[Ohio-talk] The movie is out

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Fri Sep 23 17:44:28 UTC 2016

And just think ... I knew you back when!


At 07:25 AM 9/23/2016, you wrote:
>Some of you will remember that a year ago in May a film company 
>contacted Eric to ask for help in portraying blindness accurately. 
>This was for a filmbeingmade in Lorain, so Eric asked me to be in 
>touch with the company. We then had a pretty wild month. They wanted 
>my insighte about how a blind person would act and things he might 
>do, but they also wanted blind extras for the crowd shots. The 
>Lorain County chapter rode to the rescue as  did some people from 
>Cleveland. Eric and Aleeha also drove up for a day to fill out the 
>ranks.They also wanted a young blindman to be the representative 
>from the charity for which the blind guy was raising money. I 
>arranged for Jason Ewell to come to Lorain County to play this small 
>part. But then Mother Nature took a hand. They had to film with 
>people in the water, and the bacteria count went way up, so they had 
>to rearrange the shooting schedule. The Ewells were leaving for 
>Scotland, and it was just not going to work. So they pressed me into 
>service to start the race. I actually had a line to say. I also got 
>paid, and I gave the money to the affiliate to help folks get to the 
>75th convention. I just wanted you to know that I did not make money 
>on this project.
>Last night Bob and I attended the official opening. It was all the 
>way in at the Cedar Lee Theater, but it was interesting and fun. I 
>even got a credit. As Bob said, the blind guy made a plausibly 
>competent blind guy. There was a good bit of skin. The R rating is 
>not misplaced. Bob spotted Sherry and Tom Ruth, and Rita Tiree from 
>our chapter as well as the two of us. The film is opening this 
>evening at Cedar Lee. There are two shows today and tomorrow. But is 
>is also now available on iTunes as My Blind Brother.
>Just wanted you to know,

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