[Ohio-talk] Getting to know Tri C Eastern campus

Vincent Fugate vincentf2872 at gmail.com
Sat Aug 10 01:56:05 UTC 2013

Cheryl Fields,


                I just want to make it clear that I am not trying to say
there is any problem with the Cleveland chapter that I mentioned, and you
are right that not everyone fits into the chemistry of every group.  I know
from personal experience that not everyone fits in to some of our chapters
because I have had a lot of friends in the NFB that have left the NFB
because they just gave up because they felt rejected because of their
differences, or personal beliefs that conflicted with the average majority.


                I how ever do not want to just give up on the National
Federation of the Blind because of personal differences because I have found
the NFB to be very helpful, and life changing, and if it was not for the NFB
I would of given up on life like so many in my family have done when they
also became blind.


                My intention by posting on this board was an attempt to get
to know people in my area that I may have common interest in, and to find
the help I really do need, and I believe that I have accomplished just that.
I am a very outgoing person, and I do just go out on my own, and I do just
go out and find new places on my own quite often, but I am starting to find
Cleveland a bit overwhelming, and beyond the scope of my abilities, and I
see no problem with asking for a little help.  There's more to my story, and
a lot of other things I have been dealing with that have been causing me
some frustrations, but instead of just isolating myself, and feeling sorry
for myself I decided to reach help to the best organization of people I know
of that have always been there for me whenever I get off track.  I am sorry
if my attempt to be open, and honest has offended anyone on the board, but
this was the best option I saw for me, and it looks like it has worked out
for the best.  


                I do appreciate your post. I think if I just met you first
beforehand my impression of Cleveland overall would be a lot different.


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