[Ohio-talk] Transportation To Board meeting

mzavoli at roadrunner.com mzavoli at roadrunner.com
Fri Apr 14 01:35:17 UTC 2017

Milena Zavoli 

Greetings Friends,

I have been asked to share the following announcement:

Do you want to go to the Ohio Affiliate Board Meeting Saturday, April 22nd?  Cheryl Fields wants you to know that if you live in the greater Cleveland area, Wayne Fletcher, our designated driver, can get you to Columbus fast and on time.  Depending on interest, Wayne will rent a van, and he will take up to six (6) people.  For information about cost or for other questions, call Cheryl at (216) 566-4317 or e-mail her at cherylelaine1957 at gmail.com.  The deadline is this Saturday, April 15th to reserve your seat!

Thank you.

All The Best, 

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