[Ohio-Talk] Fwd: Ohio Transportation Equity Forum......please share and help us get the word out!

Jordy Stringer jssocil at gmail.com
Wed Aug 28 13:46:26 UTC 2019

Greetings friends and colleagues, I wanted to share the below announcement with you all.  This was a well attended event last year. Additionally there was much discussion about the national Federation of the blind and its efforts setting precedents in the area of transportation. I encourage as many who can to attend. If you can’t access any of the information in the email please reach out to Kathy directly.

Jordy D. Stringer
Executive Director, Southeastern Ohio Center for Independent Living 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Kathy Foley <kfoley at sil-oh.org>
> Date: August 26, 2019 at 3:11:07 PM EDT
> To: Amy Hockman <hockmanan at cota.com>, Amy Vedoba <avedoba at ucpcleveland.org>, Beca Sheidler <bsheidler at psa3.org>, Beth Kowalczyk <kowalczyk at ohioaging.org>, Carl Clemmons <punkpitstp at aol.com>, Carolyn Connley <carolyn.conley at hapcap.org>, Celia Schloemer <celia.schloemer at cchmc.org>, Dan Hunt <dhunt at tarta.com>, Debbie Morris <debbie at wrilc.org>, Ellis jacobs <ejacobs at ablelaw.org>, Florence Parker <fparker at oki.org>, Gary Loach <gary.loach at capabilitiesinc.biz>, Janice Dzigiel <jdzigiel at ridestc.org>, Jeff Corzine <jeffrey.corzine at uhc.com>, Jeremy Morris <jmorris at ohiosilc.org>, Jimmy Russell <jrussell at abilitycenter.org>, Jordan Ballinger <jballinger at disabilityrightsohio.org>, Jordy Stringer <jssocil at gmail.com>, "Karen Garland (k.garland at gesmv.org)" <k.garland at gesmv.org>, Kat Lyons <klyons at cilo.net>, Katie Hunt Thomas <kthomas at abilitycenter.org>, Kim Gray <kimberly.gray at uhc.com>, Kim Kelly <kkelly_73 at hotmail.com>, Lauren Kraft <lkraft at disabilityrightsohio.org>, Matthew Martin <martin.1227 at osu.edu>, Megan Thirion <mthirion at geaugadd.org>, Nancy Green <ngreen at help4seniors.org>, Olivia Hook <Olivia.Hook at dot.ohio.gov>, Pam Davies <pjd at wrilc.org>, Patricia Kovacs <pkovacs at att.net>, Paul Jarvis <paul.jarvis at dodd.ohio.gov>, Polly Doran <pdoran at help4seniors.org>, Rajai Saleh <rsaleh27 at gmail.com>, Rebecca Myers <Rebecca.Myers at dodd.ohio.gov>, Regina Everhart <reberhart at atu.org>, Renee Wood <babydoe8 at aol.com>, Richelle Mills <rmills at geaugadd.org>, Sarah White <swhite at mpo.noaca.org>, Sean Sammon <ssammon at omegadistrict.org>, Shannon Hursey <slhursey at yahoo.org>, Shari Veleba <veleba.cde at gmail.com>, Stacy Collins <stacy.collins at dodd.ohio.gov>, Stephen Gibbs <sgibbs14 at cinci.rr.com>, Steven Wagner <swagner at uhcanohio.org>, Sue Willis <suewillis at columbus.rr.com>, Sue Willis <axiscenter at columbus.rr.com>, Tad Peck <tadpeck at lucyidolcenter.org>, Tam Blakely <tblakely at tlctrc.org>, Thomas Hess <thomas.hess at dodd.ohio.gov>, Travis Dresbach <tdresbach at pickawaydd.org>, Alisa Davis <adavis at gcrta.org>, Amy Hook <cloah03 at att.net>, Amy Smith <smith.amy at cuyahogabdd.org>, Andrew Katusin <akatusin at unitedwaycleveland.org>, Barry Kuzmickas <kuzmickas.barry at cuyahogabdd.org>, Becky Stevens <bstevens at ohio.net>, Ben Mordush <bmordush at laketran.com>, Beth Gutridge <bgutridge at aol.com>, Beverly Charles <beverly.charles at mail.house.gov>, Carolyn O'Connor <Carolyn.O'Connor at ood.ohio.gov>, Cathy Rush <rushc at helpfoundationinc.org>, Cedric Lawson <clawson at civilrights.org>, Cheryl Crahen <ccrahen at metrohealth.org>, Dan Jindra <DnielJindra at cox.net>, Daniella Lachina <daniella.lachina at lasclev.org>, "darrell Townsend (Darrelltownsend122 at gmail.com)" <Darrelltownsend122 at gmail.com>, Donzel Shepard <denzwinz at hotmail.com>, Elisabeth Brassell <ejbrassell at ameritech.net>, Fauad Yared <fyared at clevelandtenants.org>, Heather Bates <hmbates at gcrta.org>, Jackie Chavez-Anderson <andersonj at north-olmsted.com>, James