[Ohio-talk] NFBO 2018 state convention agenda

Ali Benmerzouga ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 8 15:50:26 UTC 2018


A lot to see, a lot to learn and a lot of resources! Two thumbs up!

Thanks a lot Richard, Suzanne and the rest of the convention organizers.

Can’t wait …

Have a great day y’all.


From: Ohio-Talk <ohio-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Richard Payne via Ohio-Talk
Sent: Sunday, October 7, 2018 9:50 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Announcement and Discussion List' <ohio-talk at nfbnet.org>; 'Robert Spangler' <spangler.robert at gmail.com>; shelbiah1 at gmail.com
Cc: Richard Payne <rchpay7 at gmail.com>
Subject: [Ohio-talk] NFBO 2018 state convention agenda

[Image removed by sender.]
National Federation of the Blind
of Ohio
Convention Agenda
The Team Convention: One Team, One Goal
November 2, 3, and 4, 2018
Holiday Inn Cleveland/Strongsville
15471 Royalton Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44136
(440) 238-8800
Richard Payne, President of the NFB of Ohio
PO Box 20544, Dayton, OH 45420
Host: NFB of Lorain County
Sherry Ruth, President
As Ohio’s oldest organization of blind people working together to change what it means to be blind, the NFB of Ohio offers a convention that will inspire, empower, and celebrate our accomplishments. Join us to learn more about issues confronting blind people to day and walk away ready to advocate for change.
Our 72nd Annual Convention entitled “The Team Convention” will showcase inspirational stories about the work of our movement, its history, and philosophy. With proper training and opportunity, the blind can live the life we want. It is through love, hope, and determination that the NFB helps to transform dreams into reality.
About the NFB of Ohio
The National Federation of the Blind of Ohio is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and a founding affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind. We are proud to be an integral part of the oldest and largest organization of blind consumers in the United States. We are a diverse group of people dedicated to changing what it means to be blind. Our members work tirelessly to break down the legal, social, and personal barriers to living the lives we want.
The mission of the National Federation of the Blind is to achieve widespread emotional acceptance and intellectual understanding that the real problem of blindness is not the loss of eyesight but the misconceptions and lack of information which exist. We do this by bringing blind people together to share our successes, to support each other in times of failure, and to create imaginative solutions to the challenges that face us.
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.
Table of Contents
NFB Pledge      2
Mastering the Holiday Inn       3
Announcements   5
The Ohio Action Auction 6
Registration and Literature     6
Door Prizes     7
Guide Dogs      7
Exhibit Hall    7
Convention Agenda       7
Thursday: November 1, 2018      7
Friday: November 2, 2018        7
Saturday: November 3, 2018      10
Sunday: November 4, 2018 ………………………………………………………14
Board of Directors………………………………………………………….……..16
Honor Roll Sponsors………………………………………………………….......18
NFB Pledge
I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its constitution.
The NFB of Ohio Convention Planning Committee is committed to making your 2018 Team Convention memorable and enjoyable. Please feel free to visit the Board Room with any questions, concerns, or requests for accommodations.
Suzanne Turner, Committee Chair
Mastering the Holiday Inn
by Barbara Pierce
Though parking is available near the sleeping rooms at this hotel, you will probably first park on the east side of the facility. The main entrance is near the check-in desk, close to the south end of the meeting room block. Imagine that the meeting room area is roughly a square with an add-on section on the north side at the northeast corner. The sleeping rooms form a print T that lies south of the meeting rooms with the stem running north-south and beginning half way back the south side of the east-west hallway, which begins at the front door and stretches west to the Simmering Pot Restaurant at the west end of the hall.
The check-in desk is near the front door and on your left as you walk toward the Simmering Pot. Just past the desk on the left is the base of the sleeping-room T. You will find the three sets of elevators in this sleeping-room area. Convention registration will be located near the check-in desk in the lobby part of the east-west hall.
As you walk west toward the Simmering Pot, on your left you will pass the check-in desk, the hall leading to sleeping rooms and elevators, and Vinney’s Lounge, where dinner is served as well as drinks during the evening. On the north (right) side of the hall are three corridors leading into the meeting-room area. The east-west hall is tile, and the three south-north meeting-room corridors are carpeted, as is the hallway leading to the sleeping rooms.
