Smith, JW smithj at ohio.edu
Wed Oct 28 19:07:18 UTC 2020

                I know that I have sent this song out once before but something tells me that some of you need to dance and feel happy, so enjoy!

It sounds even better if you have some good headphones.


Dr. jw Smith
School of Communication Studies
Scripps College of Communication
Ohio University
Schoonover Center
20 E. Union St,
Athens, OH 45701
smithj at ohio.edu<mailto:smithj at ohio.edu>
T: 740-593-4838

Every shut eye ain't sleep.

Check out my latest book here<https://www.amazon.com/Back-Bus-Front-Classroom-Thirty-Year/dp/0578579677/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=from+the+back+of+the+bus+jw+smith&qid=1570358199&sr=8-1> and here<https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/from-the-back-of-the-bus-to-the-front-of-the-classroom-jw-smith/1133805213?ean=9780578579672>

Check out some of my music here<https://store.cdbaby.com/Artist/JWSmith1> and here<https://store.cdbaby.com/cd/jwsmith22>

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