[Ohio-talk] Buckeye Update

Eric Duffy eduffy at deltav.org
Fri Dec 7 19:07:10 UTC 2012

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Buckeye Update 
Friday December 7, 2012

	It occurs to me as I begin to write that today is an historic day
for our nation. Seventy-one years ago our nation was under attack in Pearl
Harbor, Hawaii. It is hard to imagine what that day must have been like, and
the closest comparison we have is September 11, 2001. May this day and those
who have served our country never be forgotten.
	Seventy-one years ago our movement was in its infancy. Life for the
blind of that day was in many ways very different from life for us today.
There is no doubt in my mind that life for the blind is better today because
of the work of the National Federation of the Blind. But we still have much
work to do so that in seventy-one years from now life for the blind will be
far better than we can imagine today.
	One of the ways we can make life better for the blind is to increase
opportunities for literacy. We know of course that for the blind literacy
means Braille. I am pleased to announce that the dates and location for our
Braille Enrichment for Literacy and Learning (BELL) program  are solid. We
will conduct the program during the weeks of July 15 and 22. The location is
470 Glenmont Avenue in Columbus. It is now up to us to find the funds to
make this program a reality. Once again I urge chapters to conduct a fund
raiser during Braille Literacy Week and designate the money raised for BELL.
	I am pleased to announce that we made approximately $181 from our
December Scrip order. Participating in Scrip is one way we can donate money
to the affiliate without having to take it out of our own pockets. If you
are not signed up and shopping with Scrip, I urge you to do so as soon as
possible. If you shop with Scrip and know how the program works, ask your
friends and family to sign up and help us too. This is how we'll make the
program grow and start bringing in some significant money to fund our work.
Over the next few weeks I am going to contact everyone on our leadership
list who is not actively participating in the program to see if I can help
them sign up and start shopping with Scrip.
	Last Sunday evening we held a meeting of the board of directors, and
committees were appointed. Those appointments as well as the charges for
each committee are included at the end of this update. Much of the work of
this organization can and should be done by committees. I will be asking
committee chairpersons for reports quite frequently. We also discussed the
possibility of bringing the state convention back to Columbus for 2013 and
2014. We will discuss this further at our next board meeting, which will be
held by conference call on January 19, 2013. I have included the minutes
from Sunday's meeting at the end of this document. 
	Tomorrow we have exciting activities in opposite ends of The state.
the Cleveland chapter Christmas party will be in the afternoon, and the
Miami Valley Jazz Explosion will take place in the evening. Shelbi and I
will be going to Cleveland. Monday night the Capital Chapter will host a
Christmas party for many of the students at the Ohio State School for the
	We are doing good work in this organization. Let's  keep it going.

Board of Directors Meeting
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
December 2, 2012

1. Newly elected President Eric Duffy called the meeting to order at 7:05
p.m. This meeting was held by telephone conference line (605) 475-4875 code

2. Bruce Peters was the only board member who did not call into the meeting.
Several other members were on the call. 

3. Susan Day moved that the minutes from the November 2, 2012, meeting be
approved. The motion was seconded by Sherry Ruth. It passed. 

4. The committee appointments for the upcoming year were given by Eric. See
the attached list for further information on these appointments.  He
suggested that the chairperson for each committee sign up for a free
conference line. Through this means each committee should be busy throughout
the year.    

5. Eric reminded the group that one of the results of the survey circulated
by the convention ad hoc committee of 2011 showed that most people would
like to see the state convention be held in a more central location. He
asked the board if there was interest in exploring the possibility of moving
the convention back to central Ohio even though 2 years remain on the
contract with the Dayton hotel. We are not locked into a contract with the
current hotel. Barbara Pierce moved that Eric investigate moving the 2013
convention, plus perhaps one or two more conventions, to the central part of
the state, giving the president the latitude to negotiate and make
decisions.   Sherry Ruth seconded the motion.  After a lot of discussion
Deborah Kendrick proposed an amendment to the motion which stipulated that
Eric should gather information about Columbus hotels, but the matter of
moving is to be brought before the board for a vote. The amendment was
seconded by Sheri Albers. The amendment passed with several no votes. The
amended motion then passed. The information will be presented to the board
at the January 2013 meeting.     
6. Eric asked Barbara to write a  history of our affiliate. She and her
husband Bob have started this project. She made a very interesting
presentation on the findings thus far. Their efforts are greatly

7. The January 2013 board of directors meeting will be held by telephone
conference call, using the same line as this call.  It will be on January
19, starting at 10:00 a.m.  