Just after you step into the hotel, you can turn right into the first meeting-room corridor. It is called the sales corridor because the sales and catering offices are on the right of the hall as you walk north. The Aspen Room is the first door on the left of this hall. There are restrooms on the right just north of the sales office. A pair of drinking fountains is just to the north of the men’s room. There is a low, wheelchair fountain and then a taller one. Neither reaches the floor, so they are a bit of a hazard since a cane will slide under them. After the fountains is a door to the outside, which is one of the dog relief areas as well as a seating area for smokers. There are two sets of doors to pass through to get out. There is a permanent trash receptacle outside, and the hotel staff will probably place a couple of others out there for your convenience. Please use them when picking up after your dog.
On the west side of the hallway is a door into the Mulberry Room, which is our general session room. This door is located at the north side of the head table. There is another entrance on the south wall of the Mulberry Room at the west end, which means it is located at the back of the meeting room.
Returning to the sales hallway, the hall stops at the north end at a door into the Chestnut Rooms A and B. These will be breakout rooms, especially on Saturday. These two meeting rooms are the add-on space at the north end of the meeting-room square.
Returning to the east-west hallway, where the check-in desk is located, and walking west past the sales and catering corridor, you come to the second corridor leading north. This is opposite the check-in desk. Walking north in this carpeted hall, you pass the west door into the Aspen Room. If you stay to the right walking north, you will walk straight into the back door to the Mulberry room referred to above. Just to the left of that door is the door to the Sycamore Room and west of that room is the Cypress Room. These two rooms are the hospitality room on Friday night.
On the west side of the south-north corridor is a door into the Board Room, and around the corner in the east-west corridor that passes the Cypress Room is another door into the Board Room. If you walk further west in this hall, you will cross the third of the north-south hallways. Just beyond this hall you will find a door on the south side of the hall, which leads into the Juniper Room. There is a second door into this room which is on the south end of the room and leads to the east-west hallway just outside the Simmering Pot Restaurant. There are restrooms on the east wall of the third north-south hall as well as the Butternut Room, which lies between the restrooms and the main east-west hallway. When you leave the carpeting, walking south, you will know that you are back in the main east-west hall. When you cross this hall, you will enter Vinney’s Lounge. The Simmering Pot Restaurant is on your right at the west end of the hall, and the front door of the hotel is to your left.
When you begin walking east toward the check-in desk, you will pick up the carpeting leading south into the sleeping-room area. This is the stem of the T. All of the elevators are on the stem: the first two pairs of cars are on the left, and the third, single elevator is on the right, almost at the junction of the stem of the T with the cross piece. The left or east arm of the cross piece is shorter than the west arm. The sleeping rooms all have ADA signs. Even-numbered rooms are on the right, and odd-numbered rooms are on the left. Large circular mirrors with thick frames are hung at shoulder height alternately right and left in the hall, so be careful not to hug the walls as you walk, or you could locate the mirrors the hard way. There are ice and soft drink machines near all the elevators. On floors one and six there are rooms with a coin-operated washer and dryer. These are located just after the second elevator bay. There are three sets of elevators on the stem of the T. The first two sets go all the way to the sixth floor; the last elevator goes only to floor five. That elevator is located on the right (west) side of the hall almost at the cross-piece hall, and there are only five floors of rooms on the cross piece.
A door leading to a dog-relief area on the west side of the corridor is across the hall from the second set of elevators. This is a large grassy area, and trash receptacles will be placed outside the door for your convenience. Remember to take your room key card with you in order to get back into the hotel.
I will conclude with my usual plea: do not just read through this article once and then feel frustrated because you do not have a perfect map of the hotel in your mind. Read through it carefully several times. Consciously construct the map in your mind. Making maps is one of the skills of blindness, but it takes practice to do it quickly. Use this article as a way of developing the skill.
Free Aira Site Access at National Federation of the Blind State Convention
