[Ohio-talk] board of directors meeting this Saturday April16/2016

Payne, Richard L (Synchrony Financial) richard.payne at syf.com
Tue Apr 12 12:59:36 UTC 2016

When: Saturday, April 16, 2016 10:00 AM-1:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Greetings it is  time again for the spring board of directors meeting.
This meeting is open to all members so you may feel free to call shortly before 10 am this Saturday April 16th
You can call the normal conference line we have used .
Please call (712) 775-7031.  Use access code 900797801.
I have included the agenda at the end of this message but if items arrive before Saturday they will be added.
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Board of Directors Meeting
April 16, 2016

Roll call and introductions
Leadership discussion
Approval of January  minutes
Financial report
Where are we financially?
Major fund raiser ideas
  Marching for independence
June 26th charity day race
October 5K
Scrip Ohio
Tumbler sales
  Other fund raising Ideas and discussion
Increasing daily food allowance
National convention items
   Contributions for national funds:
        NFB Camp, White Cane Fund,  tenBroek Fund,  SUN Fund, door prizes
  Candy sales
  Jernigan tickets
  Ohio table in exhibit hall
  Who's going?
BELL Program
New brochure
Legislative  report includes OOD and guide dogs
Other committee reports
Convention 2017

Buckeye Bulletin
Vehicle Donation Program
Next meeting date and location

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