[Ohio-Talk] Piggest Raffle

Todd Elzey toddelzey at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 18:54:31 UTC 2022

Good afternoon again. I am writing with a slight correction regarding the
Piggest Raffle Dates.  The drawing is actually Sunday, May 1, 2022, and
online ticket sales will actually run through Saturday, April 30, 2022. But
let's not wait until that last day to make purchases. Go to
http://piggestraffleever.com/ to buy your Piggest Raffle tickets as soon as
you can. And of course, feel free to buy tickets multiple times if that
works out for your budget. And remember, when you buy tickets, make sure to
select the National Federation of the Blind of Ohio as the organization you
are supporting.

Todd Elzey, Chairman
NFB of Ohio Fundraising Committee
toddelzey at gmail.com / 315-879-1746

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