The National Federation of the Blind has partnered with Aira to provide free Aira Site Access to NFB members during our 2018 state convention. Aira subscribers who are National Federation of the Blind members can use the service at our convention for free without having minutes deducted from their plans. In addition, those interested in Aira have the unique opportunity to try out the service for free while at our convention. This convention-wide, free site access is available only at NFB state conventions, giving NFB members an exclusive opportunity to test-drive Aira in a convention setting.
Aira allows blind people to connect using live video to a trained agent through a mobile app or wearable glasses to get real-time visual information or assistance. Learn more about Aira and special pricing available for NFB members at go.aira.io/NFB.
How it Works
Before you head to convention or as soon as you get there, download the free Aira app from the App Store, and create a guest account if you are not already an Aira subscriber. Also make sure your phone’s GPS feature is enabled. When you enter the convention Site Access location, your phone will receive a notification letting you know that the space you are in is part of the Aira Network. When you connect with an agent, he or she will also confirm that you are now covered by the network, and no minutes will be deducted from your account.
When you leave or enter convention areas that are covered by the Site Access network, you will be informed by the Aira agent.
To learn more about Aira and the special plan available exclusively to NFB members, visit go.aira.io/NFB.
The Ohio Action Auction
Throughout the convention we will be holding an Action Auction to raise money for the affiliate. The auction will be great fun with many valuable items up for bid. Our chapters and divisions have submitted numerous items including electronics, gift certificates, food baskets, and more to raise money for the affiliate. The auction will take place throughout General Sessions on Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, and at the Banquet.
Please bring auction items and door prizes to the registration table in the hotel lobby. When registration is closed, you can call Annette Lutz, at (614) 288-4323 to make arrangements to get your items to her.
Registration and Literature
Pre-registration packet pick-up and registration will take place In the lobby of the hotel. Those who have completed their registration prior to convention will form a line at the pre-registration table for a speedy process. Visit the registration table to register for convention or to purchase additional tickets to events. Both tables will be open for three shifts on Friday, November 2, from 8:30 - 10:30 AM, 12:15 - 1:45 PM, and 6:00 - 7:00 PM, and then again on Saturday, November 3, from 8:00 - 8:45 AM. The Cuyahoga Chapter volunteered to staff both tables at convention. Please contact Shawn Martin at (216) 939-0502 with any questions or concerns.
NFB literature will be available throughout the convention and in the Holiday Inn Lobby. Feel free to take as much as you like and share it with your friends and family.
If you need assistance from the NFB of Ohio (such as helping a blind child get a good education, getting access to blindness skills training, learning to use NFB-NEWSLINE®, or resolving an employment discrimination problem), please go to the registration table. After the convention a member of the NFB of Ohio will contact you. In addition, if you would like to sign up to receive any of our publications or would like to get regular updates about our programs and legislative efforts, please also visit the registration table. The table will be open during the same time as the registration.
For more information please contact president Richard Payne at (937) 396-5573.
Door Prizes
Door prizes should be labeled clearly in print and Braille with the donor's name and the amount of cash or type of gift. They may be brought directly to Annette Lutz or left at Convention Registration with instructions.
Door prizes will be drawn periodically throughout convention sessions on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and at the banquet. To be eligible for door prizes, you must be registered for the convention and present in the room when your name is called.
Guide Dogs
There are two relief areas for your convenience, one outside the convention room hall and one near the sleeping room hall. Please read the hotel description for details. For assistance with any guide dog issues, please contact Deanna Lewis, President of the Ohio Guide Dog Users Division at (513) 328-7976.
Exhibit Hall
Whether you are an information-seeker or a new-gadget shopper, you will find everything that you need to help you live the life you want at this year’s exhibit hall. Visit the exhibit hall in The Aspen Room on Saturday, November 3, from Noon to 4:30 PM to explore the latest technology and to get answers to the questions on your mind about employment, healthcare, services for the blind, and much more.
Convention Agenda

