[Ohio-Talk] Piggest Raffle

Todd Elzey toddelzey at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 17:17:03 UTC 2022

Fellow Federationists:

It's almost the end of the Piggest Raffle. There is just a little over a
week left to buy your tickets by Saturday, April 30, 2022. As of this
morning, the NFB of Ohio has sold 123 tickets for a grand total of $615.
Now that's not bad, and we'll certainly put that money to good use, but we
can do far better.  Let's really ramp it up over the next week and get the
total up as high as we can so that we have the revenue to help newly
blinded Ohioans, promote our legislative education efforts, protect the
rights of guide dog users, improve employment opportunities for blind
Ohioans, and assist blind Ohioans who have been discriminated against
because of their blindness.

Remember tickets are only $5 apiece, and you could win $10,000, $5,000, or
a $1,500 weekend getaway to Cincinnati. And also remember that 100% of each
ticket sale goes to the NFB of Ohio.  To buy tickets go to
https://piggestraffleever.com/  Remember to select the National Federation
of the Blind of Ohio as the charity you wish to support to ensure that the
NFB of Ohio receives credit for your ticket purchases. Let's sell those
tickets this week so that we can change what it means to be blind in Ohio.

Todd Elzey, Treasurer
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

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