[Ohio-talk] National Convention

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 02:45:30 UTC 2016



I am excited about the upcoming National Convention.  This is because for
the first time I am taking my daughter, Danielle.  Therefore, I am looking
for a mentor who will show her what it means to be blind by living the life
she wants.  I also am seeking a roommate for her for the five nights we will
be there.  If you are interested, let me know.  I will determine the best
fit for her.  I want her to learn about the NFB as a baby and move into
independence and to where she will learn to use that knowledge first and the
small vision she has last.  It will be a lot for her to take in, but I think
it will be a great eye opener.  There is nothing like attending the National
Convention as a baby.  SMILE! 





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