friends through business
contacts and other social and civic organizations.  We must turn over some
aspects of the work to others so that they feel good about helping.
However, we must control what is said about blindness and the NFB.  Each
chapter will gradually learn how to do this and gradually add new sponsors
and names to invite.  There was a time when we expected an event to raise
$1,000 or less.  We must raise our expectations.  We can increase net income
from $1,000 to $5,000 or to $10,000.  Then we can increase from $10,000 to
$25,000 or to $50,000.  The gala held October 19, 2001, to celebrate the
groundbreaking of our new Jernigan Institute building at our national
headquarters, raised a net income of $150,000.  How soon can we top that?  I
expect it will not be too long.

In Boise, Idaho, a city of less than a quarter million people, the Treasure
Valley Chapter of the NFB holds two events a year: a bike-a-thon called
Cycle for Independence and a Community Recognition Dinner.  Between
September of 2005 and June of 2006 we raised more than $15,000 (at least 60
percent net income), and we are hoping to continue to improve both events.
In addition to raising funds, both events help us get to know more people in
the community.  At our Community Recognition Dinner, we also present awards
to individuals who have been helpful to the blind.  It takes a lot of work,
but we find it is very much worth the effort.  In Charlotte, NC, our chapter
raised $7,000 the first year of its walk-a-thon.

Section 54.  Fundraising Goals

Would you like to be a part of this sort of event?  We must dream before the
reality can come to pass.  My wish for chapters and state affiliates is that
they have enough confidence in their fundraising ability that they do not
worry about it.  They can spend what they want because they know they can
raise more.  Of course, it takes some experience with successful fundraisers
for the membership to adopt this approach.  I regard fundraising as FUN!  I
expect it to work, and I am prepared to do what it takes to make it work.
At least one of the members in a chapter needs to take this attitude.  If
some do, others will pick it up.  Gradually, the group will come to
understand that fundraising can work.  I want us to be optimistic about our
ability to raise funds, and I want us to be able to spend a lot.  I
personally believe the Federation will be most effective when we can afford
to have an office and at least one employee (part-time at first if
necessary) in every state.  In large states we may need more than one
office.  I hope this day is not too far in the future.  I am happy to share
my experience if asked.
One more thing should be said about fundraising and money.  In the
Federation, we do not borrow.  If we cannot afford to do something, it must
wait.  We are not afraid of challenges or work, but we must not spend
publicly contributed funds or member donations on interest.  And we must not
risk what we work so hard to raise.  Thus, we should spend what we have and
know that we can raise more, but we must never, ever spend more than we

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Section 55.  NFB-NEWSLINE® 

Because of the work of the National Federation of the Blind, every blind
person in the country may have access to daily newspapers.  For the first
time ever, NFB-NEWSLINE® provides the kind of access to newspapers that
sighted people have.  More than 250 newspapers are on the system, and at
least forty states have the service.  In addition, there are several
national magazines available to blind readers in all fifty states, the
District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.  All blind people should sign up for
the service.  

Each reader is issued a six-digit personal identification number and a
four-digit security code by either the NEWSLINE coordinator at NFB
headquarters or by the state sponsor.  Participating newspapers simply send
their text each morning to the NFB-NEWSLINE® computer which translates the
text into high-quality synthesized speech.  The blind person is connected
with the service by dialing the toll-free number (888-882-1629) or by
dialing a local number if available, on a touch-tone telephone and pressing
his or her identification number and security code when prompted.  The
subscriber chooses a newspaper by pushing buttons on the touch-tone keypad
and moves through the paper in much the same way a sighted person would.
There are several sections of each paper.  One can choose to read certain
articles or parts of articles as desired.  There is no charge for this
service.  If a local number is available to access the service, it should be
used instead of the toll-free number in order to help defray the cost of the
service.  Some newspapers can also be sent in DAISY book form to a reader by
e-mail, and this delivery method also helps the organization save money.
The e-mailed files can be read on a personal computer, digital talking book
player, Braille notetaker, or other device capable of handling DAISY files.

Any legally blind person who wishes to sign up for NFB-NEWSLINE® should
contact the national office or the sponsor in his or her state.  All members
are urged to take advantage of this service.  Each state affiliate has the
responsibility of finding the money to pay for the service, known as the
state NEWSLINE sponsor.  In some states the rehabilitation agency has found
the funds; in some cases the library for the blind has done so; in other
states there have been special appropriations from the legislatures; in
other states members have applied for and received grants from private
foundations and corporations.  Members of the NFB should be involved when
libraries or rehabilitation agencies are seeking funds from the legislature.
You will need to ask your state president or other NFB leaders to learn more
about your state’s NFB-NEWSLINE® service and funding.

State sponsors and NFB members can work to add daily newspapers to
NFB-NEWSLINE®.  For more information about doing so, contact the
NFB-NEWSLINE® director at the NFB headquarters.

Local chapters should be sure that blind individuals in the area know of
this service, know how to apply for it, and know how to use it.  Local
chapters should be sure that local libraries and other service providers are
supplying application forms and encouraging applicants to sign up.  Since
people are continually losing vision, there will be those who know little or
nothing about NFB-NEWSLINE® for some time to come.  
NFB-NEWSLINE® has a local channel which can be used by the state sponsor to
provide information of special interest to the blind.  NFB-NEWSLINE®
ordinarily does not include information which is already accessible in some
other format.

Section 56.  Independence Market

The Independence Market stocks many aids and appliances for the blind and
NFB literature.  Members may request catalogs in print or Braille, and
products may also be ordered from the NFB Web site. Much of the literature
is free.  Orders for free items may be placed by e-mail, voice mail, letter,
fax, phone, or on the Web site.  When there is a charge, payment may be made
by check or credit card.

