[Ohio-talk] FW: Hear yourself on the new TOOST Radio!

Smith, JW smithj at ohio.edu
Mon Jan 13 15:49:15 UTC 2014

Listen if you'd like.


Dr. JW Smith
Associate Professor
Interim Director of Honors Tutorial Studies
School of Communication Studies
Lasher Hall, Rm. 112
Athens, OH 45701
smithj at ohio.edu<mailto:smithj at ohio.edu>
T: 740-593-4838
F: 740-593-4810

*Ask me about the newly revised Ohio Fellows Program or visit http://www.ohio.edu/univcollege/ohiofellows.cfm

"Regarding the past, change what you can, and can what you can't."
"Our minds are like parachutes. They work best when they are open."

From: Emily Ladau [mailto:emily at outofstep.com]
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 10:42 AM
To: Smith, JW
Subject: Hear yourself on the new TOOST Radio!

Hi JW,

Exciting news! The radio show that you spoke on is now up on our website! We all really appreciate you taking the time to participate and share your perspective on disability simulation. Here is the link to listen: http://www.outofstep.com/toost-radio/episodes/episode-4-debating-disability-simulation/<http://www.outofstep.com/toost-radio/episodes/episode-3-giving-back-to-disabled-veterans/>

We hope you'll share with your family, friends, network, and anyone you think might find the discussion interesting! We'll be promoting the show via social media throughout the week.

Thanks so much for everything and let's be sure to stay connected!

TOOST Radio Producer

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