[Ohio-talk] Affiliate membership committee meeting minutes

Walter Mitchell walterl.mitch2 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 21:32:06 UTC 2017

Hello Ohio,


At the request of Dr. Peters, the chairperson of the membership committee,
please see the minutes from the Febuary 19 meeting below.


Membership meeting began with casual conversation at 7 PM Sunday, February
19, 2017. Those present introduce themselves, Shared the chapter they
represent, their ideas regarding membership retention, membership
recruitment and membership engagement.


Results of some of the ideas:

.         Family time: possibly meeting monthly and/or bimonthly via.
teleconference or personal phone calls to chat with members across the


.         Board meeting: after state board meeting possibly meeting together
for afternoon fun and entertainment , this would represent an opportunity to
fellowship with one another before going home.


.         Chapter interactions: chapters can possibly pair up with one
another, meet halfway at a park, restaurant, etc. to fellowship, Not for a
formal meeting.


Engaging others:

.         Share your chapter's information with a waitress or waiter in your
favorite restaurant  , Church events, organizational events, professional
events, etc.


.         Ask members to bring a friend , Relative, companion to a chapter
meeting, fundraiser  and/or special event for your chapter.


Recruitment and retention:  

.         Encourage members to refer potential members and current members
to NFB.org and NFB Ohio.org. Encourage them to review membership resources. 


.         FB has many different tools that can be utilized and multiple
ideas to spruce up chapter meetings. 


.         National is sponsoring a membership campaign through social media
The month of March. 


Meeting adjourned until Sunday, April 23, 2017 7 PM. For Any additional
comments please email or call 937-657-5134


Thank you,

Fundraising committee member



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