8. The meeting adjourned at 8-15 p.m.  

Shelbi Hindel 

	2013 NFB of Ohio Committee Descriptions

	 At the first board meeting of each year the president traditionally
makes the committee assignments for the coming year with the advice of the
board. Here are the charges to the affiliate committees:

	Charge: To provide assistance and information to those who are in
this unique community and to serve as a vehicle to foster a positive
relationship for the deaf-blind community.

	Charge: To oversee the awards process, to provide information and
feedback when necessary, and to make reasonable judgments about NFBO awards.

	Charge: To make sure that all NFBO constitutions are in compliance
with the state and national constitutions, both philosophically and

	Charge: To assist and advise the president in the planning and
functioning of our state convention and to provide additional assistance in
planning and executing affiliate activities at national conventions. 

	Charge: To advise the president about policies, legislation,
strategies, and initiatives in which the National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio should be engaged to improve educational opportunities for blind youth
throughout the state. 

FINANCING THE MOVEMENT COMMITTEE  (SUN coordinator), (national fundraising
program coordinator), (Jernigan Fund coordinator), (PAC coordinator)
	Charge: To make members aware of these specific organizational
fundraising opportunities and to implement strategies to increase

	Charge: To investigate additional opportunities to increase NFBO
resources and to implement effective fundraising strategies and programming.

 	Charge: To increase the organization's visibility and effectiveness
in the state legislature, and to continue to support our efforts in
Washington throughout the year. 	

	Charge: To implement effective strategies to recruit, retain, and
reinvigorate the chapters and members of the NFB of Ohio. 

	Charge: To promote and publicize appropriate programs and events,
and to acquire as much positive publicity as possible for such activities. 

	Charge: To oversee the submission process and to write and
distribute clearly articulated and philosophically sound resolutions. 

	Charge: To conduct the affiliate scholarship program and to develop
and implement effective strategies to increase the visibility of the program
and increase participation. 

	Charge: To facilitate the development and maintenance of our website
and related technological outlets.

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Committee Appointments 2013

Deaf Blind Coordinator: Lisa Hall

AWARDS COMMITTEE: Paul Dressell (Chair), Shelbi Hindel, Jerry Purcell,
Colleen Roth, JW Smith, Kathy Withman

CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE: Shelbi Hindel (Chair), Annette Anderson, Colleen

Albers, Carol Akers, Mike Anderson, Susan Day, and Richard Payne

EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Debbie Baker (Chair), Mary Ann Denning, Susanne Turner,
Carol Akers

 FINANCING THE MOVEMENT COMMITTEE: Sherry Ruth (chair), Annette Anderson
(SUN Coordinator), Barb Fohl (PAC Coordinator), Barbara Pierce (Jernigan
Fund Coordinator) 

FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE: Karen Whalen (Chair), Shelbi Hindel, Tim Janning,
Crystal McClain, Sherry Ruth, and Brian White

LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE: Barbara Pierce (Chair), Debbie Baker, Susan Day,
Sheri Albers, Susanne Turner, and Brian White

MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: William Turner (Chair), Stephanie Claytor, Beth Debus,
Chanell Hancock, Richard Payne, and Colleen Roth

PROMOTION  AND  PUBLICITY COMMITTEE: Deborah Kendrick (Chair), Susan Day,
and Barbara Pierce 

RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: Deborah Kendrick (Chair), Paul Dressell, Bruce
Peters, and Colleen Roth

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE: Barbara Pierce (Chair), Aleeha Dudley, Deborah
Kendrick, Bob Pierce, and JW Smith
WEBSITE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE: Barbara Pierce (Chair),  Mary Ann Denning, Macy
McClain, and Deanna Louis

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