The Independence Market also carries NFB jewelry and both video and
audiotapes.  We do not try to compete with private companies that sell
special devices for the blind.  Some companies have a good selection at very
good prices.  However, there are some items (such as certain long, straight,
lightweight, white canes) that are largely not available from other places.
The NFB membership likes to have aids and appliances available from the
Independence Market, and the members make policy.  Nevertheless, we are not
trying to compete with other suppliers.  We need them to be strong companies
to get the best service and equipment.

Staff members at the Jacobus tenBroek Library have gathered some NFB
literature into several packets to assist individuals in providing
information on certain topics.  Thus, you can order packets regarding
education of blind children for teachers or parents, materials for seniors,
materials for newly blind people, and materials on a variety of other
If you have looked at a list of NFB literature, you have found that there
are hundreds of pamphlets and packets of materials that can be ordered.
Virtually all of them may be used to help educate our members and nonmembers
about blindness.  Many are reprints of articles that originally appeared in
the Braille Monitor, and we thought there would be need for the information
later as well.

Try to order NFB materials at least a month before you need them.  This
means they can be shipped “free matter for the blind” to save on shipping
costs.  Be sure to specify whether you need Braille, print, cassette, video,
or another medium.  Be sure to give directions about where to ship the

Special attention should be given to a little book entitled So You Don’t See
As Well As You Used To.  This book describes as many services and approaches
in work with the blind as possible.  It is available in large print and on
cassette.  Use it with new members and their families.  I like to give So
You Don’t See As Well As You Used To and one or two Kernel Books as an
introduction to prospective NFB members.

Each chapter and state affiliate should have some NFB literature on hand,
but none can store everything.  As you can, try to read some of this
material. Speeches given at the banquet of our national convention often
deal with philosophy and strategy and are available in large print, Braille,
or on cassette.  Dr. Maurer’s presidential reports show what was
accomplished during the year before each was delivered.  These speeches are
always top quality, and we distribute them widely.  Often titles of articles
make the topics clear, but not always.  Kernel Books help you get to know a
little about some colleagues in the Federation.  Braille alphabet cards and
the What is the NFB brochure are excellent handouts at fairs and
demonstrations regarding blindness.  If there is someone in your chapter who
has read more of this material than you, let that person guide you as to
what these items are all about.

Section 57.  International Braille and Technology Center for the Blind

At the NFB headquarters we have established a center for the evaluation and
demonstration of high-tech devices for the blind.  We try to have at least
one model each of all the hardware and software available to make speech and
Braille output from computers possible for the blind.  We also have audible
traffic signals, scanners, and machines to make tactile drawings.  Bank
teller machines and voting machines have been tested.  At least three staff
members in this department are blind.

There is a limit to how much research the staff can do on any question, but
there is a technology answer line for use by the members.  If you want to
know which of several similar devices appears to meet your needs best, you
may inquire of the IBTC staff members as to their experience and testing of
those devices.  Sometimes reports of these evaluations appear in the Braille
Monitor.  Sometimes it is possible to offer specialized seminars
demonstrating and comparing various devices.  From time to time, short-term
training on the devices at the IBTC is offered.  Watch the presidential
releases for these opportunities.

The IBTC is also doing research on home appliances: devices such as
microwave ovens, stoves, washing machines, and dryers.  Many newer
appliances have controls and interfaces which make them difficult to operate
by blind people; the IBTC is working to identify appliances which can be
easily modified to be operated by blind people and which have features, such
as tactually distinct buttons and knobs, that make them easier to use.  A
permanent display of some of these items, known as the Accessible Home
Showcase, is set up at the National Center for the Blind, and sometimes
these appliances are also exhibited at the national convention.  This is a
program that NFB members have found very useful.  If members have
information about good or bad features on certain brands or styles of
appliances, they are encouraged to call or write the IBTC to share it.  This
service could save blind people hours of time in shopping as visual displays
become more and more common in the operation of electronic appliances.
There is no doubt that the NFB IBTC has by far the most comprehensive
collection of high-tech devices for the blind anywhere in the world.

Section 58.  Scholarships

In recent years the NFB has given thirty scholarships to blind college
students ranging in cash value from $3,000 to $12,000.  The amount and
number may vary from one year to the next, but the scholarship program is a
very significant service.  In addition to the cash distributed to
outstanding blind college students, each winner also receives an
expense-paid trip to the national convention, and often there is equipment
given to some or all of the winners.  Members should watch the Braille
Monitor and the NFB Web site for information about the scholarship
application process.

Many state affiliates also give scholarships at their state conventions.
The average award is less than those given nationally, but they are very
significant.  Scholarship winners are not limited to NFB members.  Any blind
college student may qualify.  Of course many members do apply and win.
Non-members also win, and many decide to join after they get to know more
about the organization and its members and activities.  In fact, many
scholarship winners have told us that the money they won was important but
even more valuable to them was finding the NFB.  It is a good idea for state
affiliates to send applications for both state and national scholarships to
high schools and colleges throughout the state.

Section 59.  NFB Training Centers

Three states (Louisiana, Colorado, and Minnesota) have established training
centers for blind adults who wish to learn skills (such as cane travel,
Braille, and computer use) and build more confidence in themselves as blind
people.  This is an example of when the NFB does provide services that could
and should be offered by rehabilitation agencies.  Dr. Kenneth Jernigan,
former President of the NFB, built a model training center program for the
adult blind when he was director of the Iowa Commission for the Blind
(1958-78).  Some other states have training centers, but they are not up to
the standard set by Dr. Jernigan.  Therefore, these three states decided
that the best way to see that this excellent training is available to the
blind is to establish centers run as the Federation understands works best.

