[Ohio-talk] William Turner

Payne, Richard L (GE Capital) richard.payne at ge.com
Mon Mar 24 12:01:55 UTC 2014

I took   time to go and see William Turner, For those who do not know he got very sick right after the Washington seminar. He is still hospitalized and still in very serious bad health. I saw him Friday night and he  was able to remember the trip he and I took to the seminar and was talking better. For some reason he did not remember the 1000 dollars he owed me  but that is ok. Lol I must tell you that until I went to see him I thought that he was not going to make it. His uncle Billy has been by his side and Suzanne and his daughters. The chapter meeting Friday was uplifting and we had a group prayer.  The chapter is doing well and several members was in attendance. I would encourage all to keep praying for him and the family. Richard

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