Thursday: November 1, 2018

7:00 - 9:00 PM

What Is the NFB and Understanding Our Role?
The Juniper Room

Friday: November 2, 2018

8:30 - 10:30 AM

Pre-Registration Pick-up
The Holiday Inn Hotel Lobby

8:30 - 10:30 AM

Registration ($20.00 and Banquet $45.00)
The Holiday Inn Hotel Lobby

9:00 – 10:00 AM

Ohio Blind Seniors White Cane Walk
Join the Ohio Blind Seniors for a power walk in the Strongsville Mall to promote health and wellness. Anyone can participate. Please wear your NFB attire. Meet in the hotel lobby at 8:30 AM to venture over as a group. Light refreshments will be provided at the hotel to gather and unwind after the walk. For more information, contact Barbara Pierce, President, NFB of Ohio Seniors Division.

11:00 AM – Noon

Board of Directors Meeting (Open to All)
The Mulberry Room

12:15 - 1:30 PM

Pre-registration Pick-up
The Holiday Inn Lobby

12:15 - 1:30 PM

Registration ($20.00) and Banquet ($45.00)
The Holiday Inn Lobby

12:30 - 1:30 PM

Meet and Greet
Come network with other members during break time. Light hors d'oeuvres will be available.
The Sycamore Room

12:30 - 1:45 PM

Rookie Round-Up
Dr. Carolyn Peters, Ohio Membership Committee Chair, NFB of Ohio Board of Directors and President of the NFB of the Miami Valley
The Cypress Room

2:00 – 5:00 PM

General Session
Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio
The Mulberry Room

2:00 PM

Call to Order and Invocation
Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio

2:10 PM

Presentation of Colors - NFB of Ohio Veterans
"Star Spangled Banner," Macy McClain, NFB of Ohio Board of Directors, NFB of Springfield

2:25 PM

Welcome to Strongsville
Thomas P. Perciak, Mayor of Strongsville, Ohio
Sherry Ruth, President, NFB of Lorain County and Treasurer, NFB of Ohio

2:40 PM

National Report
Denise R. Avant, Esq., Member, NFB Board of Directors and President of NFB of Illinois

3:05 PM

The Humanistic Mindset: Perspectives on Visual Challenges
Scott Reisberg, Executive Director, Akron Blind Center

3:25 PM

Updates on Transportation and Working Together as a Team
Sam Henderson, Supervisor of Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA)

3:45 PM

Teaming with OOD for Success, a report on services and updates with a Q/A session to follow
Sarah Kelly, Manager of Program Services,
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired

4:15 PM

The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) for Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)
The purpose of the SRC is to provide feedback to OOD on its Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation and Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired programs.
Dr. Carolyn Peters, SRC Chairperson, and Dr. JW Smith, SRC Vice Chairperson

4:35 PM

Aira: the Glasses That Can Help You
Kyle Kozlowski, Agent Analyst

4:55 PM


5:00 PM


5:30 - 6:30 PM

Ohio Association of Blind Merchants Meeting
Annette Lutz, President
Chestnut Room A

5:30 - 8:30 PM

The Sycamore and Cypress Rooms

6:00 - 7:00 PM

Pre-registration Pick-up
The Holiday Inn Lobby

6:00 - 7:00 PM

Registration ($20.00) and Banquet ($45.00)
The Holiday Inn Lobby

6:30 - 7:30 PM

At-Large Chapter Meeting
Colleen Roth, President
The Juniper Room

7:00 - 8:00 PM

Resolutions Committee Meeting
We encourage the participation of all members. Come help shape and set policies of the NFB of Ohio to advocate for change.
Barbara Pierce, Chair
The Butternut Room

7:00 - 8:30 PM

Technology Session
This is an informational workshop on apps for the blind providing artificial and human visual interpretation.
Jessica Snyder and Shelly Duffy
Chestnut Room A

7:00 - 8:45 PM

One Touch Self-Defense Class ($15.00 per person)
Wilbert Turner and Antonio Dobyne, certified One Touch coaches, with Jennica Cole, who has an additional certification for women. Tickets are required.
Chestnut Room B

8:00 PM

Nominating Committee Meeting
This is a closed meeting.
The Butternut Room

9:00 - 10:00 PM

Ohio Association to Promote the Use of Braille (OAPUB) Play: "Our Miss Brooks Thanksgiving Show" ($5 donation at the door)
The Mulberry Room

Saturday: November 3, 2018

7:00 - 8:45 AM

Ohio Association to Promote the Use of Braille (OAPUB) Breakfast Meeting (All are welcome, however tickets are required for breakfast.)
Marianne Denning, President
Chestnut B

7:00 - 8:45 AM

Ohio Diabetes Action Network (DAN) Division Meeting

Members will eat in the Simmering Pot Restaurant and then proceed to the meeting.
Paul Jordan, President
Juniper Room

7:00 - 8:45 AM

Scholarship Breakfast
Dr. JW Smith, Chair
The Simmering Pot Restaurant Balcony

8:00 - 8:45 AM

Pre-registration Pick-up
The Holiday Inn Lobby

8:00 - 8:45 AM

Registration ($20.00) and Banquet ($45.00)
The Holiday Inn Lobby

9:00 – Noon

General Session
Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio
The Mulberry Room

9:00 AM

Call to Order and Invocation
Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio

