[Ohio-Talk] FW: Together We Will Make A Difference

Smith, JW smithj at ohio.edu
Mon Aug 12 15:07:29 UTC 2019



Dr. jw Smith
School of Communication Studies
Scripps College of Communication
Ohio University
Schoonover Center
20 E. Union St,
Athens, OH 45701
smithj at ohio.edu<mailto:smithj at ohio.edu>
T: 740-593-4838

One way to deal with the past is to change what you can…and can what you can’t.

My Bio<https://www.ohiocommstudies.com/people/smith/>

Check out some of my music here<https://store.cdbaby.com/Artist/JWSmith1> and here<https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/jwsmith22>

From: Mike DeWine <info at mikedewine.com>
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2019 4:27 PM
To: Smith, JW <smithj at ohio.edu>
Subject: Together We Will Make A Difference



Dear Friend,

Early last Sunday morning in Dayton, a gunman shot and killed nine people in the Oregon entertainment district. Fran and I toured the scene later that day with the mayor and Dayton police. We saw the crime scene tape, bullet markings, and blood that was still on the street.

On Tuesday, I announced several initiatives aimed at reducing gun violence, increasing public safety, and expanding mental health care.

Let me explain some of my proposals, many of which we have been working on for a long time.

I am calling for the legislature to pass a law allowing courts to issue Safety Protection Orders for people who present an imminent risk of injury to themselves or others and who have access to weapons. This is not a “red flag” law. Our proposal has been crafted with the input of Ohio’s Second Amendment community to ensure that due process rights are followed throughout the legal process. The state will not be taking guns from law-abiding citizens who have the right to possess them. However, this law will, in my opinion be effective and save lives.

I have also called for the legislature to pass a law that requires background checks for all firearms sales in the state, but with exceptions for gifts between family members and other reasonable situations. Again, it’s about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, not infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens.

Far too often violent criminals access guns illegally, and law enforcement consistently tells me they are often the most likely to commit more violent crime with a firearm. I am asking for tougher penalties for violent felons who commit gun crimes and for increased penalties for those who commit felonies who use guns in the commission of a crime. I am also calling for increased penalties for those who illegally furnish guns to minors.

I am also proposing that we increase penalties for those who buy guns illegally for other people, better known as “straw” purchasing.

When our kids go to school, we want them to learn in a safe environment. This is why in the budget that I just signed, we have expanded our school safety tip line where kids and adults can anonymously call 844-723-3764 with tips about potential school violence, and we have widened our ability to track social media threats through the Ohio Department of Public Safety.

We have a mental health problem affecting Ohio’s children, many of whom have been impacted by traumatic experiences. This affects their ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. In the state budget that just took effect, we invested $675 million for all of our school districts to use for “wrap around” services to help address the unprecedented social and emotional challenges our kids are facing today.

Today I also announced that my office and the Ohio Children’s Hospital Association will host a statewide pediatric mental health summit in Dayton on September 26.

My proposals are Constitutional, can pass in the Ohio General Assembly, and will work to save lives.

In the coming days, I will need your support for these proposals.

There is a saying that “tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.” Now is our time to be strong and come together to save lives.

Fran, Lt. Governor Husted and Tina, and I appreciate your support, and ask for your prayers in the days ahead.

Very respectfully yours,


Mike DeWine

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Mike DeWine for Ohio | 211 S. Fifth Street, Columbus, OH 43215
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