[Ohio-talk] FYI

Wanda Sloan wsloan118 at roadrunner.com
Fri Sep 7 18:54:08 UTC 2018

Sue Ann: Please inform your DAN folk to please be on this conference call
for this coming Sunday @ 7 pm


August DAN Meeting



President-Paul  Jordan, Vice President-Susan Day, Bd. Member- Sue
Ott,Treasurer- Collene Roth, Secretary- Wanda Sloan ,   Member- Gloria


Old Business

The first order of business: discussed was about tickets. Those that have
not received them need to do so and sell them before the convention.


Next item was about the basket drawing.

Discussed were the items that will be placed in the basket.


New Business


Gloria Robinson has brought up a project about attending and set up a table
for a health fair sponsored by her Dr. Ken Robinson.

This will be in October

She is going to touch base about this at our meeting in September.

Sue Day has asked her  for the date.

There is another health fair in Springfield in October also.


This will be on Limestone.

Sue Day discussed to Sue AnnTurner about the Cleveland Chapter not
participating in the State DAN.

She is going to discuss about the DAN to them.



There was much conversation about past actions that occurred and how well
this organization has reorganized.  We have been doing will collecting funds
by way of fundraisers.  


Wanda invited and discussed the activity going at her church on Aug. 25.

Also about her cousins , Kim Winters that lives in Indianapolis telling her
story living her life  as a blind diabetic.



Paul Jordan told us about his dilemma on the illness of his Cancer.

End of discussion


The meeting ended at 8:03 pm.


Respectfully Submitted by:

W. M. Sloanm,Secretary


Line 563 999 2099

Code: 696579


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