[Ohio-talk] Fwd: Youth Leadership Forum

Jordy Stringer jordystringer83 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 16:57:42 UTC 2019

Hi there, I wanted to share the below opportunity for any students that you know of who might be eligible. It’s a really cool opportunity and provides a unique insight into the real life expectations individuals might find when looking for leader ship opportunities as individuals with disabilities.
I’m happy to help any student through the application process or answer any questions they or their familys might have.

Jordy D. Stringer
believe you can and you’re halfway there. 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Jordy Stringer <jssocil at sbcglobal.net>
> Date: January 15, 2019 at 11:53:46 AM EST
> To: Beth Martin <bmartin at lhsd.k12.oh.us>
> Cc: "jordystringer83 at gmail.com" <jordystringer83 at gmail.com>
> Subject: Youth Leadership Forum
> Greetings and good morning, I hope this message finds each of you well.
> I wanted to make you aware that applications for the 2019 Ohio Youth Leadership Forum are now available!  Please share with students who will be Juniors or Seniors in the 2019/2020 school
> year.  I would love to see at least two of our students attend.  I am available
> to assist any student with the application process or talk with them about what YLF is.  The best way to see it is to visit the YouTube page 
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX2Ab5_MBHMgzOyVieJWk-A.
> Here is the link to the application:
> http://ohioylf.com/our_community/delegate/
> Thanks in advance for your help spreading the word.
> Jordy D. Stringer

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