[Ohio-talk] Emailing: April leadership weekend final ed

Ali Benmerzouga ali.benmerzouga at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 3 02:33:04 UTC 2019

Thanks a lot Richard and all the team for the great Agenda and for all you
are doing to improve the lives of blind Ohioans!!! Greatly appreciated!

Looking forward to meeting you and the rest of the members during the great
weekend, helping you with all we can and actively participating in the
effort of the Federation.

Have a nice evening and everyone on this list.

Ali Benmerzouga
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio -  Cleveland Chapter, Board Member,

Chair of Cleveland Chapter Legislative Committee,
Cell Phone - 440-590-0315.

Please Visit and like our Chapter's Facebook Page:

The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.

It is going to be 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ohio-Talk <ohio-talk-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of Richard Payne
via Ohio-Talk
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2019 8:42 PM
To: 'NFB of Ohio Announcement and Discussion List' <ohio-talk at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Richard Payne <rchpay7 at gmail.com>
Subject: [Ohio-talk] Emailing: April leadership weekend final ed

You will find the agenda for the week end attached and in the body of this
message. Let's go build the federation.

The Blind Leading the Blind into the Future  Leading to Equality

DoubleTree by Hilton Columbus - Worthington
175 Hutchinson Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43235

NFB Pledge
I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation
of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind;
to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its

The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the
characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.

2019 BELL Academy Affiliate Training


Friday Afternoon - German Village Room

3:00	Introductions

3:20	Administration
	1.  Recruiting
	2.  Registration and Release Forms
	3.  Insurance and Other Legal Matters
	4.   Volunteers
	5.  Transportation
	6.  Lunches and Snacks
	7.  Supplies (Art, ADL, etc.)
	8.  Field Trips
	9.  Theme and Give-aways
		"Hands on Art" Intact Sketch Pads

5:20	Break

5:30   Daily Schedules
	1.  First Day
	2.  Last Day
	3.  Every Day

6:10	Lesson Demo and Debrief

6:35	Another Lesson Demo and Debrief

7:00	Adjourn for Dinner

Saturday - Cedar Room 

9:00	Guiding Principles

9:45	Discuss BELL Academy Site

10:00	Lesson Demo and Debrief

10:30	Another Lesson Demo and Debrief 

11:00	Parent Education

12:00	Learning-Shade Lunch

1:15	Classroom Management
	1.  Establishing the Rules
	2.  Getting Attention
	3. "It's not what you can see; it's what you can do!"
	4.  Transitions 

2:15	Fundraising and Budget

3:00	Break

3:10 	Reporting and Program Assessment
	BELL is funded by grants from Wells Fargo.  To continue receiving 
	these funds, we must generate reports documenting our work.
States who submit reports on time receive a share of the funds.

3:50	Final Q & A

4:00	Adjournment

Sunday - Cedar Room 

Agenda: Board of Directors Meeting
10:00 A.M. -- Call to Order: Richard Payne, NFB OHIO Affiliate President
Roll Call: Eric Duffy, NFB of OHIO Secretary 
     Introductions of audience
     Approval of January meeting minutes Financial report: Sherry Ruth, NFB
of OHIO Treasurer Braille literacy class update: Marianne Denning and Debby
Baker, NFB of OHIO Braille Instructors Update on the Bell Academy: Eric
Duffy, NFB of OHIO Bell Coordinator Best practices for financial
record-keeping for chapters and divisions:
Sherry Ruth, NFB of OHIO Treasurer
Butler County Chapter
Student division
National Convention Assistance
Contributions to various funds
A: Kenneth Jernigan Fund
B: Sun Shares
C: White Cane
D: Imagination Fund
E: tenBroek Fund
Note: TenBroek Fund check should be written to the tenBroek Fund. The other
checks should each be written on a separate check to the NFB  that
identifies the fund in the memo portion of the check and then placed in a
separate envelope that is also identified on the outside, with the name of
the affiliate, the fund name and the amount (including both checks and cash)
included, and the pledge amount written on the envelope.
     Other business 
     Date of next state board meeting

     Noon - lunch sponsored by Magnifiers and More, Debbie Kogler Leadership
1:30 P.M. -- Funding the movement and the relationship to active membership
Richard Payne, NFB OHIO Affiliate President

2:00 P.M. -- The importance of leadership and building the Federation Mark
Riccobono, National Federation of the Blind, National President 
2:45 P.M. -- The difficulties of running meetings and committees and the
importance of playing the presidential release President Richard Payne and
Vice President Sheri Albers along with other leaders

3:00 P.M. -- Writing and distributing press releases and other aspects of
his job
Chris Danielsen, NFB Public Relations     

3:45 P.M. - 15-minute break

4:00 P.M. -- Effective communications strategies NFB Director of
Communications, Stephanie Cascone

4:45 P.M. -- Announcements and Instructions

5:00 P.M. -- Dinner

7:00 P.M. -- The membership onboarding process Suzanne Turner, NFB OHIO
membership committee Co-Chair

8:00 P.M. -- The pledge and message of the National Federation of the Blind
Barbara Pierce, NFB of OHIO board member 

8:30 P.M. -- How the Federation is changing the lives of blind people all
over the world Richard Payne and Eric Duffy, NFB OHIO Presidents in Action

9:00 P.M. -- Adjournment

Legislative Seminar

Monday - Cedar Room

9:00 A.M. -- Assembling legislative packets

9:45 A.M. -- Mobility and best practices for using the white cane Dave Perry
and other members of the Federation Meet in the lobby of the hotel.
11:00 A.M. -- Lunch on your own  

1:00 P.M. -- Welcome
Richard Payne, Ohio Affiliate President, National Federation of the Blind of
Ohio Introductions Michael Leiterman, NFB of OHIO Legislative Committee

1:10 P.M. -- Legislative process in the Ohio House of Representatives

2:15 P.M. -- Break

2:30 P.M. -- Testimony at committee hearings Lisa Wurm, Disability Rights

3:30 P.M. -- Presentation etiquette
Barbara Pierce, NFB OHIO board member

4:00 P.M. -- The importance of follow-up and being persistent Michael
Leiterman, NFB of OHIO Legislative Committee Co-Chair 

4:30 P.M. -- Fact sheets and packet distribution
4:45 P.M. -- Break

5:00 P.M. -- Great gathering-in banquet

Buckeye Rooms 1 & 2

7:00 P.M. -- Legislative agenda review and Q/A

9:00 P.M. -- Adjournment
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April leadership weekend final ed

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