All of the NFB centers are operated by separate nonprofit corporations with
their own boards, but they intend to do what the Federation recommends.
They are not all alike, but the quality of their training is excellent.  The
primary purpose of NFB training centers is to increase the self-confidence
of the students.

These facilities are residential centers where students are enrolled for a
period of six to nine months.  Activities include not only daily classes in
Braille, cane travel, home economics, and computers, but also a wide variety
of tours, sports, special events, and whatever seems appropriate at a given
time and place.  The best source of information about this training is those
who have completed it.

For further information contact: Louisiana Center for the Blind in Ruston,
LA; Colorado Center for the Blind in Denver, CO; or BLIND, Inc. in
Minneapolis, MN. You may also visit their Web sites.

Some rehabilitation agencies are also trying to offer training of the same
quality as that offered in the NFB centers.  Some are more successful than
others.  The NFB centers have truly set a new standard that is beginning to
be recognized as reasonable and attainable for blind people throughout the
country and beyond.

Center training, when successful, is very challenging and rewarding.  It can
change the lives of blind students of all ages who participate.  Finding and
keeping employment becomes easier; jobs attained pay better; social
integration becomes more successful; and family activities become more
diversified.  Blind people who are able to take advantage of high-quality
center training are becoming a large part of the leadership of the NFB, as
well as leading the blind outside of the organization.  You can read about
this training in the Kernel Book entitled The Freedom Bell and in many other
pieces of NFB literature.
Rehabilitation agencies are required to give you choices about services you
need and want.  They should pay the cost of training at an NFB center, even
if it is located outside your state.  If you wish to attend an NFB center or
any other center outside your state and encounter difficulties, contact your
state president or Joanne Wilson, NFB executive director of affiliate

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Section 60.  Public Service Announcements

NFB produces public service announcements (PSAs) about blindness for radio
and television.  However, many stations receive more public service
announcements than they can use.  Stations will respond to a request from a
local chapter better than to a national mailing.  Each NFB PSA includes our
national address and phone number at the end.  If someone calls or writes
our national office asking for local contacts, which happens frequently,
referrals will be made to your state or chapter president.
If a local television station requests local contact information (phone
number and address) to show at the end of the spot, go ahead and provide it.
Ask them to show national contacts and local contacts side by side on the
screen.  We don’t want stations to edit the PSAs, but it is reasonable to
put up the local contact information.

Some members of local chapters have been interviewed by local stations to
make public service announcements.  Members are encouraged to get all the
publicity possible, but the national spots are professionally produced and
represent us well.  The more exposure they can get, the better for all of

Section 61.  Press and News Coverage

Almost any chapter activity may generate news coverage, whether it is a
regular business meeting, fundraiser, or public education event.  It is
necessary to plan far enough ahead to send out appropriate notices so that
newspapers, radio, and television stations have time to work them into their
schedules.  Barbara Pierce has written a public relations manual (available
from the NFB Independence Market), which can be helpful in writing press
releases and finding contact information for the press.  There is also a
collection of press materials on the NFB Web site that can be used to help
prepare press releases, and the public relations staff at the National
Center for the Blind can also provide assistance.  The chapter president can
prepare press materials, but if someone else in the group will take on this
responsibility, others can learn to do it well.

Remember that community service announcements are different from other press
coverage.  Many TV stations and some radio stations play community service
announcements of upcoming events for nonprofit organizations.  They usually
announce their requirements (the information they need) to get these played.
Typically, these announcements must be submitted at least two weeks ahead of
the time you want them to air.  They should contain just the facts about the
approaching event.

Press coverage of news events occurs at the time of the event.  To notify
the press of an event, you need to send a press release.  It can be much
longer than the community service announcement and should be sent just a day
or two before the event.  Instead of just the facts, it should include some
public interest information so that the press will understand why it will
make a good story.  This information may include quotes from members and
participants in the planned event.  A chapter press release should include a
quote from the chapter president and possibly from the person in charge of
the event.  A quote from someone who has benefited from a past event of this
kind may also be included.  Some coverage of public affairs stories happens
just because it is convenient for the press to get there.  They never can
cover everything, so you must find a way in your press release to show what
is unique, interesting to watch on TV, and impressive to cover.  You should
include a contact name and phone number at the top of your press release and
the words “for immediate release.”  E-mail has become a good way to
communicate with newsrooms.

If you are interviewed for a talk show or a news story, be sure to mention
the name of your chapter including the full name National Federation of the
Blind.  Sometimes we get carried away with the story and forget that our
name is long and must be repeated as much as possible to help people
remember it.  Name recognition helps both blind and sighted people find the
Federation.  Especially in news stories, the time is very short.  If a
newspaper interviews you, keep your message as simple as possible.  You do
not have control over what they will print or what spin they will give it.
Therefore, the simpler you can make the story, the more likely it is to come
out the way you want it. 

If someone in your chapter knows a reporter for a newspaper or television or
radio station, ask that reporter for advice.  You might even invite a member
of the press to your chapter meeting as a speaker.  If a reporter knows you,
he or she is more likely to notice your press releases.  Newspapers and
large stations have assignment editors who direct the reporters to cover
various stories, but reporters can also volunteer if they have a particular

Section 62.  Speaking Engagements 

Chapter members may wish to arrange speaking engagements before civic clubs,
church groups, college classes, and school children.  This is limited only
by the energy of the members and their willingness to go make the
presentations.  You may wish to take brochures and Braille cards to pass
out, and you may wish to demonstrate some simple appliances, such as white
canes and talking clocks.  Reading and writing Braille is almost always
fascinating to both children and adults.  Relax and enjoy the interaction
with the group.  Questions and answers are often a good approach.  Consider
the interest level of the group and try to be entertaining.

