[Ohio-talk] For Your Information

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 23:01:10 UTC 2018




Microsoft is partnering with Be My Eyes, a volunteer network using video
chat to offer visual information to users who are not able to see the
environment,   to offer specialized services through specific business
portals for those needing technical assistance, wanting to shop or otherwise
learn about products. Suggestions from the user community are welcome.
Details here:


If you have a disability and 2+ years' experience in STEM Finance or
Business and are seeking a new career, Connect April 20 with 11
Fortune/Global 500 companies during the USBLN Virtual Career Invitational.
Participating companies are looking to recruit disability talent for great
career opportunities. Details and sign-up here:


Employees with disabilities understand how accessible and assistive
technology (AT)
can help them in their career choices are most likely to be successful.
Being proactive is the key. This blog provides 7 logical steps to take.


Disability and workforce development service providers play a key role in
helping job seekers with disabilities find and succeed in employment. But
they also serve employers - by identifying and connecting with individuals
to meet their workforce needs. Now, a new guide from EARN, developed with
input from the Council of State Administrators of Vocational
Rehabilitation's National Employment Team, examines this "dual customer"
approach in depth. Read the guide here:


An Executive Consultant for Cisco discussed the company's Project Life
Changer, an inclusive hiring program focused on recruiting and retaining
employees with disabilities. The podcast is one in the "Future of Work"
series produced by the Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology
in collaboration with Workology.com to start conversations around how
emerging workplace technology trends are impacting people with disabilities.
Access the podcast here:


To ensure that internship opportunities are open to all qualified
candidates, including those with disabilities, ODEP offers "Inclusive
Internship Programs: A How-to Guide for Employers." This resource discusses
the value of internships to intern and employer alike. It also provides
practical information on workplace accommodations for interns with
disabilities and resources such as sample position descriptions and
self-assessment and evaluation forms.



Last December, the Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology hosted
a meeting with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor for Disability Employment
Policy Jennifer Sheehy at the Microsoft Innovation & Policy Center. The aim
was refining efforts and exploring key issues related to accessible
workplace technology, from identifying ways to increase hiring people with
disabilities, to closing the accessible technology skills gap. Participants
included employers, technology developers, universities, and tech users with
disabilities. Read findings here:  http://www.peatworks.org/thinktank/2017


The LEAD Center has released comprehensive Guided Group Discovery materials,
designed to enable youth and adults with disabilities and others to find a
job that is a good fit with an employer who values their talents. This
Customized Employment and Guided Group Discovery Information Brief provides
a summary of the process and how to access the materials. Read details here:


Coming March 14: Bender free, virtual Career Fair for People with
Disabilities: Meet Epic, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, Thomson Reuters, US
Dept. of Justice, US Secret Service & other Excellent Employers! Online.
Registration and details here:



The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) offers emergency and
disability resources. These include We Prepare Everyday videos featuring
people with disabilities preparing for emergencies, articles geared toward
different audiences, and guides and training for providers on inclusive
shelter and support services. See also a web-based, interactive course on
integrating people with disabilities and others with access and functional
needs in disaster operations. https://www.fema.gov/disability


This 10-minute YouTube from National Eye Institute describing low-tech
solutions in real low-vision settings, plus the emotional impact of vision
loss across life, may be a valuable asset to share with those facing this
situation. Both English and Spanish versions are available.   



"Understanding the Affordable Care Act: A Toolkit for Vocational
Rehabilitation (VR) Counselors" is now available. The toolkit is designed as
a resource on how recent changes in the health care system can provide
additional opportunities to eliminate barriers to employment. It includes
sections on (1) essential health benefits for persons with disabilities, (2)
which VR consumers may be a good fit for marketplace coverage, and (3)
expanded Medicaid and VR consumers. Link to this free resource here:


 <http://www.lighthouseguild.org/spotlightgateway> Spotlight Gateway is
designed to put an iPad into the hands of any student with a qualifying
vision impairment at no cost. The student can sign up for free with
<http://www.afb.org/directory/profile/bookshare/12> Bookshare to download
books and receive an iPad with the Spotlight Gateway app installed. An
ophthalmologist must sign off on the proof of vision impairment, and then
can register the student on the Spotlight Gateway website


The Department of Veterans Affairs offers make the Connection, an online
resource to connect Veterans, their families and friends to information,
resources, and solutions to issues affecting their lives, including mental
health conditions and traumatic brain injury. The comprehensive searchable
directory links visitors to VA medical centers, mental health programs,
benefits counselors, and other local resources. The site also features
videos from more than 400 Veterans and their family members, sharing stories
of strength and recovery. More here: https://maketheconnection.net/


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