[Ohio-talk] FW: Challenged by Choice and Disabilities Speak
Smith, JW
smithj at ohio.edu
Mon Apr 13 14:04:55 UTC 2015
Please see the announcement below and please know that I plan on shaking them up this Thursday.
Dr. JW Smith
Associate Professor
School of Communication Studies
Lasher Hall, Rm. 112
Athens, OH 45701
smithj at ohio.edu<mailto:smithj at ohio.edu>
T: 740-593-4838
F: 740-593-4810
*Ask me about the newly revised Ohio Fellows Program or visit http://www.ohio.edu/univcollege/ohiofellows.cfm
"Regarding the past, change what you can, and can what you can't."
"Our minds are like parachutes. They work best when they are open."
From: coms_fac-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu [mailto:coms_fac-bounces at listserv.ohio.edu] On Behalf Of Lewis, Carolyn
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2015 4:40 PM
To: COMS_Fac (coms_fac at listserv.ohio.edu)
Subject: [Coms_fac] Challenged by Choice and Disabilities Speak
Each year, the Athens City Commission on Disabilities sponsors "Challenged by Choice" and "Disabilities Speak" to bring greater awareness to situations that people living with disabilities encounter in the community, on the job, or at school on a daily basis. Several (temporarily) "able-bodied" community and university leaders, and students, take on a disability for the afternoon, experience that particular disability, and later talk about the experience during Disabilities Speak.
The keynote speaker this year for the Disabilities Speak Forum will be our own JW Smith. The Forum will take place Thursday, April 16, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. at the Athens Community Center on East State Street. The Forum is free and open to the public.
Please make the announcement to your students next week in case some of them might have an interest in attending. Pizza and refreshments will be provided.
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