[Ohio-talk] Possibly crazy question about funding for an AIRA subscription

Christopher Sabine, ONH Consulting info at onhconsulting.com
Sat Nov 17 19:37:33 UTC 2018

Hello all.


I have a possibly off the wall question about Aira and funding.


I am currently self-employed and receive SSDI as a Blind beneficiary and am
curious about funding options for an AIRA subscription. I work primarily
from home as an energy management consultant and also have a side business
doing educational consulting. I have done travel occasionally for both
businesses but so far family and existing travel skills have been sufficient
for navigation. 


I am aware of the availability of Stable accounts and potentially other
income set-asides for disability related expenses. However, I'd like to know
if it is possible to deduct the cost of an Aira subscription from my taxable
income as a medical or business expense as a Blind person? This would allow
me to obtain AIRA while also cutting my self-employment tax (potentially
substantially). I'm also aware of the Blind work Expense per SSA but not
sure if this applies to SSDI. Any info on this (including any relevant case
law or IRS regulations on this) would be appreciated.


Again, I'm just exploring options at this point.


Happy Thanksgiving to all.



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