[Ohio-talk] Watches

Kaiti Shelton kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 20:05:53 UTC 2015

Hi all,

First, sorry about the first email.

I've recently grown concerned with my ability to keep track of time in
my music therapy sessions.  We have 30 minute sessions from
10:45-11:15, and unless I ask my partner or supervisor I run the risk
of pacing myself too slowly or too fast.  I used to use the talking
watches but don't want something that talks while I'm in the middle of
the session.  This is because I wouldn't want it to distract my
clients, and if I want to check the time while they're playing hearing
the time could be difficult for me.  The ideal situation would be to
get a Bradley, but I don't have the $300 to shell out on a watch at
this point.

I know the braille watches are less expensive, but that their hands
can be moved out of position fairly easily.  Do they move enough for
me to be concerned about inaccuracy if I were to get one?  I haven't
seen many of them so I really don't have much experience with them to
go by.


Kaiti Shelton
University of Dayton 2016.
Music Therapy, Psychology, Philosophy
President, Ohio Association of Blind Students
Sigma Alpha Iota-Delta Sigma

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