[Ohio-talk] National Federation of the blind scholarship application deadline March 31

Jordy Stringer jordystringer83 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 29 00:49:16 UTC 2016

Salutations federation family of Ohio.
I'm right to encourage eligible individuals to apply for the national Federation of the blind scholarship. For specific application details please visit
Individuals who have questions please feel free to reach out to me at
jordystringer83 at gmail.com
The national Association of blind students just concluded a very informative call, so I'm happy to answer any questions you might have. 
Ultimately final scholarship recipients are up to our national committee, but I would love to discuss any of the preliminary processes with eligible individuals.
You were also encouraged to apply for our affiliate scholarship which it's deadline is May 15, 2016.

Let's go build our Federation, yours in the bond.
Jordy Stringer

Sent from the iPhone of Jordy D. Stringer

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