[Ohio-Talk] Tick Tock! It's Community Service Project Time!

Cheryl Fields cherylelaine1957 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 13:53:59 UTC 2021

HAPPY TUESDAY!!! It's twenty three days until NFB Ohio 2021
Convention!  and One week before the official Community Service
Affiliate Project mailing day of Wednesday October 20th! Please read
on for important details!

Our financial goal of $500.00 For the care and comfort of residents
that may have fled their homes with young children with only the
clothes on their backs. Fleeing a dangerous but, predictable situation
requires courage. Clothing, diapers, a child’s favorite blanket or
toy, personal
toiletry items, precious family photographs and keepsakes all left
behind. Your donation can help shelter residents maintain their
dignity, reinforce trust and hope in a broken situation. Your donation
will ease the strain on shelter staff, allowing them to say yes more
often to the everyday things we take for granted. To contribute,
please mail all cash donations on or before Wednesday October 20th,

NFB of Ohio, Todd Elzey, Treasurer, 3779 Waterbury Dr., Dayton, OH 45439
Thank you and don't forget to add, community service to the memo line
or enclosed a note.
Donation. Todd will mail single cash donation from the Ohio Affiliate
with a variety of NFB literature for staff and adult residents of

Thank you to Team Stringer for graciously agreeing to deliver Welcome
Kits and Snacks. Please mail on or before Wednesday October 20th,
completed kits and pre-packaged snacks to:

Jordy & Maggie Stringer
1991 Sunlight Court
Lancaster, Ohio 43130-7772

Again, mail cash donations, pre-packaged snacks and completed Welcome
Kits to addresses above, on or before Wednesday October 20th.

Using Amazon? Choose Amazon Smile-Ohio Council of the Blind! If you
have more questions or want additional details , do not hesitate to
call: cheryl at 216-566-4317.

Thank you for your compassion and commitment to be of service to others.


Cheryl E. fields, chair

NFB Ohio Community Service Committee


cherylelaine1957 at gmail.com

"I am filled with hope, energy, and love by participating in the
National Federation of The Blind because my expectations are raised,
my contributions make a difference to me and to others, and I can
celebrate the realization of my dreams with my Federation family”


A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human
life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will
never sit.
--D. Elton Trueblood

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