[Ohio-talk] Dayton, project mobility

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Mon Sep 19 17:52:11 UTC 2011

I have a major problem, Cindy.  Based on the rules of paratransit, if a
vehicle is scheduled for 11:15, Kyle has until 11:20 to come out.  The
driver must/slash/will wait 5 minutes before proceeding to their next trip.

On a driver's manifesto, or schedule, the driver has other customer they
will be picking up.  Or a call will be given to them via assignment.  With
all that said:

1.  If a driver is complaining that she was waiting for Kyle 24 minutes,
why does she not accept the fact he cannot come out early?  I do not
understand her rationale.

2.  Why does the driver not accept the fact that Kyle is blind?  Why does
she make excuses for waiting when her refusal to communicate with dispatch
is obvious?  There may be a pickup in the area she may be assigned to!


3.  Paratransit drivers need to put their pride on the shelf.  Some
people cannot finish their tasks earlier enough.  Get over it!  The driver
has a 10 to 30-minute window before being considered "late."

In closing, driver must communicate!

.. ..  Eric from Los Angeles with the baseball list: eric at pmpmail.com. 
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