[Ohio-talk] {Disarmed} FW: The Giving Common Challenge - and October's Caldecott-winner "Amos McGee"

J.W. Smith jwsmithnfb at frontier.com
Wed Oct 10 22:00:23 UTC 2012



Dr. J. Webster Smith

President, National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

PO Box 458 Athens, OH 45701



“Changing what it means to be blind”

For more information go to nfbohio.org


From: National Braille Press [mailto:agrima=nbp.org at mail313.us3.mcdlv.net] On Behalf Of National Braille Press
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 8:33 AM
To: jwsmithnfb at frontier.com
Subject: The Giving Common Challenge - and October's Caldecott-winner "Amos McGee"


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October's Print/Braille Book of the Month!




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Your gift could help NBP win $25,000 to support braille literacy!
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A Sick Day for Amos McGee
by Philip C. Stead
Print/braille children's book, $16.99
In contracted braille 
Ages 4 and up 

A Caldecott Award winner! 

Zookeeper Amos McGee always makes time to visit his good friends at work: he plays chess with the elephant, runs races with the tortoise (who always wins), sits quietly with the penguin, lends a handkerchief to the rhinoceros (who has a runny nose), and reads stories to the owl (who is afraid of the dark). 

One morning, Amos wakes up with a bad cold and decides to stay home in bed. His friends wait patiently and finally decide to pay Amos a visit at home. Amos, sitting up in bed, clasps his hands in delight when his friends arrive. The elephant plays chess with him, and the tortoise plays hide-and-seek. The penguin keeps Amos's feet warm, while the rhinoceros offers a handkerchief when Amos sneezes. They all share a pot of tea. Then the owl, knowing that Amos is afraid of the dark, reads a bedtime story as the other animals listen. They all sleep in Amos's room the rest of the night. 

If you want to give a child a book that will remain with them always... this is the one that you want. Marvelous. 
-Fuse #8 blog 

Order at:
 <http://nbp.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=0150d8e3e15bab5b5433561b9&id=23842a5b33&e=193918969e> http://www.nbp.org/ic/nbp/BC1210-AMOS.html


NBP, 88 St. Stephen Street, Boston, MA 02115-4302
Or call and charge it: toll-free (800) 548-7323 or
(617) 266-6160 ext 520.
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National Braille Press

88 Saint Stephen St

Boston, MA 02115

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