If some individuals are uncomfortable making speeches, several can go
together and share the job.  One chapter presents “Braille Fairs.”  They
arrange to set up in an elementary school gymnasium for most of a school
day.  Several members demonstrate independent travel, Braille reading,
Braille writing, talking appliances, and other devices.  Riddles can be
written in Braille without contractions with blank lines between the Braille
lines, so that the children can translate them into print, using Braille
alphabet cards.  Other demonstrations can be set up, so that children can
experiment with canes or make a tactile map with Play-Doh.  Let your
imagination be your guide.  If there are not too many children, the whole
school may be able to come through the demonstration, one or two classrooms
at a time.  A similar “fair” could be set up in a mall, a hotel lobby, a
convention center, or elsewhere if the event and arrangements are right.  

Section 63.  Phone Book Listings

All state affiliates should have a phone number listed in the directory.
Some states have listed their phone numbers in many directories across the
state.  This costs money, but can be a good way to help people find the NFB.
Some chapters also list phone numbers in directories.  In order to do this,
the chapter must pay for a telephone line in its own name.

If the chapter or a state affiliate has a Web site or a phone number listed
in the directory, it is likely to receive inquiries from prospective members
and others looking for information about blindness.  A member or members
will need to be designated to handle calls.  Calls may be forwarded from one
person’s home to another or they may be received by an answering machine and
returned later by the designated person.

Section 64. Web sites

The main NFB Web site is www.nfb.org.  Browsing this Web site will enable
you to find a tremendous amount of information about the National Federation
of the Blind, blindness, Braille, services for the blind, and more.  There
are all sorts of links to other Web sites, including NFB state affiliate and
division Web sites.  Those who have computers and enjoy browsing should find
our Web site an excellent resource.  Those who do not use the Internet
personally should keep it in mind when talking with friends and
acquaintances about the NFB.  Use of the World Wide Web is increasing
throughout our society.  The NFB must keep up in this important area.

All of the text of the Braille Monitor since 1987 is included on the Web
site.  Many years of text of Future Reflections is also available.  All of
the texts of the Kernel Books are there.  Aids and appliances stocked by the
NFB Independence Market are listed and available to order online.  The same
is true of NFB literature.  All state presidents and division presidents are
also listed.  Opportunities to donate to the NFB are provided.  There really
is no way to substitute a description of our Web site for a visit.  If you
have not already done so, go to www.nfb.org and find out about all of the
available resources for yourself.

Many state affiliates and local chapters also have Web sites, and this is a
good idea when someone is available who can design a Web site and keep the
information current.  A local or state Web site does not have to be fancy.
It needs to give the NFB chapter or affiliate name recognition and tell
Internet users how to reach the organization.  It is a good idea to have it
linked to the national Web site, so that national information can be
accessed and need not be repeated.  Increasingly, those who are losing
vision are looking for information on the Internet and their family members
and friends also search.  It takes time to make changes and add information
to a site; but if the Web site is not perfect, it is still worth having and

There is a listserv for Webmasters at www.nfbnet.org, and usually there is a
Webmasters meeting at the national convention.  States and chapters may wish
to link to state and local service providers.  A calendar of state and local
events can also be helpful.  This enables Web users to find the state
convention and local chapter meetings and whatever else you choose to
include.  State Web sites often show names and e-mail addresses of chapter

In the twenty-first century, anyone looking on the Internet for blindness
resources in your state should find the NFB.

Section 65.  E-mail and Listservs

Many groups exchange specialized information through group e-mails or
listservs.  There is a separate NFB Web site (www.nfbnet.org) where you can
find e-mail lists and listservs for many state affiliates and NFB divisions.
If your state has a listerv, I recommend that you subscribe to it and
contribute.  The site also allows you to contact the NFB-net administrator
if you wish to establish a new listserv.  It is not necessary to use the
space on the NFBnet Web site to set up specialized Web sites or listservs,
but it is available for those who wish it.

Anyone can sign up on the public listservs.  Just go to www.nfbnet.org and
click on subscriber information.  Computer users in your state will know
which group e-mail communication is being used.  Since not everyone in most
chapters uses computers and the Internet, you may wish to establish a system
for helping non-computer users keep well informed about activities and

There are other kinds of group communications available on the World Wide
Web.  Doubtless, some states and divisions will use them.  We need to be
careful that whatever is put up in public space represents the NFB well.
Since use of the Internet will continue to change, we cannot anticipate the
uses there will be for it.  We will just have to use good judgment as we
move ahead.

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Section 66.  Coalitions

Although the NFB works cooperatively with many other groups on a variety of
projects, we do not join coalitions of the disabled.   The reason is simple.
We find it necessary to make up our own minds about all matters pertaining
to blindness and blind people.   Within the Federation, we expect all
members to be supportive of positions taken by the majority of members.
This is the only way we can remain united and forceful.   There are many
coalitions and consortiums that want to speak for as large a group as
possible, but they deal with some things that do not pertain to blindness
and blind people.  Sometimes we find the positions they take harmful.  We do
not want to speak for people with other kinds of disabilities, and we do not
want them to speak for us.   Individual members may work with a coalition if
they are particularly motivated to do so.   And chapters or states may work
with a coalition on a specific issue if it is considered beneficial to blind
people to do so.   However, chapters and states should not join coalitions.
We speak for ourselves.  We do not want a coalition of groups to speak for
us.  If you have questions regarding this matter, discuss them with a state
president who has experience or a national board member.

Section 67.  Teamwork

One of the reasons that the National Federation of the Blind has become as
effective as it has is that we have refused to make our internal
disagreements public.  After a decision is made (whether by chapter, state
affiliate, or the national body), we expect all the members in that group to
support it.  We believe in full debate.  The group may choose to limit the
time of a debate, but it should give equal time to speakers on both sides of
the question.  When it is time to vote, the vote should be taken fairly, and
discussion should cease.

