[Ohio-Talk] National Federation of the Blind of Ohio Scholarship Announcement

Kinshuk Tella kinshuk.tella at gmail.com
Tue Aug 10 04:58:26 UTC 2021

Huge Congratulations to the 2021 Scholarship winners!!! You are all very
well deserving, and we are all very excited to see where your journey takes

On Mon, Aug 9, 2021 at 1:59 PM Jordy Stringer <jssocil at gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings federation family, I write this message to you on behalf of  the
> National Federation of the Blind of Ohio's Scholarship committee. It is our
> hope that this message finds each of you well and safe.
> As many of you know, every year we facilitate a scholarship program
> intended to benefit blind college students and  even during the pandemic
> this effort has withstood all tests. It is our great pleasure to interduce
> all of you to three students who have not allowed the pandemic and its
> limitations to  determine how high they fly. These are very deserving
> individuals and we want you to embrace them and share the love of the
> National Federation of the Blind.
>  First is, Ms. Camryn Gatuso:
> Camryn attends Stark State, her current major is Sociology, and she is
> also considering Early Childhood studies. Camryn Writes in her essay:  What
> makes me stand out from the crowd is that I am always willing to listen to
> everybody else's advice. I am also very modest and have a strong level of
> empathy, especially for people who are less fortunate than I am, are facing
> challenges in life, or those who need somebody to talk to. Additionally, I
> believe that everyone deserves to be heard and understood.
> Next is Ms. Marieke Michelle Davis:
> In the fall Marieke will attend the Columbus College of Art and Design.
> She has earned her way on to the dean's list at the Herberger Institute for
> Design and the Arts. She has also been awarded the Herberger IDEA Showcase
> Audience Choice Award for her creation of print and audio versions of
> graphic series, "Ember Black" (2016
> Marieke reflects: As someone whose high school vocational -Rehab counselor
> once declared that since I am visually impaired, I could never become an
> artist, I know the value of encouragement, inclusion, and empowerment.  I
> hope that, someday, I may make a difference in our enjoyment of art and our
> understanding of one another’s needs, capabilities, and potential.
> Finally, we introduced Mr. Jaxon Schwoebel:
> Jackson  will be attending Cleveland State University this fall and will
> double major in communications and English. He has many interests including
> advocating for the rights of the blind, attending his first Washington
> Seminar in 2016; Jackson also aspires to be a cane travel instructor.
> Schwoebel has worked for the Colorado Center for the Blind's Summer youth
> program and has also been honored as a member of his school's dean's list.
> Jaxon  says:         When I first lost the little sight I had, I did not
> know what to do. My family did not know what to do either. For a while, we
> looked around for other organizations and people that I could meet so this
> way my family and I could meet other blind individuals. At this moment, is
> when I met the National Federation of the Blind. Since meeting the National
> Federation of the Blind, my whole outlook on blindness has changed. I know
> that blindness is not the characteristic that defines me and that I can do
> anything with the right skills and training.
> We were only able to select three finalists and we have so many more
> applications then awards to give. The final determination for each of the
> three awards will be announced at the banquet at our upcoming state
> convention. Any applicant who did not make this list should strongly
> consider applying during the next application period . You all are
> amazingly accomplished and you should take pride in that. We will look
> forward to welcoming these candidates at our up-coming state convention on
> November 5th to November 7th and we look forward to seeing all of you as
> well.
> --
> Jordy D. Stringer, Executive Director
> Southeastern Ohio Center for Independent Living, 418 South Broad Street
> Lancaster, OH 43130
> <https://www.google.com/maps/search/418+South%0D%0ABroad+Street+Lancaster,+OH+43130?entry=gmail&source=g>
> E-mail: jssocil at gmail.com
> Phone: (740) 689-1494 EXT (11)
> "Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with
> love and reverence."
>  -Henry David Thoreau
Kinshuk Tella

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