[Ohio-talk] The Award Information One More Time

Smith, JW smithj at ohio.edu
Thu Sep 4 16:29:30 UTC 2014

Dear NFBO Colleagues:

Attached you should find the general information for you to submit letters of mominations for our various affiliate awards.

Your perspective Chapter and Division Presidents have the necessary information for submitting Gavel Award reports but remember that all reports and letters of nominations should be in to me by September 20th.


Dr. JW Smith
Associate Professor
School of Communication Studies
Lasher Hall, Rm. 112
Athens, OH 45701
smithj at ohio.edu<mailto:smithj at ohio.edu>
T: 740-593-4838
F: 740-593-4810

*Ask me about the newly revised Ohio Fellows Program or visit http://www.ohio.edu/univcollege/ohiofellows.cfm

"Regarding the past, change what you can, and can what you can't."
"Our minds are like parachutes. They work best when they are open."

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