This is also true of elections.  I recommend that campaigns be kept short,
but this is not a requirement.  If a member or members disagree with a
president or other officers, they are free to support someone else at the
next election.  Even removal from office would be possible if problems
become serious enough.  However, after the election, we expect the winners
and losers and their supporters to proceed with the work of the
organization.  If someone is not willing to do this, we would rather that
the person reduces his or her level of activity than to be argumentative and
disruptive in meetings or between meetings.  Our members have liked this
policy and made it work.  Those who practice this kind of teamwork are more
likely to be leaders in the Federation.  This can be said even more
positively in a different context.  National Federation of the Blind members
respond well to requests for action.  We believe in the organization; we
believe in our leaders; we believe in the competence of the blind; we
believe in ourselves.  Thus, tens of thousands of NFB members are willing
and eager to work together nationally.  The stronger the chapter and the
stronger the state affiliate, the better the teamwork.  This is the nature
of the Federation, and this accounts, in a very large measure, for our

Section 68.  Looking to the Future

Although life for blind people has truly changed significantly during the
last sixty-five years, there is much left to do.  I am old enough to
remember many of the changes.  Sometimes it is hard to measure national
change from a personal perspective; but with some thought, we will recognize
major advances.   Some changes are simply and obviously improvements.
Employment opportunities are far from perfect, but jobs for the blind are
much more available today than in the 1960s and ’70s.  Jobs were almost
impossible for the blind to find in the 1930s and ’40s.  Rehabilitation
services have improved dramatically, although improvement is still needed.
Rehabilitation agencies need better funding; they need to offer better
training; they need not to try to get other programs to pick up their work.

Social Security is better for the blind today than ever before.  Still, it
is not up to the standards offered to seniors, and it should be.  We will
probably have to work forever to try to get advances in technology to be
useful to the blind.  Public understanding of blindness has improved, but we
are a long way from being totally integrated into society.  Education of
blind children has changed, but I am not sure that it is better today than
when I was a child.  Blind children can live at home with their families,
but many are not receiving textbooks they need and many are not encouraged
to take classes such as science and physical education. Blind children are
not taught to believe in themselves much more than they were fifty years
ago.  People are living longer and there are several times more blind
seniors today, but little help for them.  These are just some of the
examples of work we continue to do.

The National Federation of the Blind is recognized by those who know us as
the leading force for change in work for the blind, and we have made many
advances that have benefited all the disabled in the country.  But there are
still people who have never heard of us and still others who do not
understand what we are trying to accomplish.  Therefore, we are not near
many of our goals.

I have faith that the National Federation of the Blind will continue long
after I am gone to work toward true integration of the blind in society.  I
have confidence in our leaders and in our youth.  I can imagine some of the
progress, but I am looking forward to some surprises, as well.

If this Guide helps some new Federationists move forward, then its purpose
is served.  My generation is not done yet, but we are on the downward slope.
To the extent that our knowledge and experience can be shared and is
beneficial, we want to pass it on.  The next generation will find new (and I
hope better) ways to continue what was started sixty-five years ago.  Most
of all, I want the numbers of workers and leaders to continue to swell.  I
hope the quality of our leadership can always be as outstanding as it has
been and is today.  Most of all, I am counting on the local and state
leaders to carry on and reach new levels of achievement for the Federation
and for the blind.

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The name of this organization is the National Federation of the Blind.


The purpose of the National Federation of the Blind is to serve as a vehicle
for collective action by the blind of the nation; to function as a mechanism
through which the blind and interested sighted persons can come together in
local, state, and national meetings to plan and carry out programs to
improve the quality of life for the blind; to provide a means of collective
action for parents of blind children; to promote the vocational, cultural,
and social advancement of the blind; to achieve the integration of the blind
into society on a basis of equality with the sighted; and to take any other
action which will improve the overall condition and standard of living of
the blind.


Section A. The membership of the National Federation of the Blind shall
consist of the members of the state affiliates, the members of divisions,
and members at large. Members of divisions and members at large shall have
the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities in the National Federation
of the Blind as members of state affiliates.
The Board of Directors shall establish procedures for admission of divisions
and shall determine the structure of divisions. The divisions shall, with
the approval of the Board, adopt constitutions and determine their
membership policies. Membership in divisions shall not be conditioned upon
membership in state affiliates.

The Board of Directors shall establish procedures for admission of members
at large, determine how many classes of such members shall be established,
and determine the annual dues to be paid by members of each class.

Section B. Each state or territorial possession of the United States,
including the District of Columbia, having an affiliate shall have one vote
at the national convention. These organizations shall be referred to as
state affiliates.

Section C. State affiliates shall be organizations of the blind controlled
by the blind. No organization shall be recognized as an “organization of the
blind controlled by the blind” unless at least a majority of its voting
members and a majority of the voting members of each of its local chapters
are blind.

Section D. The Board of Directors shall establish procedures for the
admission of state affiliates. There shall be only one state affiliate in
each state.

Section E. Any member, local chapter, state affiliate, or division of this
organization may be suspended, expelled, or otherwise disciplined for
misconduct or for activity unbecoming to a member or affiliate of this
organization by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors or by a simple
majority of the states present and voting at a national convention. If the
action is to be taken by the Board, there must be good cause, and a good
faith effort must have been made to try to resolve the problem by discussion
and negotiation. If the action is to be taken by the Convention, notice must
be given on the preceding day at an open Board meeting or a session of the
Convention. If a dispute arises as to whether there was “good cause,” or
whether the Board made a “good faith effort,” the national convention
(acting in its capacity as the supreme authority of the Federation) shall
have the power to make final disposition of the matter; but until or unless
the Board’s action is reversed by the national convention, the ruling of the
Board shall continue in effect.


