[Ohio-Talk] Agenda Requests for National Convention

Jordy Stringer jssocil at gmail.com
Thu May 27 00:17:03 UTC 2021

Good evening all, I hope this note finds you all well.

As was discussed in this evenings meeting should you need Braille or Large
print agendas you can send your request to me at:

jssocil at gmail.com

and include your name, address, and what format you would prefer your
agenda in.

I will  do my absolute best to ensure that your agenda reaches you in a
timely manner.


Jordy D. Stringer, Executive Director

Southeastern Ohio Center for Independent Living, 418 South Broad Street
Lancaster, OH 43130

E-mail: jssocil at gmail.com

Phone: (740) 689-1494 EXT (11)

"Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with
love and reverence."

 -Henry David Thoreau

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