9:05 AM

Convention Arrangements
Suzanne Turner, Ohio Convention Planning Chair and President of NFB of Cleveland

9:15 AM

>From the Back of the Bus to the Front of the Classroom: a Memoir of My Thirty-Year Journey as a Blind Professor
Dr. JW Smith, Capital Chapter

9:30 AM

Reading and More
Ohio Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled (OLBPD)
William Reed, Manager, Cleveland Public Library

10:00 AM

Report on the School for the Blind’s Current Standing and its Aspirations
Lou Maynus, Ed.D., Superintendent, Ohio State School for the Deaf and Interim Superintendent, Ohio State School for the Blind

10:30 AM

The Team Report
Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio

10:50 AM

How Learning Braille Has Given Me Opportunities as a Sighted Person: The Importance of Reading and Learning to Write Braille
Caroline Karbowski, Freshman at The Ohio State University studying biology

11:05 AM

Braille Literacy the Federation Way
Marianne Denning and Debby Baker, Teachers of the Visually Impaired

11:30 AM

Centers for Independent Living: the Team Approach
Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council
Jeremy Morris, Executive Director, Southeastern Ohio Center for Independent Living
Jordy D. Stringer, Independent Living Specialist

11:55 AM





Boxed Lunch Pick-up (Tickets required)
The Sycamore and Cypress Rooms

Noon – 4:30 PM

Exhibit Hall
The Aspen Room

12:30 - 1:45 PM

Blind Parents Meeting
This meeting is for people who wish to start developing and maintaining strong support for blind parents and their children.
Eric Duffy, Capital Chapter
Chestnut Room B

12:15 - 1:45 PM

NFB of Ohio Seniors Division Meeting
Barbara Pierce, President
The Juniper Room

12:15 - 1:45 PM

Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users (OAGDU) Meeting
Deanna Lewis, President
Chestnut Room A

12:15 - 1:45 PM

Ohio Association of Blind Students (OABS) Meeting
Lillie Pennington, President
Mulberry Room

2:00 - 3:30 PM

Leadership Meeting
Topics include leadership, chapter finances, fundraising, advocacy, and policy. Chapter and division officers and state Board of Directors are required to attend.
Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio; Sheri Albers, Vice President, NFB of Ohio; Denise Avant, National Rep; and various leaders from around the state
The Mulberry Room

3:00 - 4:30 PM

Technology Workshop, with particular focus on Google Docs, Sheets, and other productivity software
Questions about other technology items are welcome. The conversation will focus on how blind people use technology every day to gain greater independence.
Robby Spangler, Assistive Technology Instructor
The Juniper Room

3:00 - 4:30 PM

One Touch Self-Defense Class ($15.00 per person)
Wilbert Turner and Antonio Dobyne, certified One Touch coaches with Jennica Cole, who has an additional certification for women. Tickets are required.
The Sycamore Room

3:30 - 4:45 PM

The Blind View: A Session for Sighted People
Wayne Fletcher, NFB of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County
The Butternut Room

3:45 - 5:00 PM

Membership Building and More
All NFB members are invited to membership building. There will be lots of ideas about recruiting and retention of members. Also there will be door prizes.
Dr. Carolyn Peters, Membership Committee Chair, NFB of Ohio Board of Directors, President, NFB of the Miami Valley
The Cypress Room

5:30 - 6:30 PM

Pre-Banquet Social Hour, Cash Bar
Chestnut Room A and B

6:30 PM

NFB of Ohio Banquet (Tickets required)
Event Highlights:
·         Mistress of Ceremony, Emily Pennington, Treasurer, NFB of Cincinnati
·         Invocation, Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio
·         Keynote Speaker, Denise Avant, National Representative and President of NFB of Illinois
·         Awards Presentations, Cheryl Fields, Awards Committee Chair and NFB of Ohio Board of Directors
·         Scholarship Awards, Dr. JW Smith, Scholarship Committee Chair, Capital Chapter
·         Not So Silent Auction, Annette Lutz, NFB of Ohio Board of Directors, President, Capital Chapter, and President, Ohio Association of Blind Vendors
·         Money for the Movement, Sherry Ruth, Treasurer, NFB of Ohio and President of the NFB of Lorain County
Chestnut Room A and B
We would like to thank the Norwalk Ohio Lions for generously supporting our Scholarship Program.

