[Ohio-Talk] Hotel Registration for the NFBO State Convention

Sheri Albers sheri.albers87 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 16:28:55 UTC 2019

Hello NFBO,

This is a reminder that the deadline for making room reservations for the
state convention is Friday October 11, 2019. Please call 614-885-3334, and
let them know you are with the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio
Convention and the room rate should be $89 per night. After this date, they
will release our block of rooms. 

I also hope you are all pre-registering online at www.nfbohio.org
<http://www.nfbohio.org>  and taking advantage of the savings of
pre-registration costs. The deadline for pre-registration is October 24,
2019. For those of you who do not have access to a computer, there is a
printable form on Ohio-talk that can be filled out and mailed to me, and a
check mailed to Sherry Ruth. Chapter presidents, please help your members
with this task. Thank you.


Sheri Albers, Vice President

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio


Sheri.albers87 at gmail.com


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