[Ohio-talk] reminder of Cincinnati chapter braille-a-thon

Marianne Denning marianne at denningweb.com
Tue Jun 17 01:39:45 UTC 2014

Good evening.  I think summer has arrived in Ohio.  This is a reminder
that the Cincinnati affiliate is holding our first braille-a-thon this
Saturday.  Half of the money we raise will go to BELL.  Please
consider sponsoring me or another Cincinnati member who is reading

Also, please consider donating to BELL so our children can find out
how fun braille can be.

If you have any questions about the Cincinnati Braille-a-thon please
call me at (513) 607-6053.  Please be thinking of us as we read on

Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
(513) 607-6053

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