Section A. The officers of the National Federation of the Blind shall be:
(1) President, 
(2) First Vice President, (3) Second Vice President, (4) Secretary, and (5)
Treasurer. They shall be elected biennially.

Section B. The officers shall be elected by majority vote of the state
affiliates present and voting at a national convention. 

Section C. The National Federation of the Blind shall have a Board of
Directors, which shall be composed of the five officers and twelve
additional members, six of whom shall be elected at the Annual Convention
during even numbered years and six of whom shall be elected at the Annual
Convention during odd numbered years. The members of the Board of Directors
shall serve for two-year terms.

Section D. The Board of Directors may, in its discretion, create a National
Advisory Board and determine the duties and qualifications of the members of
the National Advisory Board.


Section A. Powers and Duties of the Convention. The Convention is the
supreme authority of the Federation. It is the legislature of the
Federation. As such, it has final 
authority with respect to all issues of policy. Its decisions shall be made
after opportunity has been afforded for full and fair discussion. Delegates
and members in attendance may participate in all Convention discussions as a
matter of right. Any member of the Federation may make or second motions,
propose nominations, and serve on committees; and is eligible for election
to office, except that only blind members may be elected to the National
Board. Voting and making motions by proxy are prohibited. Consistent with
the democratic character of the Federation, Convention meetings shall be so
conducted as to prevent parliamentary maneuvers which would have the effect
of interfering with the expression of the will of the majority on any
question, or with the rights of the minority to full and fair presentation
of their views. The Convention is not merely a gathering of representatives
of separate state organizations. It is a meeting of the Federation at the
national level in its character as a national organization. Committees of
the Federation are committees of the national organization. The nominating
committee shall consist of one member from each state affiliate represented
at the Convention, and each state affiliate shall appoint its member to the
committee. From among the members of the committee, the President shall
appoint a chairperson.

Section B. Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors. The function of the
Board of Directors as the governing body of the Federation between
Conventions is to make policies when necessary and not in conflict with the
policies adopted by the Convention. Policy decisions which can reasonably be
postponed until the next meeting of the national convention shall not be
made by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall serve as a
credentials committee. It shall have the power to deal with organizational
problems presented to it by any member, local chapter, state affiliate, or
division; shall decide appeals regarding the validity of elections in local
chapters, state affiliates, or divisions; and shall certify the credentials
of delegates when questions regarding the validity of such credentials
arise. By a two-thirds vote the Board may suspend one of its members for
violation of a policy of the organization or for other action unbecoming to
a member of the Federation. By a two-thirds vote the Board may reorganize
any local chapter, state affiliate, or division. The Board may not suspend
one of its own members or reorganize a local chapter, state affiliate, or
division except for good cause and after a good faith effort has been made
to try to resolve the problem by discussion and negotiation. If a dispute
arises as to whether there was “good cause” or whether the Board made a
“good faith effort,” the national convention (acting in its capacity as the
supreme authority of the Federation) shall have the power to make final
disposition of the matter; but until or unless the Board’s action is
reversed by the National Convention, the ruling of the Board shall continue
in effect. There shall be a standing subcommittee of the Board of Directors
which shall consist of three members. The committee shall be known as the
Subcommittee on Budget and Finance. It shall, whenever it deems necessary,
recommend to the Board of Directors principles of budgeting, accounting
procedures, and methods of financing the Federation program; and shall
consult with the President on major expenditures.

The Board of Directors shall meet at the time of each national convention.
It shall hold other meetings on the call of the President or on the written
request of any five members.
Section C. Powers and Duties of the President. The President is the
principal administrative officer of the Federation. In this capacity his or
her duties consist of: carrying out the policies adopted by the Convention;
conducting the day-to-day management of the affairs of the Federation;
authorizing expenditures from the Federation treasury in accordance with and
in implementation of the policies established by the Convention; appointing
all committees of the Federation except the Nominating Committee;
coordinating all activities of the Federation, including the work of other
officers and of committees; hiring, supervising, and dismissing staff
members and other employees of the Federation, and determining their numbers
and compensation; taking all administrative actions necessary and proper to
put into effect the programs and accomplish the purposes of the Federation.
The implementation and administration of the interim policies adopted by the
Board of Directors are the responsibility of the President as principal
administrative officer of the Federation.


Any organized group desiring to become a state affiliate of the National
Federation of the Blind shall apply for affiliation by submitting to the
President of the National Federation of the Blind a copy of its constitution
and a list of the names and addresses of its elected officers. Under
procedures to be established by the Board of Directors, action shall be
taken on the application. If the action is affirmative, the National
Federation of the Blind shall issue to the organization a charter of
affiliation. Upon request of the National President the state affiliate
shall provide to the National President the names and addresses of its
members. Copies of all amendments to the constitution and/or bylaws of an
affiliate shall be sent without delay to the National President. No
organization shall be accepted as an affiliate and no organization shall
remain an affiliate unless at least a majority of its voting members are
blind. The president, vice president (or vice presidents), and at least a
majority of the executive committee or board of directors of the state
affiliate and of all of its local chapters must be blind. Affiliates must
not merely be social organizations but must formulate programs and actively
work to promote the economic and social betterment of the blind. Affiliates
and their local chapters must comply with the provisions of the Constitution
of the Federation.