9:00 PM

After Party
Stick around after the banquet to fellowship and party with your NFB of Ohio family. Enjoy music and group fun.
The Sycamore and Cypress Rooms

Sunday: November 4, 2018

7:45 - 8:45 AM

Faith Meeting
Mulberry Room

9:00 – Noon

General Session
Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio
The Mulberry Room

9:00 AM

Call to Order
Richard Payne, President, NFB of Ohio

9:05 AM

In Remembrance: Honoring our Federation Members who are no longer with us
Macy McClain, NFB of Ohio Board of Directors

9:15 AM

My First National Convention
Charlette Davidson, NFB of Cleveland

9:30 AM

The Power to Achieve your Goal: Building the Team that will Help you Realize your Full Potential
Rachel Kuntz, Residential Coordinator, Blind, Inc.

9:45 AM

Nominating Committee Report

9:50 AM

Affiliate Elections

10:05 AM

Financial Report
Sherry Ruth, Treasurer, NFB of Ohio and President, NFB of Lorain County

10:20 AM

Living With and Without Sight--Stuck in the Transition: The Federation Way
Sheri Albers, Vice President, NFB of Ohio and President, NFB of Cincinnati

10:40 AM

Barbara Pierce, Resolutions Committee Chair

11:05 AM

Thirty-Five Years of Affiliate Leadership: Conversation Among Four Presidents

11:45 AM

Closing Remarks and Final Words from Our National Representative



2018 Board of Directors
President Richard Payne
(937) 396-5573 C.
(937) 829-3368 W.
rchpay7 at gmail.com
PO Box 20544, Dayton, OH 45420
Vice President Sheri Albers
(513) 886-8697 C.
sheri.albers87 at gmail.com
3052 Lischer Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45211
Secretary Shelbi Hindel
(614) 558-8059 C.
shelbiah1 at gmail.com
185 Crestview Road, Columbus, OH 43202
Treasurer Sherry Ruth
(440) 324-4218 H.
(440) 281-6959 C.
Babyruth2 at windstream.net
6922 Murray Ridge Road, Elyria, OH 44035
At-Large Board Members
Cheryl Fields
(216) 566-4317 C.
cherylelaine1957 at gmail.com
PO Box 202091, Cleveland, OH 44120
Deanna Lewis
(513) 328-7976 C.
deannakay03 at gmail.com
2526 Meyerhill Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45211

Annette Lutz
(614) 288-4323 C.
(614) 263-5599 H.
annettelutz at att.net
77 West Jeffrey Place, Columbus, OH 43214
Macy McClain
(937) 935-2610 C.
macymcclain0990 at gmail.com
701 Stonehollow Place, Bellefontaine, OH 43311
Dr. Carolyn Peters
(937) 657-5134 C.
(937) 293-2131 Bus.
drcarolyn-peters at att.net
411 Elmhurst Rd., Dayton, OH 45417
Barbara Pierce
(440) 774-8077 H.
(440) 935-4511 C.
barbara.pierce9366 at gmail.com
198 Kendal Drive, Oberlin, OH 44074
William Turner
(330) 328-9860 C.
william.h.turner at ssa.gov
1064 East 167th Street, Cleveland, OH 44110

Honor Roll Sponsors
Gold Sponsor
Delta Gamma Foundation
The Delta Gamma Foundation fosters lifetime enrichment for members, promotes Service for Sight and partners with the fraternity to ensure the future of our sisterhood. Our dedicated members and friends make this mission possible through philanthropy, service, and generous gifts to the Foundation which support our three signature programs: Service for Sight, Grants to the Fraternity for Leadership and Educational Programming, and Grants to Individual Members.
We ignite opportunity by setting the world in motion. Good things happen when people can move, whether across town or towards their dreams. Opportunities appear, open up, become reality. What started as a way to tap a button to get a ride has led to billions of moments of human connection as people around the world go all kinds of places in all kinds of ways with the help of our technology.

Silver Sponsors
Cincinnati Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Cincinnati, Ohio
Offering blind and visually impaired people the opportunity to seek independence
Disability Rights Ohio, Columbus, Ohio
Disability Rights Ohio, is a non-profit corporation with a mission to advocate for the human, civil, and legal rights of people with disabilities in Ohio.

Bronze Sponsor
Dr. Carolyn Peters, NFB of Ohio Board of Directors and President of the NFB of Miami Valley

Richard Payne,  President
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
937-396-5573or 937/829/3368
Rchpay7 at gmail.com
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back

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