[Ohio-talk] Health Info.

Wanda Sloan wsloan4 at roadrunner.com
Thu Sep 20 16:26:45 UTC 2012


Welcome to e-Health Prevention, prevention health tips at a glance. You are
receiving this email because your doctor at Samaritan Primary Care
Physicians wants to continue to send you prevention reminders on a regular
basis. Our goal is to provide some prevention tips and reminders you, your
family, friends or co-workers might find useful. If a topic doesn't pertain
specifically to you, please share
35543ff7769f>  it with someone who might benefit from this information. If
at any time you decide you no longer want to receive e-mail communications
from Premier HealthNet, you can unsubscribe using the link below.

What is the Flu?
The flu (influenza) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by viruses.
It can cause mild to severe illness. Learn more
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Why and When Should I Get a Flu Shot?
Some people, such as older people, young children, and people with certain
health conditions, are at high risk for serious flu complications. The best
way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu shot every year. Learn more
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Who Should Get a Flu Shot?
Everyone six months and older should get a flu shot each year. Learn more
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Where Can I Get a Flu Shot? 
The flu shot is offered at grocery stores and pharmacies however, receiving
the shot from your primary care physician is helpful in establishing a
relationship with your doctor. Learn more
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You are receiving this email because you provided your email address to your
physician. If you no longer want to receive email communications from
Premier HealthNet, unsubscribe
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This email was sent by: Premier Health Partners
110 North Main Street, Suite 1275 Dayton, OH, 45402, USA

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