[Ohio-Talk] General Session Today at 9:00 AM And Meetings This afternoon

Suzanne Turner smturner.234 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 13:09:13 UTC 2020

9:00 - Noon                              GENERAL SESSION
<https://zoom.us/j/4081850851> https://zoom.us/j/4081850851; Phone: 669 900
6833, ID: 4081850851

9:00 am                Call to order, Suzanne Turner, Vice President, NFB of

9:05 am           Invocation: Joanne Williams, Member, Cleveland chapter 

9:10 am           Diversity, Inclusion, and Mutual Respect, Delcenia Brown,
Jim Weiss, and Wilbert Turner

9:40 am                What's happening with Disability Rights Ohio (DRO)
Kerstin Sjoberg, Executive Director, Disability Rights Ohio 

10:00 am         Creating Meaningful Career Opportunities for the Blind at
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Thomas D. Robinson, former Director of
Contracting, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Wright-Patterson Air
Force Base, Ohio, former Chairman of the Ability One Commission 

10:30 am:            Why I'm a Federationist, William Turner, Member, NFB
Ohio Board of Directors

10:50               Presidential Report: The Vision beyond Vision, Richard
Payne, President,  NFB of Ohio 

11:10 am             Living the Life You Want with Dual Disabilities. Todd
Elzey, blindness and hearing loss; Eric Duffy, blindness and cerebral palsy;
Maggie Stringer, blindness and hearing loss; Debbie Baker, blindness and
cerebral palsy

11:50 am             Announcements

Noon Recess

Noon to 1:45 pm                    Hospitality Room will be open for an
opportunity to mix and mingle
<https://zoom.us/j/4081850851> https://zoom.us/j/4081850851; Phone: 669 900
6833, ID: 4081850851

12:30 to 1:45 pm                   Ohio Parents of Blind Children Meeting
with special guest Carlton Anne Cook Walker, President of the National
Organization of Parents of Blind Children (NOPBC)
https://zoom.us/j/92563561932?pwd=VUNScTgxNkRxRDczQTJmdEIvNFZ1dz09; Meeting
ID: 925 6356 1932; Passcode: 889316

12:30 to 1:45 pm             NFB of Ohio Senior Division Meeting, Barbara
Pierce, President
Meeting ID: 813 2617 8270; Passcode: 845630

12:30 to 1:45 pm             Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users (OAGDU)
Meeting, Deanna Lewis, President
https://zoom.us/j/96933531904?pwd=bVZuY1RjRW9qc1FTMWRGY1BJNXlYQT09; Meeting
ID: 969 3353 1904; Passcode: 820219

2:00 to 3:50 pm                      Meet our NFB Training Centers, Andra
Stover, Moderator; BLIND, Inc.: It's Your Future, We Can Help You Build It!,
Jennifer Kennedy, Executive Director, and Rachel Kuntz, Resource Development
Coordinator; Colorado Center, Julie Deden, Executive Director; and Louisiana
Center for the Blind, Pam Allen, Executive Director. Join us to learn more
about how training can help you live the life you want. Come learn and ask
questions about the possibilities.
https://zoom.us/j/93672590200?pwd=eXFwWUdaUFJ3eHhxTHl3Y0VUWGJLUT09; Meeting
ID: 936 7259 0200; Passcode: 846846

2:00 to 3:50 pm                      Workshop: Innovation in STEM Access for
Blind Students and Science Lovers, Moderator, Caroline Karbowski, Founder
and CEO of See3D, Inc. 3rd year biology and chemistry major, Ohio State
Meeting ID: 836 6665 3490; Passcode: 007918


2:00 to 2:05pm  Setup, introductions, and sending out speaker notes

2:05 to 2:20 pm SciAccess: Making Space for Everyone, Anna Voelker,
Accessible Astronomy Specialist, Coordinator of Outreach, Ohio State
University Department of Astronomy; Co-presenters, Michaela Deming and
Caitlin O'Brien, SciAccess Program Assistants and Astronomy and Astrophysics
students at OSU

2:20 to 2:35 pm Accessibility Options for Informal STEAM Education, Adrienne
Provenzano, NASA/JPL-CalTech Solar System Ambassador and CASIS Space Station
Explorers Ambassador

2:35 to 2:50 pm STEM Education and Students with Sight Loss in a Post-COVID
World, Dr. Mahadeo A. Sukhai, Head of Research and Chief Accessibility
Officer, CNIB, and co-principal, IDEA-STEM

2:50 to3:05 pm Hand-Catching Science: Tactile Graphics and Models Bring STEM
Concepts to Life in Museums and at Home, Lindsay Yazzolino, Tactile Design
Specialist, TouchGraphics, Inc., tactile technology consultant and nonvisual
designer, former cognitive neuroscience researcher

3:05 to 3:20 pm Inclusive STEM Education with the Graphiti Dynamic Tactile
Graphic Display, Venkatesh Chari, President, Orbit Research

3:20 to 3:30 pm See3D Summer 2020: Growing and Adapting our 3D Printing
Distribution, See3D Team, Kara Herzog, Social Media Manager (OSU), Annika
Srivastava, Learning Plans Creator (Oswego East High School), Emily Kiehl,
Team Coordinator (UC), Garrett Carder, CTO (OSU)

3:30 to 3:40 pm My Work and Research on Promoting Equitable Access to
Science Education for Students with Visual Impairments, Ying-Ting Chiu,
Ph.D. in Teaching and Learning, Ohio State University

3:40 to 3:50 pm NFB Engineering Quotient, Dr. Natalie L. Shaheen, Assistant
Professor of Low Vision and Blindness, Department of Spec


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