[Ohio-Talk] FW: Job Posting for a TVI

Richard Payne rchpay7 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 00:40:00 UTC 2020

This may be for someone on this list.


From: Durkin, Andreana <Andreana_Durkin at boces.monroe.edu> 
Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 11:22 AM
To: Undisclosed recipients:
Subject: Job Posting for a TVI


Good morning,


I'm wondering if you can forward a TVI job posting to your network or
recommend someone for the position? We are hoping to have a number of
qualified applicants. The posting is here:





Thank you in advance for your time,


Andreana Durkin, Interpreter Supervisor 

Deaf/ASL Education - Vision/Orientation & Mobility 

Monroe One Educational Services

41 O'Connor Road, Fairport, N.Y. 14450 

Phone: 585-249-7012 

VP: 585-643-6678

Fax: 585-249-7883

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