Lamb <jameslamb263 at yahoo.com>, Jamie Rhoads <Jamie.rhoads at OOD.ohio.gov>, Jen Ross <jross at mcmobilitysystems.com>, Karen Seidman <kseidmanconsulting at gmail.com>, karen webb <kwebb at areaagingsolutions.org ">, Katie Gedeon <kgedeon at city.cleveland.oh.us>,	" Ken Prendergast at cox.net " <kjprendergast at cox.net>, Kerry Jonke	<KJonke at laketran.com>, Larry Rodriguez <lrodriguez7770 at gmail.com>, Lisa Zarzour <lisazarzour at gmail.com>, Mary Namy <marenamy46 at yahoo.com>, Melanie Chapman-Bowen <vannangel at sbcglobal.net>, Melissa Baker <mbaker2013 at aol.com>,	" Nancy Pallazzo " <np.0301 at yahoo.com>, Noelle Tsevdos	<tsevdos.noelle at cuyahogabdd.org>, Oliver Draper <odraper at gcrta.org>, Pam Broski <pbroski69 at gmail.com>, Paul Porter <paul.porter at jfs.ohio.gov>, " Ricky V.Ward " <ricky-ward at att.net>, Sam Henderson <shenderson at gcrta.org>, Saphire Murphy <smurph43 at kent.edu>, Sarah Finch	<finchs at communitypartnershiponaging.org>, Scott Williams-Riseng <sriseng at clevelandsightcenter.org>, Sharon Pearson <sharonpearson44074 at gmail.com>, Susan Randall Alexander <suehoney1980 at sbcglobal.net>">
> Subject: Ohio Transportation Equity Forum......please share and help us get the word out!
> Ohio Transportation Equity Forum 2019
> Hosted by
> The Ohio Aging and Disability Transportation Equity Coalition
> 9:00 A.M. – 3:30 P.M. 
> Doors and registration open at 8:30
> 1394 Community Park Dr., Columbus, OH 43229
> Access to affordable, safe and accessible transportation is the oftentimes the determining factor for degree of community inclusion for persons with disabilities and the aging population.  Please join us for a day of learning and lively conversation addressing barriers to transportation, potential solutions, upcoming practices, and the intersection of health and transportation.   Presenters include state and national subject matter experts including legislators, Ohio Department Directors and their key staff and more. 
> There is no cost for this forum.            Lunch will be provided.
> Please note:  To accommodate participants with asthma, multiple chemical sensitivity and other breathing issues, this is a fragrance-free program so please refrain from wearing perfumes, colognes and other fragrances.
> Accommodations:  If you are a person with a disability needing accommodations, please contact Kathy Foley at 216-731-1529 or email at kfoley at sil-oh.org by September 17.  We will make every effort to provide requested accommodations.
> Assistance with travel costs:   Limited funds are available to reimburse persons with disabilities with travel costs associated with attending the forum.  Should you need assistance please call Kathy Foley at 216-731-1529 or email at kfoley at sil-oh.org by September 17th.
> To Register:   Please click on or copy and paste the following URL:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ohio-transportation-equity-forum-tickets-70534274915    Please be sure to let us know if you will be joining us for lunch!
> Agenda
> 8:00 – 9:00   Registration
> 9:00 - 9:15   Welcome and housekeeping
> 9:15 – 10:30   Keynote:  Autonomous Vehicles and Implications for Persons with Disabilities
> 10:30-12:00   Panel:  The Intersection of Transportation and Health
> 12-12:45 LUNCH
> 12:45 – 2:00    Panel: Transportation from Perspective of State Directors and
>                                          their staff.
> 2:00– 3:15      Panel: Potential Funding Options
> 3:15 -3:30   Wrap-up
> Thank you to the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council for their generous support of this project!
> Katherine Foley, LSW
> Executive Director
> Services for Independent Living
> 26250 Euclid Avenue, Suite 801
> Euclid, OH 44132
> T. 216.731.1529 x301
> F. 216.731.3083
> 711 Ohio Relay Service
> sil-oh.org
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