Policy decisions of the Federation are binding upon all affiliates and local
chapters, and the affiliate and its local chapters must participate
affirmatively in carrying out such policy decisions. The name National
Federation of the Blind, Federation of the Blind, or any variant thereof is
the property of the National Federation of the Blind; and any affiliate, or
local chapter of an affiliate, which ceases to be part of the National
Federation of the Blind (for whatever reason) shall forthwith forfeit the
right to use the name National Federation of the Blind, Federation of the
Blind, or any variant thereof.
A general convention of the membership of an affiliate or of the elected
delegates of the membership must be held and its principal executive
officers must be elected at least once every two years. There can be no
closed membership. Proxy voting is prohibited in state affiliates and local
chapters. Each affiliate must have a written constitution or bylaws setting
forth its structure, the authority of its officers, and the basic procedures
which it will follow. No publicly contributed funds may be divided among the
membership of an affiliate or local chapter on the basis of membership, and
(upon request from the national office) an affiliate or local chapter must
present an accounting of all of its receipts and expenditures. An affiliate
or local chapter must not indulge in attacks upon the officers, Board
members, leaders, or members of the Federation or upon the organization
itself outside of the organization, and must not allow its officers or
members to indulge in such attacks. This requirement shall not be
interpreted to interfere with the right of an affiliate or local chapter, or
its officers or members, to carry on a political campaign inside the
Federation for election to office or to achieve policy changes. However, the
organization will not sanction or permit deliberate, sustained campaigns of
internal organizational destruction by state affiliates, local chapters, or
members. No affiliate or local chapter may join or support, or allow its
officers or members to join or support, any temporary or permanent
organization inside the Federation which has not received the sanction and
approval of the Federation.


In the event of dissolution, all assets of the organization shall be given
to an organization with similar purposes which has received a 501(c)(3)
certification by the Internal Revenue Service.


This Constitution may be amended at any regular Annual Convention of the
Federation by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the state affiliates
registered, present, and voting; provided that the proposed amendment shall
have been signed by five state affiliates in good standing and that it shall
have been presented to the President the day before final action by the

NFB Pledge

I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation
of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind;
to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its

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The name of this organization shall be the National Federation of the Blind
of ----.


The purpose of the National Federation of the Blind of ---- shall be to
advance the general welfare of the blind of ---- and the nation; to function
as an integral part of the National Federation of the Blind; to serve as a
vehicle for collective action by the blind of ----; to operate as a
mechanism through which the blind and interested sighted persons can come
together in local chapters and state meetings to plan and carry out programs
to improve the quality of life of the blind; to provide a means of
collective action for parents of blind children; to forward the interests of
blind students and blind seniors and provide them with a means of joint
action and expression; to promote the vocational, cultural, and social
advancement of the blind; to achieve the integration of the blind into
society on a basis of equality with the sighted; and to take any other
action which will improve the overall condition and standard of living of
the blind.


Section One—Active Members.
At least a majority of the active members of this organization must be
blind.  Active membership shall be of two (2) classifications: active
members who are affiliated with local chapters or divisions and active
members who are not affiliated with local chapters or divisions.

1. All active members of local chapters or divisions shall automatically
become active members of this organization, with the right to vote, serve on
committees, speak on the floor, and hold office.

2. Any person who is not affiliated with a local chapter or division may
become an active member of this organization by receiving a majority vote of
the active members present and voting at a convention or by complying with
requirements established by the Board of Directors.

Section Two—Supporting Members.
Any person may become a supporting member of this organization through
procedures established by the convention or the Board of Directors.
Supporting members shall have all the rights and privileges of active
members, except that they may not vote, hold office, or serve on the Board
of Directors.  Supporting members shall not pay dues.

Section Three—Disciplinary Action.
Any member may be expelled; and any chapter or division may be expelled,
suspended, or reorganized for violation of this constitution or for conduct
unbecoming to a member, chapter, or division of the Federation by a majority
vote of the active members present and voting at any regular business
session of this organization, or by a two-thirds vote of the Board of
Directors.  The state convention of this organization may reinstate any
person who has been expelled unless such expulsion has been confirmed by the
National Convention or by the Board of Directors of the National Federation
of the Blind, in which event the person may not be reinstated except by the
National Board.  Any person who feels that he/she has been unjustly
disciplined or expelled from this organization, or any chapter or division
which feels that it has been unjustly disciplined, reorganized, or expelled
may appeal to the Board of Directors of the National Federation of the
Blind, which may (in its discretion) consider the matter and make a binding
decision; but until or unless the action of discipline, reorganization, or
expulsion is reversed by the National Board, it shall continue in effect.


Any organized group desiring to become a local chapter of the National
Federation of the Blind of ---- shall apply for affiliation by submitting to
the President of the National Federation of the Blind of ---- a copy of its
Constitution and a list of the names and addresses of its members and
elected officers.  When the National Federation of the Blind of ----, either
in convention assembled or by action of its Board of Directors, shall have
approved the application, it shall issue to the local chapter a Certificate
of Acceptance.  Annually, on or before January 1, each local chapter shall
provide to the Treasurer of the National Federation of the Blind of ---- a
current list of its members, their names and addresses, and their state
dues.  Upon request, a local chapter shall also provide the state President
with a list of the names and addresses of the chapter members and with a
detailed financial report of the chapter for the past year.  The fiscal year
of this organization shall be the calendar year.  As new members enter local
chapters, their names, addresses, and state dues shall be sent without delay
to the Treasurer of the state organization.  No group shall be accepted as a
chapter and no group shall remain a chapter unless a majority of its voting
members are blind.  The President, the Vice President (or Vice Presidents),
and at least a majority of the Executive Committee or Board of Directors of
the local chapter must be blind.  The President of the National Federation
of the Blind of ---- shall be ex officio a member of each local chapter.  In
the event of the dissolution of a local chapter, or if (for whatever reason)
the local chapter ceases to be a part of this organization, its assets shall
become the property of the National Federation of the Blind of ----; and it
shall forthwith cease to use the name National Federation of the Blind,
Federation of the Blind, or any variant thereof.


The Board of Directors shall establish procedures for admission of divisions
and shall determine the structure of divisions.  The divisions shall, with
the approval of the Board, adopt constitutions and determine their
membership policies.


