[Ohio-Talk] OH. DAN Meeting

Wanda wsloan118 at roadrunner.com
Mon Oct 5 00:33:56 UTC 2020

HAY GANG!!        the Diabetes Action Net (DAN) is having their

Monthly meeting.

This Saturday, October, 10, 2020, 10:00 am, You will be participating in
learning how a diabetic manages Their blood sugars without medication and
dietary control.

So, call in and listen to Mr. Robert Smith from Atlanta Georgia.

Tell you his story.



Just Dial Us:

605) 475-4882


Access code:  889 687

We will also be discussing State Convention activities and Nominations for
OH Board Election.


President-Susan Day

Vice President-Walter Mitchell

Treasure-Collene Roth

Secretary-Wanda M. Sloan

Board Chair-Sue Ott


Diabetic Educator-Sandra K/ Mernen-Kettering Medical Center OH. Affiliate
President-Richard Payne Our Mission

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