[Ohio-Talk] COVID-19

Maggie Stringer ravensfan784 at gmail.com
Wed May 12 15:16:33 UTC 2021

Ohioans, have you been vaccinated yet?

To register online:

To register by phone:
(833) 427-5634

Find locations by text message. Text your zip code to:

What should I bring to my vaccination appointment?
Some vaccination sites ask for proof of identity or eligibility.
Officials recommend that you bring a driver’s license or another
state-issued ID that shows your name, age and state residency, and
your health insurance card, if you have one. You will not be charged,
but the vaccine provider may bill your insurer a fee for administering
the vaccination. If you are prioritized because of an underlying
medical condition or based on your work, you may need a note from your
doctor, a pay stub or badge, or some other form of proof.

(The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says to
wear a mask at your appointment.)

Will I have to do this again in the future?
It’s not yet known how long immunity from a coronavirus vaccination
lasts and whether it needs to be administered on a regular basis like
a flu shot.

What should I do with my vaccine card?
You should get a small white card at your vaccination appointment with
your name, birth date, name of the vaccine you received and the date
it was administered. If you receive the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine,
bring your card when you get your second shot. You may need your
vaccine card for certain kinds of travel or other activities, so keep
it in a safe place. You can take a photo of it with your smartphone
for your own records. Experts say that posting a photo of your card to
social media could make you vulnerable to identity theft. If you lose
your card or did not receive one, contact your vaccine provider or
your local health department to get a copy.

Should I still wear a mask after getting vaccinated?
It depends. Experts are still learning about how vaccines affect the
spread of COVID-19, so the CDC recommends taking precautions in public
even after you’re vaccinated. That includes wearing masks and social
distancing in many situations and avoiding large indoor crowds. It
takes two weeks to build immunity after the single-dose shot and after
the second dose of the two-dose shots. After that, fully vaccinated
people can gather indoors with other fully vaccinated people without
wearing a mask or staying 6 feet apart, the CDC says. They can also
gather indoors with unvaccinated people from one other household
without having to wear masks, unless anyone is at high risk for severe
COVID-19. Vaccinated people also don’t need to wear masks at outdoor
gatherings with small groups of vaccinated and unvaccinated people,
the CDC says. That includes eating with friends outdoors at a
restaurant. But the CDC recommends masks for large outdoor events and
for indoor activities like eating inside a restaurant, shopping and
attending religious services.

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National federation of the Blind of Ohio
Community Service Committee
nfbohiocs at gmail.com

"I am filled with hope, energy, and love by participating in the
National Federation of The Blind because my expectations are raised,
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