[Ohio-talk] Parents Seminar Announcement

Eric Duffy eduffy at deltav.org
Wed Jun 26 17:30:51 UTC 2013

Special Summer Seminar for Parents and Educators of Blind Children

	Make your summer count. If you are the parent or teacher of a blind
child, join the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio  for a special
seminar in Columbus on Saturday July 27, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The
seminar will take place at 470 Glenmont Avenue. 
	Let blind and visually impaired children tell you why Braille has
become an important part of their lives. Blind adults will tell you what
they wish their parents had known when they were growing up. We will teach
you some of the fundamentals of cane travel and how to advocate for your
child more effectively. We promise you a day of fun and learning that you
will not soon forget. The knowledge you will gain will change your child's
life forever.
	Please contact me by email if you plan to attend. Be sure to let me
know how many are coming. Do you need child care? If yes, for how many
children? If you have questions, contact me by email or by calling (614)
935-6965. I look forward to seeing you at the seminar.

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