[Ohio-talk] Shake your cans

via Ohio-talk ohio-talk at nfbnet.org
Thu May 22 03:31:02 UTC 2014

Hi There,

Maybe we should write a song about shaking your cans.  I'm sure you're all familiar with the disco song "Shake your booty?"  Well, the refrain could go something like this:

Shake, shake, shake; shake, shake, shake, shake your cans; shake your cans."

By the way, I love my slate and stylus and Braille writer.  As I went to school in Italy for two years, and the teachers emphasize learning the slate and stylus--not just learning it but being fast with it.  As part of our curriculum, we were drilled in dictation and speed, and we received Braille grades on how many mistakes we would have on paper.  Students were introduced to the Braille writer in 6th grade and then put with sighted kids in an integrated setting.

Although we use computers and notetakers to accomplish our tasks today, let us not forget our wonderful Braille system written  both with a slate and stylus and with a Braille writer.  These are not instruments of the dinosaur age but exquisite devices to be valued and trusted.  They have gotten me out of many sticky situations in school and at work.  Anyone for a manual typewriter?


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