[Ohio-Talk] OAGDU Christmas Party

Deanna Lewis deannakay03 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 22:02:26 UTC 2022

Happy Howlidays from the Ohio Association of Guide Dog Users! Join us on Sunday, December 11 at 7:00 PM for our fourth annual Doggy Christmas Party. Guide dogs, service dogs, puppies in training, and pet dogs are welcome to participate in our fun doggy gift exchange. Dog owners (AKA the people) can join us via Zoom for some fun and festive activities. You could even win one of our Door prizes!
Please RSVP with Deanna Lewis at: Deannakay03 at gmail.com
as soon as possible. If your pup would like to participate in the gift exchange, please send me the following information (off-list) regarding good gift ideas for your dog. 
Dog’s name and age?
Do they like soft toys or are they a strong chewer?
Any favorite toys or other suggestions that may help in buying a gift? 
Is your dog allowed treats? If so, what types of treats do they prefer?
Your name and shipping address. 
The suggested price for gifts is $15. Items can be sent directly to the dog you are matched with. Deanna will play matchmaker and send you the information regarding the dog you and your pup will be shopping for. Please remember to send me your information as soon as possible, so that we can make sure everyone receives their gifts in time. Thanks so much!
Please stay tuned to the list for more information regarding the party, as it gets closer.

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