[Ohio-Talk] The OLBPD Spring Newsletter Is Now Available!
Michael Moore
mmoore11 at kent.edu
Fri Mar 19 14:07:45 UTC 2021
Updates from the Ohio Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled
Updates from the Ohio Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled <https://images.e2ma.net/images/spacer.gif>
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/bquwxd/n73sa3/fxyz1o> OLBPD Logo
OLBPD Dimensions Newsletter
The Spring Edition is Now Available!
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/bquwxd/n73sa3/vpzz1o> Cherry blossom tree in bloom
The spring edition of the OLBPD newsletter is now available to read. It features news from OLBPD, including an update about the braille e-reader pilot, and plans for the Library to begin sending cartridges to patrons with more than one book. This edition also includes news from NLS, and the "Hot List" returns after a long winter. Newsletter formats include audio, braille, and large print.
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/bquwxd/n73sa3/bi0z1o> GO TO THE SPRING NEWSLETTER
Remote Programming Survey Still Open
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/bquwxd/n73sa3/ra1z1o> Lighted question mark
OLBPD is interested in patron feedback on whether we should expand our selection of remote programming beyond our monthly adult book chats, and add more programming options in 2021. Following this link will take patrons to a brief online survey consisting of four questions. Thank you for taking the time to share feedback as we look to gauge interest in developing and expanding more programs to readers throughout Ohio.
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/bquwxd/n73sa3/721z1o> TAKE THE REMOTE PROGRAMMING SURVEY
Celebrate the 90th Anniversary of NLS
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/bquwxd/n73sa3/nv2z1o> Person holding balloons
The National Library Service (NLS) for the Blind and Print Disabled kicked off its 90th Anniversary on March 3rd with a free virtual concert featuring acclaimed jazz pianist Matthew Whitaker. The concert is available through the Library of Congress YouTube channel. NLS will be highlighting its history and services provided to patrons with programming throughout the year.
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/bquwxd/n73sa3/3n3z1o> NLS 90TH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT FEATURING MATTHEW WHITAKER
The Quotable BARD
Difficulty: Medium
Do you know the title of this book published in 1955, and the third and final volume of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings?
“Do you remember the Shire, Mr. Frodo? It'll be spring soon. And the orchards will be in blossom. And the birds will be nesting in the hazel thicket. And they'll be sowing the summer barley in the lower fields... and eating the first of the strawberries with cream. Do you remember the taste of strawberries?”
Hint: In 2003, this book was made into an epic fantasy adventure directed by Peter Jackson!
Not registered for BARD? <https://t.e2ma.net/click/bquwxd/n73sa3/jg4z1o> Register for BARD and start downloading books including the title and answer to the Quotable BARD trivia question.
<https://t.e2ma.net/click/bquwxd/n73sa3/z84z1o> THE ANSWER IS...
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Ohio Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled at Cleveland Public Library
In Ohio Toll-Free Phone: 1-800-362-1262
Email us: OLBPD at cpl.org
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