There shall be elected at the regular annual convention during each ----
numbered year, a President, a First Vice President, a Second Vice President,
a Secretary, and a Treasurer.  The terms of these officers shall begin at
the close of the convention at which they are elected and qualified.
Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the active members who are
present and voting.  There shall be no proxy voting.  If no nominee receives
a majority vote on the first ballot, the name of the person receiving the
fewest votes shall be dropped from the list of nominees, and a second ballot
shall be taken.  This procedure shall continue until one of the nominees has
received a majority vote from the active members present and voting.  The
duties of each officer shall be those ordinarily associated with that
office.  The President and the Vice Presidents must be blind.


The Board of Directors of this organization shall consist of the five (5)
constitutional officers, and ---- additional members, ---- of whom shall be
elected for two (2) year terms at the annual convention during even numbered
years, and ---- of whom shall be elected for two (2) year terms at the
annual convention during odd numbered years.  The ---- Board Members shall
be elected in the same manner as that prescribed for the election of
officers.  The Board shall meet at the call of the President or on written
call signed by any ---- of the Board Members.  The Board shall advise the
President and shall have charge of the affairs of the organization between
conventions.  At least ---- members of the Board must be present at any
meeting to constitute a quorum to transact business.  The Board may be
polled by telephone or mail ballot on any question.  A majority of the Board
must be blind.


Section One—Annual Convention.
This organization shall hold an annual convention, the time and place of
which shall be fixed by the membership or (if the membership so decides) by
the Board of Directors or the President.  At least fifteen (15) active
members must be present to constitute a quorum to transact business at any
annual convention.

Section Two—Special Meetings.
The President of this organization may call a special meeting of the body at
any time he/she, or a majority of the Board of Directors, deems such action
to be necessary.  At such special meeting at least fifteen (15) active
members must be present to constitute a quorum to transact business, and
written notice must have been sent to the President of each local chapter
and division and to the members of the Board of Directors at least ten (10)
days prior to the date of the meeting.


The President may appoint such committees as he/she or the organization
deems necessary.  The President shall be an ex officio member of all


The National Federation of the Blind of ---- shall be an affiliate of the
National Federation of the Blind and shall furnish to the President of the
National Federation of the Blind annually, on or before January 1, a list of
the names and addresses of its members and elected officers.  A copy of the
Constitution of the National Federation of the Blind of ---- and of all
amendments to the Constitution shall be sent to the President of the
National Federation of the Blind without delay.

The National Federation of the Blind of ---- shall not merely be a social
organization, but shall formulate programs and actively work to promote the
economic and social betterment of the blind.  This organization, its
chapters, and divisions, shall comply with the provisions of the
Constitution of the National Federation of the Blind.  Policy decisions of
the National Federation of the Blind (whether made by the National
Convention or the National Board of Directors) are binding on this
organization, its chapters, divisions, and members; and this organization,
its chapters, divisions, and members shall participate affirmatively in
carrying out such policy decisions.  As a condition of affiliation, it is
agreed by this organization that the National Federation of the Blind
(whether by action of the National Convention or the National Board) has the
power to expel or discipline an individual member and to expel or reorganize
a state affiliate, local chapter, or division.  In the event of
reorganization, the assets of the affiliate and its local chapters and
divisions belong to the reorganized affiliate; and the former affiliate, its
chapters, and divisions shall dissolve and cease to exist.  The name
National Federation of the Blind, Federation of the Blind, or any variant
thereof, is the property of the National Federation of the Blind; and this
organization or any of its chapters or divisions which cease to be a part of
the National Federation of the Blind (for whatever reason) shall forfeit the
right to use the name National Federation of the Blind, Federation of the
Blind, or any variant thereof.  The President of the National Federation of
the Blind shall be an ex officio member of this organization and of each its
local chapters and divisions.


This organization shall elect each year at least one (1) delegate and at
least one (1) alternate delegate to attend the Convention of the National
Federation of the Blind.  No person shall be elected as a delegate or
alternate delegate unless he/she is an active member of this organization in
good standing.  To the extent of the resources of this organization, the
expenses of delegates and alternate delegates to the Convention of the
National Federation of the Blind shall be paid.


The dues of this organization shall be $---- per year, payable in advance.
In accordance with Article IV of the Constitution, local chapters shall pay
the state dues of their members.  Members who are not affiliated with local
chapters shall pay their dues before or during the annual convention.  A
lifetime membership may be secured for a fee of $100.00.  No person may vote
who is delinquent in the payment of his/her dues.


The funds of this organization shall be deposited in a bank to be selected
by the Treasurer with the approval of the President.  The Treasurer shall be
bonded.  All financial obligations of this organization shall be discharged
by check, issued on order of the President, and signed by the Treasurer or
by an Assistant Treasurer approved by the membership or the Board of


In the event of the dissolution of this organization, or if (for whatever
reason) it ceases to be an affiliate of the National Federation of the
Blind, its assets shall be given to the National Federation of the Blind, to
be held in trust for a reorganized affiliate in the state.  In the event
that no affiliate is organized in the state for a period of two (2) years
from the date this organization ceases to be an affiliate of the National
Federation of the Blind, the assets become the property of the National
Federation of the Blind.

If the dissolution of this organization should occur and if at that time the
National Federation of the Blind is no longer a tax-exempt organization
under the provisions of the Federal Internal Revenue Code or if the National
Federation of the Blind has been dissolved, all assets of this organization
shall be given to an organization with similar purposes which has received
tax-exempt certification from the Federal Internal Revenue Service.


This Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of this organization
by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members present and
voting, provided the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing and
read at a previous business session and provided it is in compliance with
the provisions of the Charter of Affiliation received from the National
Federation of the Blind and with the policies of the National Federation of
the Blind.

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